Tag: preloader

  • wordpress Preloader 12 (Utilities)

    WP Preloader 12 is a WordPress plugin that will add a simple animated loading screen indicator on your site.

    – 22 loading icons;
    – Customize the icon color and size;
    – Customize background;
    – You can enable plugin only front page;
    – Very easy to use;

    Live Demo

  • LoftLoader Professional – Preloader Plugin for WordPress (Interface Parts)

    LoftLoader Professional – Preloader Plugin for WordPress (Interface Parts)

    Visitors get impatient while waiting for content loading?

    Waiting can be delightful.

    LoftLoader is a small but powerful preloader plugin to add fun and unique preloader animation to your WordPress website.

    Main Features

    Unlimited colors to fit your brand.

    Stay sharp, high quality, and super fast. Built with pure CSS3 animations.

    Upload and animate custom images. Loading, rotating, bouncing and rolling. Make every bit of your site enjoyable and memorable.

    Beautiful on any devices.

    Easy to edit and live preview. With enhanced and elegant setting panel.

    Flexible and controllable. Loader animation, progress bar, or counting percentage, choose any one, or mix.

    Add more user-friendly effects, and impress your visitors from the first sight.


    • Turn on or off preloader.
    • Choose to show on global site, or pages (except for posts).
    • Display on homepage only.
    • Handpick, turn it on for specific pages or posts (coming soon).


    • Display or hide the loader.
    • 15 animations to choose.
    • 4 support custom images.
    • Choose any color.
    • Animation loops forever, or just once (ends after page has loaded).


    • Solid or transparent.
    • Unlimited background color.
    • 4 transition effects when ending: fade, split horizontally/vertically, or slide up.
    • Opacity control. Lower the opacity to let visitors see through.


    • Show or hide progress indicator.
    • Choose progress bar or counting percentage.
    • Set position. Top, middle, bottom, or below the loader.
    • Choose any color for it.
    • Adjust width and height of progress bar.
    • Change font size for percentage.
    • Put percentage behind animation, create unique design.

    Update soon

    • Custom welcome message
    • Turn it on for specific pages or posts
    • More fun and meaningful animations.
    • More options for loader.
    • More options for background.
    • More options for progress.

    Any Problem?

    Please feel free to contact us if you encounter any issue. When you need our support, or would love to report a bug, or request new features, or want to ask any question, please:

  • DV Loading – WordPress Web page Preloader Plugin (Interface Parts)

    DV Loading – WordPress Web page Preloader Plugin (Interface Parts)

    DV Loading is a WordPress site preloader plugin which adds your website a cool page loading animation with tons of customization options.

    It is fully responsive and very flexible. DV Loading offers a ton of features and flexibility. You can add loading animations to all your pages, to only your homepage, to the archive pages or you can select specific post types.

    Another option is shortcode mode. You can create unlimited unique page loading animation for each of your pages with a single shortcode! All attributes of the shortcode can be generated from the plugin settings page easily.


    1. Unique text loading animation
    2. Powerful easy to use plugin settings
    3. 32 CSS3 page transitions
    4. 29 ready to use animated gifs
    5. 5 CSS3 custom image animation
    6. Custom image option
    7. All colors are changeable
    8. Fully responsive. You can change font sizes according to different screen sizes.
    9. Google web font support
    10. Animated loading bar
    11. Animated loading percentage counter
    12. Skip loading link option
    13. You can change their placements and margins…
    14. Lightweight, doesn’t load any script which you don’t want to use.
    15. Clean code
    16. Compatible with WPML plugin
    17. Detailed help documentation
    18. and much more…


    GIF Animations

    1. Modern Flat Preloader Set
    2. Flat Preloaders 2
    3. Flat Preloaders


    1. Animate
  • DV Loading – WordPress Website Preloader Plugin (Interface Parts)

    DV Loading – WordPress Website Preloader Plugin (Interface Parts)

    DV Loading is a WordPress site preloader plugin which adds your website a cool page loading animation with tons of customization options.

