Affiliates2Mailchimp (Newsletters)

Affiliates Mailchimp Integration.
Synchronizes itthinx’s Affiliates plugin with MailChimp.
Subscribes Affiliates’s users to Mailchimp newsletter service.

Basic usage

Once the plugin is installed, enabled and configured, it begins to run.

Mailchimp Subscribers

When a new affiliate is created (manually or automatically), then Mailchimp create a new subscriber to the List / Groups / Subgroup setup.

When an affiliate is deleted, Mailchimp unsubscribe this user to the List / Groups / Subgroup setup.

When an affiliate is updated, Mailchimp’s subscriber is edited if exists, else subscribe this affiliate.


When you synchronize, all existing affiliates are subscribed in Mailchimp service, if they don’t exist.

This is used once at the beginning, then everything is automatic.


= 1.1 =

  • Added Import function. Creates many affiliates as MailChimp users you have. Email is used as affiliate’s name.

= 1.0.0 =

  • Start version.


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