Tag: wordpress plugin

  • Social Sidebar for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Sidebar for WordPress (Social Networking)


    Quickly add CSS3 social links to your WordPress site with this very configurable plugin!


    WordPress Configuration
    Set your links and styles through a settings page in the WordPress admin panel, modify as needed.

    Automatic Integration
    The link code and stylesheet automatically append to the header and footer of your site’s theme using the wp_head and wp_footer functions.

    HTML5 / CSS3
    Works on all the newest browsers, properly tagged and contains transitions.

    100 Icons
    Choose from 100 icons derived from a number of online services and several general icons to create the perfect sidebar for your site.

    4 Themes
    Default, light, transparent, and color themes available.

    2 Sides
    Set your bar on the left or right side of the page.

    2 Styles
    Defaults to blocks on the side, but you can also set the style to show circles.

    4 Label Styles
    Square, curved, rounded, and fancy label styles for just the right fit when the icons are moused over.


    Plugin Files
    Folder with PHP, CSS, JS, and Font files, ready for upload and install.

    HTML file with instructions on the installation, use, and configuration of the plugin.


    Blogger (x2)
    Bookmark (x2)
    Bubbles (x2)
    Cog (x2)
    Deviantart (x2)
    Dribbble (x3)
    Facebook (x3)
    Flickr (x4)
    Forrst (x2)
    Foursquare (x2)
    Github (x5)
    GPlus (x4)
    Home (x2)
    HTML5 (x2)
    LastFM (x2)
    Mail (x3)
    Paypal (x2)
    Picassa (x2)
    Pinterest (x2)
    RSS (x3)
    Soundcloud (x2)
    Steam (x2)
    Stumbleupon (x2)
    Tumblr (x2)
    Twitter (x3)
    User (x2)
    Vimeo (x3)
    Wordpress (x2)
    Xing (x2)
    Youtube (x2)


    IcoMoon – Font icons used in the sidebar links.

    Change Log

    Version 1.0.0
    Initial release

  • ChatKo is a handy guide a rough and simple chat in your WordPress (Social Networking)

    ChatKo is a handy guide a rough and simple chat in your WordPress (Social Networking)

    Quick and Easy chat for your wordpress site. All messages of a chat saved in RAM, not in HDD. Therefore the chat works very quickly, but doesn’t save history for reduce expenditure of memory. ChatKo is a live communication! If you want a bright and quick chat, ChatKo is your choice!

    Also ChatKo is a qualitative and safe plug-in for your site which allows to communicate for the registered users and guests of the site. Add a ChatKo widget on sidebar of your wordpress site to allow visitors to communicate in a chat.

    Major new features in ChatKo include:

    • Very easy install.
    • The chat doesn’t make entries on a hard disk. Uses only RAM (random access memory). Consumption of memory is minimized.
    • Animation + Audio without Flash.
    • Filter of bad names.
    • Filter of bad words.
    • Unregistered visitors have a mark “Guest”. There is opportunity to forbid a chat for unregistered users.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the chat to enable autoscroll. Autoscroll is enabled by default.


    I can help you localize the chat for free. Feel free to contact me through my profile page http://codecanyon.net/user/TuxoH

    How to Use.

    After installation of the plugin you need to add “ChatKo Widget” on pages of your site. It becomes very simply:

    1) the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets.

    2) Drag “Chatko Widget” to Main sidebar and drop there.

    On a the widget will be visible how many users in online. Also there is a button for enter to a chat.

  • TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

    TweetDis is a WordPress plugin, that will display a floating “call-to-action” above any piece of text you choose.
    And once you click on the text, the plugin will automatically create a tweet out of it.
    (In other words, TweetDis makes any piece of text “tweetable”)

    99% of people won’t tweet anything, but the title of the post! Unless you MAKE THEM TWEET SOMETHING ELSE!

    You should put “call-to-actions” in your article, if you think that a specific phrase deserves to be tweeted. Otherwise people will just pass by all your awesome ideas and quotes.

    TweetDis hints people to tweet certain phrases… and people can tweet them in 2 clicks!

