Tag: search

  • Panopticon – Your Own Search Engine – Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Panopticon – Your Own Search Engine – Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

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    Panopticon WordPress Search Engine Plugin for WordPress

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Panopticon WordPress Search Engine Plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool to generate a custom search engine on your web site, without your further intervention. . It will turn your website into a money making machine!

    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate a fully customizable search engine on your website, with your custom ads! You can create your own version of AdSense!

    The resulting search engine is fully customizable and rich in content. List of customizable content in the search engine:

    • Result title, URL, description
    • Ability to display an image
    • Ability to ad custom ads between search results
    • Ads can be links, images or custom ads from ad providers, like AdSense (or any HTML code)
    • Fully customizale appearance (CSS)
    • Add or remove content from the search results

    Other plugin features:

    • Suggestions while you are typing
    • Search related results displaying
    • Advanced Search and Site Search supported!
    • Shorte.st link shortener support – it will allow you to earn a passive income
    • Ability to log visitor search queries
    • Fully customizable search results
    • Filter results – banned words list, allowed words list
    • Maximum words count in title and description
    • Search engine is fully translatable and customizable
    • Ability to use a proxy for requests
    • Detailed plugin activity logging
    • Random sentence generator

    Plugin requirements

    • PHP curl

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    Learn more about this plugin

    Extended License

    Need support?

    Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2018-11-01

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.9 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

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    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

    mega bundle by CodeRevolution

  • i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro – Live Search Plugin

    i-Search Pro changes the way of WordPress Search. It’s full WooCommerce compatible. Provide Live search results in milliseconds. Log not found search queries for a better SEO. Add extra search terms to your posts. Include almost everything in your search results.

    • Lightweight: i-Search is only 30KB of javascript snippet for your visitors.
    • Own algorithm: i-Search will index your site and build his own algorithm to provide high-speed search results. Search queries in 10.000 Products and over 18.000 tags are provided in milliseconds.
    • Logging: i-Search will log every not found search query and provide the administrator a better post/page/product optimization.
    • Search tags: Like WP own post tags you can add extra search terms to your posts.
    • Did you mean strings: The administrator can add for every not found search query a ‘Did you mean’ string.
    • Popularity index: i-Search will create a ‘popularity index’ based on users search queries and clicks. The search results are ordered by the popularity index.
    • Popular searches: Never say ‘Nothing found’ to your visitors! i-Search will show today’s popular search strings instead of ‘Nothing found’.
    • Many settings: You have many options in the admin settings. Take a look to the admin panel. (Username: demo PW: demo)
    • Filters: You are no longer restricted to the creators choice. With intelligent filters, you are now able to show in the suggestions your own choices like SKU, Author… any information you want.
    • Tabs: Don’t dump your visitors with mixed types of posts. i-Search provide you “TABs” in the suggestions for a better user experience.
    • Templates: i-Search have 2 templates. 1. is a clean template and 2. is an advanced template with more information.
    • Mobile fallback: i-Search detects mobile browsers and do a fallback to the clean template to provide a better user experience on mobile devices.
    • Spam Protection: i-Search can detect spammers and disable logging for spammers.
    • No need for coding: i-Search (if enabled in the settings) hooks automatically to WordPress search fields. Or easily by adding a shortcode you can add i-Search anywhere.
    • Replace the WP search engine: WordPress looks only in the post title and post excerpt for search results. But with i-Search, you can add search tags and bypass the WP search engine (if enabled in the settings) to provide better search results and in High-Speed.
    • Takes care of your server: i-Search creates the images by the selected size on the fly (if not exists) and deletes the old images (created by i-Search) if you change the image dimensions. Most of the plugins leave the images on your server. Images you never need but take serious size on your server.


    With i-Search you can analyse your customers search queries (Not found search results). Do you know what your customers searched for and maybe not found it?

    You will be able to know it with i-Search. Optimize your products keywords based on i-Search analyse table.

  • Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)

    Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)


    Progress Map, Bundle” is a collection of “Progress Map” and all its “Add-ons”. This bundle contains the following plugins/Add-ons:

    Main plugin:

    1. Progress Map, WordPress Plugin


    2. Progress Map, List & Filter

    3. Progress Map, Submit locations

    4. Nearby places


    1. How to install “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). You need to install each plugin seperately. Each plugin will be in its own folder. In each plugin’s folder, you’ll find a ZIP containing the installable plugin and the text files that indicated the new changes/improvements made in the latest version and the links to the “demo”, “documention”, and other resources of each plugin.

    2. How to update “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). When a plugin is updated to a new version (for example, “Progress Map”), we will replace the old version of that plugin that is included in the bundle with the latest version. You’ll also receive an email informing you about the availablity of a new update.

    “Progress Map, Bundle” will always contain the latest version of each plugin!

  • Search Plus – Advanced Search Engine WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Search Plus – Advanced Search Engine WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Search Plus is a unique advanced search engine plugin which comes with user friendly rules, templates, support for filtering categories, authors, date, tags and many other features one can may find useful in a WP based search engine.


    Search Plus comes with many unique user friendly features:

    • Did You Mean – Feature You can set a rule to redirect user to another keyword group. Test “taylro” in the demo.
    • Search Redirection Redirect any keyword to another keyword group.
    • Featured PostsYou can set initial featured posts for any keyword group
    • Inform You can also inform your visitors for any given keyword

    More: Access Like a JQuery Plugin

    You can additionally apply shortcode content to any part of your design as a JQuery plugin. Please see editor panel part in the demo for more.

    Widget to Target Search Page

    Search Plus comes with a widget support. You can target any search page and keyword query will start a search in that page.

    Powerful Settings Panel

    Search Plus comes with powerful management panel.