    It is fully responsive and very flexible. DV Loading offers a ton of features and flexibility. You can add loading animations to all your pages, to only your homepage, to the archive pages or you can select specific post types.

    Another option is shortcode mode. You can create unlimited unique page loading animation for each of your pages with a single shortcode! All attributes of the shortcode can be generated from the plugin settings page easily.


    1. Unique text loading animation
    2. Powerful easy to use plugin settings
    3. 32 CSS3 page transitions
    4. 29 ready to use animated gifs
    5. 5 CSS3 custom image animation
    6. Custom image option
    7. All colors are changeable
    8. Fully responsive. You can change font sizes according to different screen sizes.
    9. Google web font support
    10. Animated loading bar
    11. Animated loading percentage counter
    12. Skip loading link option
    13. You can change their placements and margins…
    14. Lightweight, doesn’t load any script which you don’t want to use.
    15. Clean code
    16. Compatible with WPML plugin
    17. Detailed help documentation
    18. and much more…


    GIF Animations

    1. Modern Flat Preloader Set
    2. Flat Preloaders 2
    3. Flat Preloaders


    1. Animate
  • DV Loading – WordPress Web site Preloader Plugin (Interface Components)

    DV Loading – WordPress Web site Preloader Plugin (Interface Components)

    DV Loading is a WordPress site preloader plugin which adds your website a cool page loading animation with tons of customization options.

    It is fully responsive and very flexible. DV Loading offers a ton of features and flexibility. You can add loading animations to all your pages, to only your homepage, to the archive pages or you can select specific post types.

    Another option is shortcode mode. You can create unlimited unique page loading animation for each of your pages with a single shortcode! All attributes of the shortcode can be generated from the plugin settings page easily.


    1. Unique text loading animation
    2. Powerful easy to use plugin settings
    3. 32 CSS3 page transitions
    4. 29 ready to use animated gifs
    5. 5 CSS3 custom image animation
    6. Custom image option
    7. All colors are changeable
    8. Fully responsive. You can change font sizes according to different screen sizes.
    9. Google web font support
    10. Animated loading bar
    11. Animated loading percentage counter
    12. Skip loading link option
    13. You can change their placements and margins…
    14. Lightweight, doesn’t load any script which you don’t want to use.
    15. Clean code
    16. Compatible with WPML plugin
    17. Detailed help documentation
    18. and much more…


    GIF Animations

    1. Modern Flat Preloader Set
    2. Flat Preloaders 2
    3. Flat Preloaders


    1. Animate
  • Ajaxer – Ajaxify Your WordPress Website (Utilities)

    Ajaxer – Ajaxify Your WordPress Website (Utilities)

    Ajaxer Intro – top

    Looking to make your site links load in a better form, without page refresh ? This is the solution for you. You site will appear faster and more immersive.

    Ajaxer Features

    • HTML5 technology – ajaxer uses the latest html5 tehniques ( like Histroy API ) to deliver a never seen before experience to your clients
    • four transition modes – customize to your liking
    • CSS3 technology – ajaxer uses cutting-edge css3
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs, some themes have one click setup
    • SEO friendly – ajaxer has no impact on seo
    • compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE9 to IE11, Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

    Other Great Plugins


  • Enjoyable Details Professional (Interface Components)

    Enjoyable Details Professional (Interface Components)

    Ultimate WordPress plugin to keep your visitors entertained

    FunFacts with Preloader allows you to show fun facts on your website in any way you choose.By using this plugin you can show Fun Facts as a stylish Preloader while your website page is being loaded in order to avoid visitors to get bored during the Wait time.


    1-Unlimited Fun Facts can be added
    2-Unlimited Preloader Sets can be created
    3-Can be used as website preloader only
    4-Can be used as preloader+fun facts
    5-Standalone preloader or used as sidebar widget
    6-Fully responsive and powered by HTML5 and CSS3
    7-Very easy to customize: set up in minutes
    8-WPML Ready

    Build professional preloaders in minutes

    As Preloader

    This Plugin can be used as Preloader in order to avoid visitors to get bored during the Wait time.