    While WITHOUT TweetDis it’s really a pain to tweet a certain phrase from your article. Do you really think anyone will go through the following 7 steps?

    Please Note: This plugin uses shortcodes to make phrases “tweetable”. And it doesn’t interfere with your regular social buttons.

    Key Features:

    • Configure how the “tweetable” phrase looks – the plugin lets you pick the color of the phrase you want people to tweet, define if it should be underlined or not and pick the style of the underline.
    • Pick from 5 different “call-to-action” designs – we have 5 designs of that floating “call-to-action” that should fit any blog design. But you can go even further and configure the colors, the size of the text and write your own call-to-action there.
    • Define the resulting tweet – you can specify a default twitter account to be used in all the tweets as well as the preposition.

    Make Any Phrase “Tweetable” In WordPress

  • TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

    TweetDis is a WordPress plugin, that will display a floating “call-to-action” above any piece of text you choose.
    And once you click on the text, the plugin will automatically create a tweet out of it.
    (In other words, TweetDis makes any piece of text “tweetable”)

    99% of people won’t tweet anything, but the title of the post! Unless you MAKE THEM TWEET SOMETHING ELSE!

    You should put “call-to-actions” in your article, if you think that a specific phrase deserves to be tweeted. Otherwise people will just pass by all your awesome ideas and quotes.

    TweetDis hints people to tweet certain phrases… and people can tweet them in 2 clicks!

    While WITHOUT TweetDis it’s really a pain to tweet a certain phrase from your article. Do you really think anyone will go through the following 7 steps?

    Please Note: This plugin uses shortcodes to make phrases “tweetable”. And it doesn’t interfere with your regular social buttons.

    Key Features:

    • Configure how the “tweetable” phrase looks – the plugin lets you pick the color of the phrase you want people to tweet, define if it should be underlined or not and pick the style of the underline.
    • Pick from 5 different “call-to-action” designs – we have 5 designs of that floating “call-to-action” that should fit any blog design. But you can go even further and configure the colors, the size of the text and write your own call-to-action there.
    • Define the resulting tweet – you can specify a default twitter account to be used in all the tweets as well as the preposition.

    Make Any Phrase “Tweetable” In WordPress

  • TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

    TweetDis is a WordPress plugin, that will display a floating “call-to-action” above any piece of text you choose.
    And once you click on the text, the plugin will automatically create a tweet out of it.
    (In other words, TweetDis makes any piece of text “tweetable”)

    99% of people won’t tweet anything, but the title of the post! Unless you MAKE THEM TWEET SOMETHING ELSE!

    You should put “call-to-actions” in your article, if you think that a specific phrase deserves to be tweeted. Otherwise people will just pass by all your awesome ideas and quotes.

    TweetDis hints people to tweet certain phrases… and people can tweet them in 2 clicks!

    While WITHOUT TweetDis it’s really a pain to tweet a certain phrase from your article. Do you really think anyone will go through the following 7 steps?

    Please Note: This plugin uses shortcodes to make phrases “tweetable”. And it doesn’t interfere with your regular social buttons.

    Key Features:

    • Configure how the “tweetable” phrase looks – the plugin lets you pick the color of the phrase you want people to tweet, define if it should be underlined or not and pick the style of the underline.
    • Pick from 5 different “call-to-action” designs – we have 5 designs of that floating “call-to-action” that should fit any blog design. But you can go even further and configure the colors, the size of the text and write your own call-to-action there.
    • Define the resulting tweet – you can specify a default twitter account to be used in all the tweets as well as the preposition.

    Make Any Phrase “Tweetable” In WordPress

  • kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Ads Simply (Promotion)

    kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Ads Simply (Promotion)

    kk Easy Ads automates the process of advertisements on your website. Managing self hosted advertisement campaigns has never been easier. Keep all the ad revenues to yourself with this useful plugin.


