Krish We are delighted to introduce our latest theme for kids-oriented initiatives such as kindergartens, daycare centers, crèches, nursery as well as primary schools. We have designed Krish taking into account the intrinsic needs of children oriented niche sites.

Krish comes with 4 styles of home pages besides the blog and portfolio. In addition, there is a separate page for FAQ SECTION, Reviews by Parents, Case Studies of students, facilities page for showcasing your services and a Team Section to highlight the staff and Teachers in your school.

Furthermore, there is a unique Side Navigation Feature for highlighting special services and events and a WHY US page to highlight your mission and vision. Finally, Krish comes with the WooCommerce integration facilitating online sales.

Everything is easy to customize with the drag and drop features of the pagebuilder so that configuring your site is a piece of cake. Krish will be up and running so fast in the shortest possible time!