Tag: gravity

  • Form Styler Ultimate | Compatible with Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms & CF7 (Contact Form 7) (Forms)

    Form Styler Ultimate | Compatible with Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms & CF7 (Contact Form 7) (Forms)

    Completely customize the look & feel of any form on your WordPress website (inluding Contact Form 7, Gravity Form and Ninja Form)

    Form Styler Ultimate lets you add easily style forms on your WordPress site. It has tons of features that gives absolute control on the appearance of your forms.

    Tested and compatible with some of the famous themeforest themes, like Avada, Betheme, X Theme, Enfold, The7, Bridge as well as WordPress default themes, like Twenty Fifteen.

    Full Feature List

    Compatible with Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms and Contact Form 7

    Our plugin is out-of-the-box compatible with these famous WordPress form plugins. Just pick the form where you want your style to be applied. No coding skills needed!

    Compatible with any form

    Style any form on your site. Login forms, WooCommerce forms, newsletter forms, even search boxes! Just add your form’s class and you are set.

    Ready-to-use themes

    Choose between 7 ready-to-use themes and make cool forms on the fly!

    Multiple themes on same page

    You can use multiple themes on the same page.

    Customizable themes

    You can customize each theme separately.

    Unlimited styling options

    Style the form the way you want! Choose background color, borders, margin, padding options and many, many more.

    Google fonts

    Select from a large library of Google fonts and set the desired typography for all your inputs, labels, placeholders, submit buttons, etc.

    Gravity Forms complex fields

    Fully compatible with address, name and password fiels of Gravity Forms.

    Dropdown arrows

    Remove the boring arrows from your dropdowns and select your own by the famous Font Awesome vector library. Further customize the arrows by changing color, size, etc.

    Radio and checkboxes

    No more boring checkboxes or radio buttons. Just select your own Font Awesome icons. Further customize the icons by changing color, size, etc.

    Date pickers

    You can even customize the appearance of the date picker on the date field.

    Submit button

    Fully customize your submit button. Set the width, position (left, center, right), font, colors, border radius, padding, etc.

    Validation errors

    Customize general or input specific validation errors or even invalid input validation borders!

    Confirmation message

    And of course, you can customize the final confirmation message the user sees after submiting the form.

    Hide labels

    You have the ability to hide labels for fields. Useful when you want to use placeholders only.

    Responsive Design

    Forms will look great on both desktop and mobile sites.


    Easily export the form styles you create.


    Demo live preview

    Visit our demo live preview to see examples of Form Styler Ultimate in action!


    Take a look at our extensive online documentation.

  • Advanced Gravity Forms Google Spreadsheet Add On (Forms)

    Advanced Gravity Forms Google Spreadsheet Add On (Forms)

    Advanced Gravity Forms Google Spreadsheet Addon makes user to save gravity form data into the Google Spreadsheets. User can add any number of forms with any number of spreadsheet with sheet integration.

    Google Spreadsheet submitted data are going to add with new row into the selected sheets. It allow sheet headers with
    gravity forms fields mapping so only selective data are added to sheet.


    • Create New Spreadsheet Option
    • Create New Sheet Option
    • Option to set the default headers as per the forms fields – Click Here Button
    • Click to Sync – Synchronize all existing form entries to append google sheets rows.
    • Edit/Update Sheets admin Option – It will be update existing sheet entries to google spreadsheet.
    • Mapping the form fields with sheet headers
    • Multiple form with multiple feeds
    • Duplicate the Feed option
    • Conditional Tag – All the condition met then entries will be append to the sheet.
    • Option to send data only if payment is paid/approved.

    Change log

    Version 1.0 (18 September 2018)
    - Initial Version
  • Gravity Forms Address Google Autocomplete (Forms)

    Gravity Forms Address Google Autocomplete (Forms)

    Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete is a WordPress addon that allow customers to enable google places address autocomplete on two text fields types (Address or Single Line Text) by using its name

    Addon Features

    • Using addon you will have an option to use two fields in your form for autocomplete (Address – Single Line Text)

    • Using address field autocomplete will autofill all other address fields (Zip code, city, country etc…) automatically.

