Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Content material Locker Professional for WP (Social Networking)

    Content material Locker Professional for WP (Social Networking)

    Content Locker for WordPress shortcode plugin allows you to automatically hide any content to users until they share or like it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google

    Content Locker for WordPress shortode supports is the must have viral marketing tool. Once installed, this plugin prompts the user to share a message in her Facebok/Twitter/Google before reading any content. Of course you can also hide your product download links so users has to share your site before downloads are possible.


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.

  • Contact Kind Entries Supervisor (Kinds)

    Contact Kind Entries Supervisor (Kinds)

    A contact form manager plugin that will collect the entries generated by the Contact Form 7 plugin.

  • Reactive Professional – Improve wordpress search, filter & grid (Utilities)

    Reactive Professional – Improve wordpress search, filter & grid (Utilities)

    Reactive Pro is a powerful searching, filtering & grid plugin for your WordPress site. It has a drag n drop “page builder” for the search, filter, and grid. You can choose any kind of “Post Type” and it will work with it. It grabs whole information about the “Post Type” , related Taxonomy, metadata – all values and helps to create a dynamic searching and filtering page.

    It also comes with a different design solution for the grid; it creates an open API, so anyone can create a design and push it without touching the plugin. It has grid design selector so admin can choose which design they want to put into the page.

    It provides “Ajax” based searching too, we coded whole searching system twice, one is for small data and one is for big data. Our test shows it will work with ten thousands of “post types” – that can be anything, WooCommerce product, real estate listings, directory anything. It provides extendable google maps with map marker, info window design overloading option. it supports google marker clusterer, with built in “google geocode” based searching, users own location, radius, and country based searching.

    We have added a geobox so a user can add their geo data easily into every post type, so it will be more searchable. It has SEO friendly URL and ability to change dynamically with the search event, Search function also works with shareable URL.

    We have added ISOTOPE based filter too, Category Grid, WordPress sidebar widget showing capability, Data security option from backend and many things. We used bleeding edge technology like npm, gulp, webpack, react.js, flexbox, ES6, php composer, less etc.

    Feature List

    • Quick & Easy Setup
    • Searching, filtering & grid
    • Works with any post type
    • 10 unique grid style chooser
    • 15 reusable search component
    • Drag & drop block builder
    • 5 block layout for base (Grid, Isotope grid, search, map, category)
    • Big data rendering
    • Data security
    • Built-in lightbox
    • Image lazy loading
    • Google map support
    • Multi-lingual
    • Fully responsive design
    • SEO friendly URl support
    • Data rendering from URL
    • AJAX support
    • Mobile Friendly
    • Up to 12 columns
    • Addons compatability
    • Themes and grid extendable compatability

    Language files included

    • Spanish
    • French
    • Italian
    • German
    • Russian
    • Dutch

    Note: Minimum php version required 5.4 and above.

    v1.0.0 – 12 August 16

    - initial release.

  • bbPress Type and shortcode for Visible composer (Add-ons)

    bbPress Type and shortcode for Visible composer (Add-ons)

    bbPress Style and shortcode for Visual composer is a plugin help you make your forum look pro.


    • Unlimited customize with font, color
    • Using bbPress shortcode via Visual Composer
    • Compatible with any themes
    • Design quality, make your forum look pro
    • Google Font support
    • Fully Responsive support, compatible with Mobile
    • Sample data included
    • Supper easy configuration
    • And more …

    Demo Account: demo Password: demo

    Version 1.0.0 - 08/08/2016
    - bbPress Style – First release
  • A/B Tester for WP (Add-ons)

    A/B Tester for WP (Add-ons)

    A/B Tester is a WordPress plugin that performs simple univariate A/B tests to compare the conversion rates of two different variants of some content, like text, a button or an image.

    Suppose you have button containing a Call To Action (like “Send a message”), and you would like to know if “Send me a message” would result in more visits to your contact form: You run an experiment in A/B Tester, in which half of your visitors see variant A, and half of them see variant B. When the test is over, the statistical analysis will tell you which variant performs better, and whether the result is statistically significant.

    Besides variations in inline content, with this Premium version you can also compare conversion rates for stylesheets and scripts, so the possibilities are endless. All tests and calculations are done on your existing WordPress installation, so there is no dependency on external services, and no monthly subscription!

  • Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression with FFmpeg Professional (Media)

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression with FFmpeg Professional (Media)

    Demo Screenshot

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression With FFmpeg Pro

    is a plugin that converts and compresses video files to the popular
    MP4 format using the powerful FFmpeg tool. It also offers direct support to
    customers at every stage of the process – installation, FFmpeg
    configuration and general usage.  It serves as an alternative
    for WordPress users to cumbersome video conversion and compression software
    that is currently available.  Not only is it easy to setup
    and easy to use, it taps into the way people already use WordPress by
    conveniently storing files in the WordPress Media Library for future use
    in posts.

    Why OB MP4 CC?

    OB MP4 CC Pro was created to solve three major problems:

    • CONTROLLING HOW YOUR VIDEO IS DISPLAYED, PRESENTED AND INTERACTED WITH. We at Open Beacon believe that self-hosted video has great value because the way viewers watch and interact with can be controlled and thus, you are able to control your brand. There are no ads placed on top of your video nor is you video associated with videos that may tarnish your brand – or even WORSE, competitors getting attention off of your video! The plugin thus makes sure that the process of placing your video on your WordPress site is as easy as possible. Self-hosting also helps with presenting your video with a player of your choosing. You also get no SEO credit on video sharing sites which means that video sharing platforms can create awareness about you but do not drive traffic to your site.
    • CONVERTING VIDEO IS DIFFICULT. This plugin takes the burden out of converting video to standard MP4 format. You just upload your video and it is converted for you.
    • BANDWIDTH PROBLEMS FOR SELF-HOSTED VIDEO. Good FFmpeg compression settings mean that your video can be as small as possible and still be high quality; because of this, the issue of bandwidth is mitigated.


    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression With FFmpeg Pro only
    works for WordPress 3.6 and later versions.

    Key features

    • Compress existing MP4 files
    • Convert and Compress FLV and MOV files to the MP4 file format
    • Direct and quick support throughout plugin lifecycle
    • Comprehensive and informative user input validation
    • Store processed files in the WordPress Media Library for use in your posts
    • Processed files can be saved locally and used for further purposes
    • Adjustable FFmpeg conversion speed and compression quality inputs
    • Automatic FFmpeg detection. If not detected, the input path can be entered easily
    • Automatic detection of maximum file size php.ini settings
    • HTML5 compressed file playback

    How it works

    This is a plugin that works completely on the WordPress backend. Conversion
    and compression involves the uploading of a video. It is then
    converted and compressed by FFmpeg in the WordPress background and stored
    in the WordPress Media Library. As a result of the video being stored
    in the WordPress Media Library, it can be used in posts. The plugin
    also has a custom post type – OB MP4 ConComp. Through this custom post
    type, features like playback and download exist to view and store your
    processed video locally.

    Intuitive installation and functionality

    Installation of the plugin is a straightforward affair: activate the
    “Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression Pro” plugin and then go to
    “OB MP4 ConComp Central”. Tap the “Settings” tab to configure FFmpeg.
    That is it, you are done with installation and can start converting
    and compressing on the “Central” tab.

    The thinking behind OB MP4 CC Pro

    Over the past 10 years, the stunning rise of video on the internet as a way to communicate and disseminate ideas has made it a platform that EVERYONE has needed to get familiar with and master. With this rise, came incredible tools like FFmpeg and video file formats like MP4, that has become the de facto video format on the web. FFmpeg is a powerful open source video conversion, compression and streaming tool used by top services like YouTube and Facebook. Because of the current zeitgeist, it is important to use video on your site to interact with you visitors in ways that they can relate to and understand. Communicating in a standard way using the MP4 video format and making sure those videos are small in size but good in quality is therefore absolutely imperative.

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression combines WordPress with FFmpeg to easily convert files from the popular FLV and MOV file formats to the even more popular MP4 file format. Existing MP4 files can be radically compressed without any perceptible loss in video quality. In short, Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression is what any WordPress aficionado needs if they want to use FFmpeg.


    This plugin is designed to work with FFmpeg – without it, it cannot function.

  • WordPress Fancy Title Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    WordPress Fancy Title Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    WP Fancy Title Plugin

    A WordPress plugin to animate your site title.