    • Infinite Campaigns:
      Need to serve advertising at different places? No problem, create as many ad campaigns as you wish and embed them with ease.
    • Infinite Rotations:
      Yes, you can allow ad campaigns to serve multiple ads, each rotated randomly based on either time or page load.
    • Multiple Revenue Types:
      Cost per click (CPC), Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and Cost per day.
    • Easy Embed:
      Easily embed ad slots/campaigns on your website. Widget, shortcode, iframe or php. Why not embed on external websites? Easily, via the iframe embed.
    • AJAX Powered:
      Ads are fetched asynchronously from the database via AJAX. Good for search engines.
    • Ad Stats:
      Advertisers (and administrators) can view the statistics of their ad easily.
    • PayPal:
      Payments are handled via PayPal.
    • Variety of currency support:
      Supports all currencies listed by PayPal.
    • Extensive Admin Panel:
      Features a rich admin page for setting up the plugin.


    • 1.2 (8th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Ability for advertisers to view statistics for advertisements that were activated manually by the administrator.

    • 1.1 (20th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Variety of currencies supported by paypal.

    • 1.0 (1st June, 2013)

      Initial Release


    Click here to view more details.

    Video: Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Video: Setting up the Processing Page

    Setting up the Processing Page

    Video: Embedding


    Video: Advertising



    Twitter Bootstrap – CSS and Tooltips javascript

  • WP Top rate Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    WP Top rate Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    New plugin allows you to to Route traffic from any country, to where ever you want it to go. This is why it should matter to you:

    You can have high quality traffic from US, UK, CA, and AU/NZ go to paid offers and have junk traffic from “tire kicking countries” go to your Facebook fan page, blog, or anywhere else they would be useful… (You’ll take freebie seekers and put them to good use!)

    You’ll see exactly what countries your traffic is coming from so you… (You’ll only deal with high quality solo ad vendors from now on!)

    You can promote multiple CPA offers at the same time through one link and have UK traffic go to one offer, AU/NZ traffic to another offer, US traffic to another offer, and CA traffic to another offer… (Imagine transforming any of your blog’s links into a CPA commission machine!)

    You can keep your list nice and clean by “routing away” ineffective traffic before it even hits your squeeze page… (You’ll save on your auto-responder bill by keeping your list smaller and higher quality!)

    You can tap the virtually untapped Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Russian markets by routing them to specific foreign offers…

    You can have your own CPA offers that route good traffic to your optin forms but keeps the ineffective traffic at bay... (If you've ever wanted to have your own private CPA offer that generates a ton of leads, now you can do it while sorting the good leads from the bad!)

    You can track YouTube traffic to your site based on country… (Now you’ll know whether your YouTube efforts are worth it or not!)

    You’ll stop serial refunders from typical “high refund countries” from getting anywhere near your site or squeeze page… (Imagine never having to refund scammers from countries known to rip off affiliates and product sellers! Plus you’ll avoid chargebacks from foreign countries!)

    You can start your own solo ad agency and sell country-specific solo ads where you promise to send traffic that’s only from selected countries… (And you can charge more per click for this Premium Traffic!)

    You can monitor geotargeted traffic from ad networks and make sure they’re delivering traffic only from the countries you agreed on… (Don’t get taken by ad networks that promise geotargeted traffic and deliver ineffective traffic!)

    You can sweeten the EPCs of your products by making sure ineffective traffic never hits your sales page… (You’ll attract more affiliates and keep serial refunders away from your sales page!)

    You can send traffic from different countries to different payment processors when they check out… (You’ll be able to take payments from countries you couldn’t take payments from before now!)

    You’ll discover even more uses for this plugin on your own… (I’m sure you’re much more creative than us and you’ll find the sky’s the limit with this rare plugin!)

  • kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Commercials Simply (Merchandising)

    kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Commercials Simply (Merchandising)

    kk Easy Ads automates the process of advertisements on your website. Managing self hosted advertisement campaigns has never been easier. Keep all the ad revenues to yourself with this useful plugin.


