Tag: sms

  • Scheduler-Wifi,SMS,Profile (Utilities)

    Scheduler lets you change profile, wifi and other phone settings quickly and easily.
    Also you can schedule SMS in few easy step. You can select contact , enter text message and select time.

    Profile Scheduler :

    Profile Scheduler is a simple tool for change profile silent to general and general to silent.
    You can set time for make your phone in silent mode. Now you never forget to make phone silent in office or meeting time.

    SMS Scheduler :

    SMS Scheduler is a simple tool for automatic sms messages sending with chosen frequency.
    Have you ever forgotten about sending your mother happy birthday wishes ? Has your love one ever wanted to break up with you after not getting any sweet nothings on your anniversary ? Have you ever hoped for tightening up relations with your business partners by sending them Christmas wishes? Now you can do it in advance and just don’t trouble with it anymore.

    Wifi Scheduler :

    Wifi Scheduler is a simple but very useful app which will allow you to
    manage and schedule when your devices Wi-Fi will turn on and off. It
    is very useful for saving battery life by scheduling Wi-Fi to turn off
    when you know you won’t be using it, like when you’re at work or

    Wallpaper Scheduler :

    Wallpaper Scheduler will help you to change your wallpaper automatically. If you want to set Wallpaper based on day. Like festival or birthday. Your phone will be always with latest wallpaper.

    *Email scheduler : *

    email scheduler is a simple but schedule your emails to be sent at a later time. And the good thing is, it is free.
    It is a perfect software for you to wish friends and family members on their special moments like birthday,marriage day etc. Also you can wish people on various occasions. Beside the this, by scheduling mail you can send your work progress or other important paper work in appropriate time.

  • College Administration Machine for wordpress (Add-ons)

    College Administration Machine for wordpress (Add-ons)

    School management system who work with SMS web based application.

    In wordpress application you will able to add students, teacher, librarian and parents users. And they automaticaly add to SMS system. Also you are able to login all of users to they account to SMS system and they can back to WordPress. Only you need to setup URL to installed SMS application and in SMS application in settings URL to WordPress application.

    SMS web and wordpress with this plugin need to be in same domain!

    version 1.0 - November 18, 2016

    • Initial version
  • WordPress SMS Gateway (Utilities)

    WordPress SMS Gateway (Utilities)

    You can now send and receive SMS messages directly from your WordPress website using nothing but your Android device.

    This means you have better control over the costs of sending SMS messages and you don’t need to rely on an external service provider.

    You can use this plugin to add SMS capabilities to any app or website with the included API.


    • Send and receive SMS locally (on your WordPress website)
    • Send and receive SMS remotely (from another server/app)
    • Send mass SMS right from the admin console
    • SMS-to-Post

    The communication between your SMS Terminals and your SMS Gateway is encrypted using the BlowFish algorithm.

  • Gravity Varieties SMS Professional (Add-ons)

    Gravity Varieties SMS Professional (Add-ons)

    The ultra-professional gravity form SMS plugin
    The most comprehensive SMS plugin for the popular WordPress Form Builder
    Exclusive features:
    In order to see the specifications, make sure to visit the screenshots. However, below we will mention some of the features in brief:
    1. The possibility to define an infinite mobile number of Admins for each form.
    2. The possibility to send SMS messages to users (defining the mobile field)
    3. The possibility to send messages to additional numbers
    4. The possibility to create infinite feeds and ability to use conditional logic for each feed
    5. Compatibility with every mobile number’s mask input
    6. The possibility to define country codes in a static or dynamic mode (based on the desired field)
    7. Compatibility with payment gateways (ability to arrange sending messages after successful, unsuccessful, etc. payments)
    8. Includes many merge tags such as Payment Transaction code, Payment Gateway name, etc.
    9. The added feature of SMS meta-box in each entry to enable sending responses quickly and easily within a message
    10. The possibility to send group messages to several entries
    11. The possibility to send messages to any particular number
    12. Keeps a record of the messages’ details in notes
    13. Records all sent messages in a special table
    14. Compatibility with popular SMS gateways
    For Adding your Gateway Contact me.
    15. Verifies the mobile number via SMS before Submitting the form (ability to define verification code mask input and also to enter verification codes manually)
    16. The addition of WP SMS plugin Subscription group fields so that individuals would be subscribed to WP SMS Subscription groups after filling out the forms (this field consists of advanced and professional settings: Subscription, Unsubscibe, the selection of subscription groups by the user, mandatory selection of the Subscription groups, etc.)

  • SMS with Arforms (Varieties)

    SMS with Arforms (Varieties)

    To send SMS notification to users and site admin, Create a form included a Phone Number field and select the SMS gateway from Twilio, SMSGlobal, Nexmo, Clickatell and then configure appropriate field to send message. User will be notified immediately after filling out the form to his number.

    Plugin Features:

    • Automatically send an SMS notification when a form is submitted.
    • Integrate with the ARForms PayPal Add-On to only send an SMS notification after payment has been confirmed.
    • Send customized text message for Site Administrator and Users.
    • Multiple SMS Gateway are supported.

      • Twilio
      • SMSGlobal
      • Nexmo
      • Clickatell
    • Facility to send test SMS
  • SupportX – Envato API Enabled Reinforce Discussion board (Miscellaneous)

    SupportX – Envato API Enabled Reinforce Discussion board (Miscellaneous)

    SupportX is a one stop support solution specially developed for Envato marketplace authors. SupportX comes with excellent purchase verification mechanism and designed to make it easier for both your buyers and seller himself to manage the tickets. Beside traditional email notification, SupportX features SMS notification, Notification feeds and Real Time popup notification to keep both buyers and sellers alert about the conversation. In line editing with powerful and customized editor makes it pleasing to write the tickets.

    With SupportX, Envato marketplace authors will not have to look for any other third party services or products. Managing tickets were never this easier without SupportX.