    WP Fancy Title Plugin is a very simple and light weight WordPress plugin for any type of WordPress sites. It will allow you to animate your WordPress site title and change site title when you are in other tab. It will help you to keep users much time in your site what can be a good trics for your site SEO. It’s very easy to use and have lot’s of multiple features for site title. We will recommend you to use this plugin.

    1. Can set miss you title to show when user in another tab.
    2. Can set main title alternative text.
    3. Can set Miss you alternative text.
    4. Main title can be scroll.
    5. Miss you title can be scroll.
    6. Easy to install.
    7. User frinendly and very nice option panel.
    8. Well documented.
    Sources and credit
  • HeartBeat – Quick Ajax Seek for WordPress (Utilities)

    HeartBeat – Quick Ajax Seek for WordPress (Utilities)

    HeartBeat – Instant Ajax Search for WordPress

    HeartBeat is a blazing-fast ajax search solution for WordPress, it can search through thousands of posts within a fraction of a second. You can add any post type to the search index, and yes you can also add WooCommerce products.

    Your visitors will get relevant product and query suggestions as soon as they type. Faster and curated suggestions attract visitor attention to products that match what they are looking for.


    • Blazing-fast instant search ( response time is about 1/5 of one second)
    • Integrate HeartBeat with your existing theme’s search forms
    • Custom Material Design search form shortcode
    • Custom Simple search form shortcode
    • Easy admin interface updated through ajax
    • Indexes titles, tags and thumbs, titles are given the highest priority in search
    • Documentation

    Tech specs

    HeartBeat is so fast because it indexes your posts from the database ( post, pages and any other custom post type you choose: Ex: WooCommerce ).

    HeartBeat uses the HTML5 local storage feature to store the indexes on the client side where the search is performed using LunrJS (a full text search engine for client side applications which enables great search experience without the need for external services).

    Once a user has stored the indexed data, which is pretty small (about 40KB / one thousand posts), it does not retrieve it next time, it checks the hash of the local indexed data against the server last index hash and if it’s needed will only update the differences.


    We have used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

    JavaScript Libs

    1. Element Queries
    2. lunrjs

    Preview images

    1. Unsplash Images used within the preview (not included).
  • Twitter Lead Generator (Social Networking)

    Twitter Lead Generator (Social Networking)

    Twitter Lead Generator – current version 1.01 available for download!

    Search twitter for leads using Keywords or hashtags.

    To view the live demo visit and log in using demo/demo as username/password.

    Time is money and we don’t all have time to find leads each and every day. Now you can automate your lead generation by crawling Twitter for websites based on any specific keyword or hashtag.


    • Automatically Crawl Twitter and find leads for your business

    What does it do?

    After much research and testing we have created this plugin to crawl Twitter users to find those who ahve specific keywords or hashtags in their profile and then we generate a report with information including their website, twitter description, their follower/following count and more. Simply install the plugin, create a Twitter app in 5 minutes, add the app id/secret to the plugin, add a few keywords or hashtags and lastly setup a cron job to run. In less than 20 minutes you can be generating great leads for your business.

    Our success is based on our customer satisfaction. Our support team is dedicated to helping clients solve any issues they might experience. We are long time developers with an impeccable record of developing enterprise applications for clients around the world. The products we have here are time tested by us and are used on a daily basis by all our direct clients.

    The Team

    Heres to your success and thank you for your interest in Twitter Manager,


    Twitter Lead Generator 1.01, 2016-09-10

    Designed by Freepik

  • Final Addons For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Final Addons For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Extend Cornerstone and add more power to it!

    Ultimate Addons For Cornerstone is the most complete extensions package. Over 300 presets, more then 13 Elements & additions, easy to use. This plugin adds several premium elements
    in your Cornerstone. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.


    Easy Installation and Detailed Documentation.

    One click preset available.

    More than 300 preset

    More than 12 element

    More than 40 animation effect

    Support enter and loop animation

    Easy to use and configuration

    Fully customizable and responsive

    Major browser supported

    Automatic updates

    Dedicated support

    100% money back guarantee



    Change Log

    Version 1.0 ( 11 Aug 2016 )

    • Initial Release