    • Infinite Campaigns:
      Need to serve advertising at different places? No problem, create as many ad campaigns as you wish and embed them with ease.
    • Infinite Rotations:
      Yes, you can allow ad campaigns to serve multiple ads, each rotated randomly based on either time or page load.
    • Multiple Revenue Types:
      Cost per click (CPC), Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and Cost per day.
    • Easy Embed:
      Easily embed ad slots/campaigns on your website. Widget, shortcode, iframe or php. Why not embed on external websites? Easily, via the iframe embed.
    • AJAX Powered:
      Ads are fetched asynchronously from the database via AJAX. Good for search engines.
    • Ad Stats:
      Advertisers (and administrators) can view the statistics of their ad easily.
    • PayPal:
      Payments are handled via PayPal.
    • Variety of currency support:
      Supports all currencies listed by PayPal.
    • Extensive Admin Panel:
      Features a rich admin page for setting up the plugin.


    • 1.2 (8th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Ability for advertisers to view statistics for advertisements that were activated manually by the administrator.

    • 1.1 (20th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Variety of currencies supported by paypal.

    • 1.0 (1st June, 2013)

      Initial Release


    Click here to view more details.

    Video: Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Video: Setting up the Processing Page

    Setting up the Processing Page

    Video: Embedding


    Video: Advertising



    Twitter Bootstrap – CSS and Tooltips javascript

  • wordpress Top class Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    wordpress Top class Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    New plugin allows you to to Route traffic from any country, to where ever you want it to go. This is why it should matter to you:

    You can have high quality traffic from US, UK, CA, and AU/NZ go to paid offers and have junk traffic from “tire kicking countries” go to your Facebook fan page, blog, or anywhere else they would be useful… (You’ll take freebie seekers and put them to good use!)

    You’ll see exactly what countries your traffic is coming from so you… (You’ll only deal with high quality solo ad vendors from now on!)

    You can promote multiple CPA offers at the same time through one link and have UK traffic go to one offer, AU/NZ traffic to another offer, US traffic to another offer, and CA traffic to another offer… (Imagine transforming any of your blog’s links into a CPA commission machine!)

    You can keep your list nice and clean by “routing away” ineffective traffic before it even hits your squeeze page… (You’ll save on your auto-responder bill by keeping your list smaller and higher quality!)

    You can tap the virtually untapped Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Russian markets by routing them to specific foreign offers…

    You can have your own CPA offers that route good traffic to your optin forms but keeps the ineffective traffic at bay... (If you've ever wanted to have your own private CPA offer that generates a ton of leads, now you can do it while sorting the good leads from the bad!)

    You can track YouTube traffic to your site based on country… (Now you’ll know whether your YouTube efforts are worth it or not!)

    You’ll stop serial refunders from typical “high refund countries” from getting anywhere near your site or squeeze page… (Imagine never having to refund scammers from countries known to rip off affiliates and product sellers! Plus you’ll avoid chargebacks from foreign countries!)

    You can start your own solo ad agency and sell country-specific solo ads where you promise to send traffic that’s only from selected countries… (And you can charge more per click for this Premium Traffic!)

    You can monitor geotargeted traffic from ad networks and make sure they’re delivering traffic only from the countries you agreed on… (Don’t get taken by ad networks that promise geotargeted traffic and deliver ineffective traffic!)

    You can sweeten the EPCs of your products by making sure ineffective traffic never hits your sales page… (You’ll attract more affiliates and keep serial refunders away from your sales page!)

    You can send traffic from different countries to different payment processors when they check out… (You’ll be able to take payments from countries you couldn’t take payments from before now!)

    You’ll discover even more uses for this plugin on your own… (I’m sure you’re much more creative than us and you’ll find the sky’s the limit with this rare plugin!)

  • AB Easy Subscribe WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    AB Easy Subscribe WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    AB Simple Subscribe is a simple Ajax driven WordPress plugin that generates subscribe to mailling list form. User mailing list subscriptions can be exported in CSV file format (comma separated values) so it can be easily imported into email client or newsletter software.


    • Ajax Driven Form
    • Export to CSV
    • Shortcode Powered
    • Responsive Ready
    • Translation Ready
    • Major Browser Supported
    • Valid HTML5
    • Documentation
    • Customer support

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