    • Adding Google API key recommended to allow sending many requests to Google.

    Add Google API key settings

    • Select Forms then GF Autocomplete settings, recommended to add this settings if their will be many API requests.

    Add Gravity Form Single Line Text field.

    • Add Single Line Text.

    • Select checkbox “Enable Autocomplete Suggest with Google Places API”.

    Add Gravity Form Address Text field.

    • Add Address text field

    • Select checkbox “Enable Autocomplete Suggest with Google Places API”.

    Gravity Form Address Text field view.



    Click here to view demo.

  • Gravity Forms Address Google Autocomplete (Forms)

    Gravity Forms Address Google Autocomplete (Forms)

    Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete is a WordPress addon that allow customers to enable google places address autocomplete on two text fields types (Address or Single Line Text) by using its name

    Addon Features

    • Using addon you will have an option to use two fields in your form for autocomplete (Address – Single Line Text)

    • Using address field autocomplete will autofill all other address fields (Zip code, city, country etc…) automatically.

    • Adding Google API key recommended to allow sending many requests to Google.

    Add Google API key settings

    • Select Forms then GF Autocomplete settings, recommended to add this settings if their will be many API requests.

    Add Gravity Form Single Line Text field.

    • Add Single Line Text.

    • Select checkbox “Enable Autocomplete Suggest with Google Places API”.

    Add Gravity Form Address Text field.

    • Add Address text field

    • Select checkbox “Enable Autocomplete Suggest with Google Places API”.

    Gravity Form Address Text field view.



    Click here to view demo.

  • Gravity Varieties integration for wpDataTables (Add-ons)

    Gravity Varieties integration for wpDataTables (Add-ons)

    This plugin is an add-on that builds a bridge between the wpDataTables plugin which renders awesome interactive responsive tables and charts and Gravity Forms advanced form builder. The form entries will be rendered as rows, form fields will be treated as columns.

    When you activate it, you will have one more data source in the wpDataTables’ table creation wizard – Gravity Form.

    Please note that only forms that do have 1 or more entries can be rendered in a table.

    See the documentation and tutorial on using the addon on this link.


    • Choose which fields to display as columns – the table creation wizard will show all the form fields, it’s up to you to choose which ones to show in your table.
    • Display entry metadata – see in a table all the entry’s additional information – entry date and time, user, user’s IP address
    • Configure the output – you can choose whether you want to display all records, only last XX records, or, for example, only the records for last 2 weeks – it’s fully configurable
    • Toggle deleted entries – you can define whether you want to include the deleted entries as well.
    • Use all of wpDataTables power – once you create the table you can work with it as with all wpDataTables – make it responsive, add formula columns, render charts, etc.

    Please note:

    • This addon is implemented by wpDataTables’ authors, TMS-Plugins. If you need help with it, please use our support site – https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ – Gravity Forms authors will not be able to provide support for this addon.
    • For using this add-on you need to have FULL versions of wpDataTables and Gravity Forms installed on your website!
  • Gravity Types Auto Formatter (Kinds)

    Gravity Types Auto Formatter (Kinds)

    Automatic capitalization/case formatting, blacklist validation, text replacement, and before/after text appending ..all per individual field! Let Gravity Forms Auto Formatter sanitize, and neatly format your form entries with quick and easy setup!

    See Full Feature List Below!

    Gravity Forms Auto Formatter adds automatic upper and lower casing/capitalization of input text as well as first character per input or word capialization. The plugin also has per field selectable custom blacklist validation with custom validation errors and the option to reveal the blocked terms/characters to the user. The plugin can also automatically replace specified submitted text with custom text per field.