    • You can set styles for parts of the plugin
    • You can translate whole plugin content
    • You can set restricted posts for search query


    Images were taken from following sources for demo purposes. Images are not included to the project.

  • Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin (Media)

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin (Media)

    What is Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin?

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful and extremely customizable responsive radio player for your website that can be installed in any wordpress theme, it runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android, Windows mobile or desktop. Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin supports unlimited radio stations (Shoutcast / Icecast) , also as a bonus can play mp3 files but it’s main purpose is to play shoutcast/ iceacst stations. Packed with huge amount of features like, extensive external API, deeplinking, private / password protected play, encrypt radio station source / path, popup window, multiple share buttons, customizable skin, Shoutcast and Icecast support, Shoutcast history, server info, makes it most impressive and complete radio player available on sale.

    Ultimate Radio Player WordPress Plugin main features:

    Responsive layout.

    Optional encrypt radio station source / path. Using this feature will not allow a user / software to see / steal the radio station source / path from the page source.

    Mobile and desktop optimized.

    Uninterrupted audio playback across web pages (popup player in a separate window and browse the web while listening to music without interuptions!).
    Optional playlist window.

    Shortcode generator

    The option to randomize the playlist.

    Optional deeplinking (unique and sharable link for the current track).

    SHOUTCAST & ICECAST support. Play your favorite online radio directly in the player.

    Optional support for mp3 audio.

    The HTML markup playlists can be created manullay or generated from a database.

    Three type of hover effects for the playlist window selector thumbnails.

    Optional playlist and playlist window selector auto open (the player can start with the playlist or playlist window selector visible or hidden).

    Optional playlist search.

    Lazy scrolling / loading, the possibility to initialize URP on scroll when the product is visible in the page, this way for example if the product is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized, instead the URP will be initalized only when the user is scrolling to that section in which URP is added.

    Optional server info current listeners, station title, genre, bitrate.

    Fast Data Gathering, direct requests to Server via JSONP. Fast and automatic update.

    Album Artwork, iTunes API is used to retrieve all the album artwork.

    Animated track title text if the text does not fit.

    Six skins included along with the psd files.

    Private / password protected tracks (audio or video), This feature can be seen in action by playing this track. Please note the test password is Melinda but it can be set to any string.

    Optional start at random station.

    If mp3 is used, only mp3 file required to play audio across all devices.

    HEX / CSS color support, the buttons colors can be modified with simple CSS by passing a hexadecimal color(ex: #FF0000) and even more, we have done it in a cool way that all graphics will retain the texture and at the same time apply the chosen color, example here.

    The option to start at a specific station from the playlist.

    Single or multiple radio stations support.

    Powerful API included.

    You can include multiple instances on the same page.

    Multiple instances automatically pause/stop playback when new track is started.

    Start volume value.


    Optional track thumbnail.

    Playlist button (optional).

    Playlist selector button (optional).

    Share button and share window with multiple social media sharing websites (optional).

    Pop-up player button (optional).

    Equalizer animation (optional).

    Detailed documentation and sample files.

    Tags: radio, shoutcast, icecast, music, html5, mp3, streaming, playlist, mobile, responsive, plugin, radio station, history, live, search

  • Evolved Multi Make a selection Knowledge Record WordPress – Multiselect Drop-down with Autocomplete for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Evolved Multi Make a selection Knowledge Record WordPress – Multiselect Drop-down with Autocomplete for WordPress (Interface Components)

    The Advanced Multi Select Data List WP plugin is used to provide an autocomplete feature on input elements. Users will see a drop-down list of pre-defined options as they input data.
    Unlike HTML5 datalist the Advanced Multi Select Data List WP has the following benefits:

    • Autocomplete, filter and search works correctly under all browsers including Edge, old and new versions of Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.
    • Allows a user to remove items from the list
    • Return the id of the selected item instead of text

    The appearance is easy customizable using CSS.

    See detailed help here.

  • Youtube API Search Lite – Youtube Search PHP Integration (Photography and Media)

    Youtube API Search Lite – Youtube Search PHP Integration (Photography and Media)

    Youtube API Search Lite is a simple and easy to use Youtube API based video search script. Video search and watching is inside the script and the thumbnails are easy to customize using Bootstrap CSS library. The whole script is Boostrap based and even a dummy can change style.css and change the appearance of the script. When the user clicks on a video it will popup the video and play. Also it displays the description statistics and comments for the video at the popup window. The script uses Ajax command to get details for the popup modal so the page is really fast to load. This script is fully responsive and written in very easy way to edit to suit someones need.

    What you need is a API Key from Google API Console to setup this script. This script single configuration file for API Key.


    1. Bootstrap based Responsive Designs
    2. Youtube API V3
    3. Search anything in Youtube inside your web
    4. View Toutube videos inside your web as a popup modal
    5. Pay video inside a Popup modal
    6. View details of the video – description and statistics
    7. View Video comments
    8. Sort your search results by Date, Ratings, Title
    9. Manage Youtube API from single configuration file.
  • Evolved Datalist Enter – Drop-down Checklist with Autocomplete (Miscellaneous)

    Evolved Datalist Enter – Drop-down Checklist with Autocomplete (Miscellaneous)

    The Advanced Datalist Input plugin is used to provide an “autocomplete” feature on input elements. Users will see a drop-down list of pre-defined options as they input data.
    Unlike HTML5 datalist the Advanced Datalist Input has the following benefits:
    • Autocomplete, filter and search works correctly under all browsers including Edge, old and new versions of Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.
    • Allows a user to remove items from the list
    • Return the id of the selected item instead of text
    The appearance is easy customizable using CSS.
    See detailed help here.