    As Sidebar Widget

    This plugin can be used a Side bar Widget to read the fun facts along with browsing the Website pages.

    Unlimited Preloaders

    Create unlimited preloaders with your own colors, images and style or mix everything in a preloader.

    Bundle with flexibility

    This plugin have lots of features to customized your preloaders and can be setup in a minutes.

    Fun Facts included

    Demo funfacts included with this plugin to enhance user experience to make it ready for use.

    Google Fonts

    Google Fonts supported to used in funfacts so you can use fonts according to your website.

  • Preloader Final – WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    Preloader Final – WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    Preloader Ultimate is a wordpress plugin that will add a beautiful animated loading screen indicator on your site. You can create unique preloading effects on each post/page. Choose the best loading spinner for your preloader from the four available option (CSS3, GIF, SVG, Custom upload). Customize the color, size and background, add some text below the loading spinner, add some awesome effects when preloader exit or when the site content is display.


    • Customize preloading effects on specific post/page
    • 50+ awesome CSS3 loading spinners available
    • 28 beautiful animated GIF available
    • 12 SVG loading spinners available
    • Custom image upload
    • Custom text below the loading spinner
    • 31 different preloader exit animation effects
    • 39 different page content entrance animation effects
    • customize the color, size and background
    • Enable/Disable Preloader
    • Enable/Disable Preloader on mobile devices
    • Hide/Show page scrollbar when loading
    • Exclude specific posts/pages from showing the preloader
    • Very easy to use, descriptions are provided in each settings

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots

    Preloader Ultimate Settings Page Screenshots


  • MelonHTML5 – Royal Preloader WordPress (Media)

    MelonHTML5 – Royal Preloader WordPress (Media)



    Include Royal Preloader, and you get a beautiful loading progress indicator for your page load. All the assets are automatically detected and loaded. No need to hook into any of your code, progress is detected automatically. Super easy to install. All web browsers and mobile devices supported.

    Please give it quick rating if you like this. If you have any suggestions/feature request or you find a bug, you are more than welcome to contact me and I’ll address them ASAP.

    #1 Sales JavaScript Loaders in codecanyon

    Note: jQuery Version is also available

    Live Demo


    Preload Website Images
    Preload all the website assets in a nice loading screen before website displays. No extra requests (bandwidth) are used during preloading.

    Loading Progress
    Automatically detect loading progress percentage and display them in the loader.

    Auto Detecting Cached Images
    Cached or invalid images are automatically detected. No extra HTTP requests will be made on cached images.

    Preload images used in CSS or AJAX contents
    All the directly images used on the website are automatically loaded. Additional images used in CSS background, AJAX content or third party photo gallerys and also be preloaded.

    Percentage mode, Plain Text mode and Logo Mode
    3 different modes. Percentage mode displays all the details (percentage, image name…etc); Plain Text mode displays a line of text and fades out from left to right while loading; Logo mode lets you put a logo to the screen center and fade it in while loading.

    8 Pre-Designed Loaders
    8 pre-designed image loaders are included and you can easily change to use your own loader.

    Multiple Background Transition
    Giving multiple backgrouns allows the loader transit from one backgorund colour to another during load. Unlike other fake loaders, Royal Preloader knows when an image is loaded, and therefore background transits when one image finishes loading.

    Enabling the cookie option make the loader only shows once for new visitors. Cooke can be easily removed or reset in options.

    Fully Customizable
    Plengty of API methods are given, which allows you to config the loader to suit your own needs.

    Easy to Install
    No complex HTML or JS code are needed. Just include the files, and that’s it.

    CSS3 animations + jQuery Fallback for IE
    All animations are written in pure CSS3 for mordern browsers for better performance. And old IEs will get jQuery Fallback.

    Mobile Device Support
    Works 100% on any mobile devices including phones, tablets and so on.

    Free support & frequent updates
    Feel free to contact me if you have any problems in using it, and I will response as soon as I can.


    v1.00 @ 18 Sep 2014

    WordPress Version: Initial release

    Real World Usage:

    If you wish (or don’t wish) your site to be listed here please send me an email.