    Whether you would like to just neatly format the address or name with first letters capialized, block problematic characters or offensive words, add custom charachters or text before or after the input text, or replace custom text/charachters with other text/charachters ..this is the plugin for you! Super easy to use and set up for hands off automatic formatting!

    -Text replacement can also simply remove specified text/characters.

    -For those who need parse the notification e-mails the before and after text can be used to easily add parsing indicators to find certain field data.

    Supported field types: text, text area, name, email, website, address, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_custom_field


    Automatic case/capitalization options for submitted text per individual field

    Automatic custom text/charachter replacement with per field on/off

    Automatic custom text appending to submitted text per individual field. Both before and after text are customizable per individual field

    Custom blacklist validation checks with per field on/off

    Custom blacklist validation error message option

    Option to reveal the blacklisted terms being blocked to submitting user

    Additional custom blacklist validation error message for when terms are revealed option

    Uses both strict and normal text replacement options which can be used at the same time

    Uses both strict and normal blacklists which can be used at the same time

    Option to save existing plugin settings during uninstallation/plugin deletion

    Show/Hide button in form field options to keep field settings tidy

    Simple instructions are directly inside the options page and inline field general option help markers.

    Supported Field Types: text, textarea, date, name, number, email, phone, website, address, dropdown, radio, multi select, checkbox.

    Please see support page for plugin F.A.Q

    Item is supported though the comments page

    + means “or any higher version”

    -WordPress 4.6+
    -PHP 5.6+ (5.5 and 5.4 should also function but are NOT SUPPORTED)
    -Gravity Forms Version 2.0.7+

    Installation / Upgrade
    IMPORTANT: Please refer to the plugin’s readme file for detailed instructions on upgrading between versions or initial install.

    Current Available Version

    Changelog (including near future versions)

    Version 1.3 (current available version)
    * Added “Reveal Blacklisted Terms/Phrases” option with custom before message option.
    * Added collapsible plugin options button to form field options to keep things tidy

    Version 1.2
    * Added “Strict Blacklist” and “Strict Text Replacement” features for additional control.

    Version 1.1
    * Added “Before Text” and “After Text” features to allow prefixing and suffixing field data.

    Version 1.0
    * Initial version

  • Gravity Varieties to Mailchimp (Types)

    Gravity Varieties to Mailchimp (Types)

    Subscribe your users/visitors that fill Gravity forms to Mailchimp.

    Enable the integration on any form you wish. Select on which list the user will be subscribed

    Enable or disable double-optin

    Select any possible merge fields and map them easily

    Select if you want to update merge fields for existing subscribers

    Select if you want to set the VIP status or not

    Select if you want to update the VIP status for existing subscribers

    Set user notes are use variables that Gravity form supports

  • Gravity Kinds Autocomplete (Types)

    Gravity Kinds Autocomplete (Types)

    Gravity Forms Auto Сomplete

    This plugin is an add-on for Gravity Forms that enables a field autocomplete feature. So it suggests possible completions for the field that the user has started typing in. Autocomplete simplifies and speeds up a form filling process and make your users save time by finding necessary data with suggestions.

    Please note, you can choose a source for suggestions. And currently it supports several source’s types: ‘WordPress’, ‘ URL ’ and ‘Manually’. Please fill free to advice us new source type and it’ll be added in a next release.

    How it works?

    For example there is a form called “Test” and you’re going to add an autocomplete field to this form. You need just put the autocomplete field on the form.

    Example of Gravity form autoomplete field

    When the field will be added, make double click on it to show the field’s settings. Choose “Manually” for “Where to Get Options?” setting and then a new setting “Enter Data for Autocomplete” will be shown. Lets put some data into it like on a screenshot below.

    Create simple qutocomplete field

    Please note, to save the new field in the form settings just press an “update form” button. After that the new field will appear on the frontend.

    New autocomplete field on the frontend

    Please note, the new field has an “untitled” label because this is a default field label in Gravity Form. It can be changed easily in the field’s settings. Also the form should be added to some wordpress page like in a example above otherwise it will not be displayed on your website.

    Where To Get Options?

    Use this setting to set a source of the options (suggestions). Please note there are several types of source: ‘WordPress’, ‘URL (json)’ and ‘Manually’. Below each one will be described.

    1. The ‘Manually’ option is used when it’s required to set the options manually (like in an example above).
    2. The ‘WordPress’ option is for using of the different WordPress sources such as: users, pages, posts, categories and etc.
    3. The ‘URL (json)’ gets options for autocomplete using AJAX from an url which returns data in json format.

    Please look at the screenshots where these options are in the setting.

    WordPress sources for autocomplete

    URL (json) source for autocomplete

    How to install the Plugin?

    Method 1:

    1. Download the zip file you receive after purchase
    2. Install via WordPress > Admin Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload File
    3. Press Install
    4. Activate the plugin

    Method 2:

    1. Download the zip file you receive after purchase
    2. Extract the contents of the zip file
    3. Copy the extracted address-autocomplete-gf folder to the //your-wordpress-installation/wp-content/plugins folder
    4. Activate the plugin from the Admin

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 - 22 Dec 2016
    ### Initial release

    Thank you so much for reviewing this item. We’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this item. Also do rate the plugin if you like it :)

  • Gravity Kinds Types Professional Add-on (Kinds)

    Gravity Kinds Types Professional Add-on (Kinds)

    1. Simple to use. Seamless integration with Gravity Forms and your theme. This is a native Gravity Forms add-on and not a plugin that forces itself on top of Gravity Forms from the outside.
    2. Easily create form layouts with STYLES SELECTOR: Easy to use GUI based style selector for all fields, easily create and change layout from within the form edit page.
    3. NEW STYLES: Introduces more styles for creating form layout. We’ve packed several practical layouting options than the ones included with Gravity Forms.
    4. Responsive form styles designed with modern screen sizes and UX requirements.
    5. Hierarchical CSS structure. Easily and quickly customize your CSS without breaking everything around an element. Adapts to your theme using inheritance based, non-absolute CSS techniques.
    6. Light weight. No big-fat files. Smaller and efficient styles make the CSS load fast.
    7. Compatible with Gravity Forms Ready classes. If you’ve used it on your forms already, you can use it alongside the plugin and not worry about redesigning from scratch.
    8. No need to hack Gravity Forms with special shortcodes. Just use as regular.
    9. Use multiple themes on the same page.
    10. Compatible with Gravity Forms widgets.
    11. 5 built-in visually unique themes included for forms with easy customization settings.
    12. Customize each theme separately.
    13. Theme options for fields:
    a. Font (over 300+ Google fonts)
    b. Font size
    c. Font style
    d. Color
    e. Automatic placeholder color calculation based on field color
    14. Theme options for field labels
    a. Font (over 300+ Google fonts)
    b. Font size
    c. Font style
    d. Color
    15. Theme options for background:
    a. Default (use the default background color or image with the theme)
    b. None / Transparent
    c. Color (with transparency option)
    d. Image
    16. Custom CSS
    17. All themes can be customized to your needs using font and label colors, font sizes, font styles, Google fonts separately. Background can also be changed with colors or image. Write custom CSS in one place, which can be toggled.
    18. Writing custom CSS for Gravity Forms is much simpler and faster than the built-in Gravity Forms Styles.
    19. Complete overhaul of the Gravity Forms Styles for modern needs. The new Styles are lighter, non-repeating and written hierarchically to be most efficient and easy to override, if need be.
    20. Ability to hide labels for fields. Useful when you want to use placeholders only.
    21. Developed by seasoned designers. This plugin utilizes best practices for UIUX design with focus on the ease of use best practices for coding, resource utilization, browser friendliness, and speed were the focus during planning and development.
    22. Compatible with Multi-Page forms.

    IMPORTANT: This is an Add-on for Gravity Forms. You must have Gravity Forms (preferably latest version) installed on your website before you can utilize this plugin.