Tag: post list

  • Khobish – Blogging Package for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)

    Khobish – Blogging Package for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)


    Khobish is blogging/magazine package for Elementor Page Builder. You can easily turn your site into powerful blog/magazine using this addon.

    Features Overview

    • Ajax Tab:

      Categorised post will load on click using ajax, smoothly.

    • Pagination:

      Eack block has previous next and load more pagination.

    • Transition:

      The addon uses velocity js library for smooth transition for loading post.

    • Lazy loading:

      Images will be loaded when content appears thus speeding up loading time.


    Classy and yet amazing news ticker!. Must have for magazine sites.


    Helpful widgets including social media follow and tabbed post.

    Magazine Sliders

    6 readymade sliders for beautiful presentations

    Sync Slider

    Thumb sync slider for better presentation

  • Magazinify | News Addon for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)

    Magazinify | News Addon for Elementor Page Builder (Add-ons)

    Magazinify is the perfect and stylish addon for Elementor Page Builder to present your ideas online. You can easily create news blocks to your needs, that will engaging visitors and potential clients. This addon makes your website’s design more interesting for your visitors. It helps you to easily manage your website content simply drag and drop, seriously no programming knowledge required.

  • Smart Grid Builder – WPBakery Page Builder Add-on (Add-ons)

    Smart Grid Builder – WPBakery Page Builder Add-on (Add-ons)

    Smart Grid Builder is a WordPress Plug-in that you can visually create & customize card designs for your post listings.

    Meet the most flexible grid builder!

    Take control of how you list your posts, pages or any post type

    Smart Grid Builder is a WordPress Plug-in that you can visually create & customize card designs for your post listings.

    You can create listing card designs with Smart Grid Builder’s dynamic post shortcodes. We have created special shortcode elements, so you can design your own grids freely and visually with the WPBakery Page Builder interface..

    Dynamic Shortcode Elements

    We have created WPBakery Page Builder a.k.a. Visual Composer specific dynamic elements for you to design any part of your grid designs with shortcodes. You can show or hide any of the elements on hover or set hover animations to create more interactive card designs.

    With the ‘Post Listing’ shortcode, you can create grid or masonry style post listings with advanced data options. You can dynamically load more of your content with a button or only with scroll. Or you can create reponsive touch sliders with your posts, thanks to the ‘Post Carousel’ element. You can use Smart Grid Builder for any post type such as posts, pages, portfolios, products, testimonials etc.

    40+ Demos!

    We have created 40 different grid demos for you to import with a single click and start using right away or customize according to your requirements. Scroll down to see the awesome grid desings you can make with Smart Grid Builder.

    Image Credits


    Note: Images are used only for display purpose. They are not included in the plug-in.

  • JetBlog – Wpblog Package deal for Elementor Web page Builder (Add-ons)

    JetBlog – Wpblog Package deal for Elementor Web page Builder (Add-ons)

    JetBlog Overview

    is a powerful plugin allowing to create stylish blog pages with dynamic content modules. It adds fully responsive content and organizes it in an eye-catching way.



    Take your blog to the totally new level with JetBlog plugin. It is devised specially for creating blog pages and adding versatile content modules to them. JetBlog is easy to use, allowing to add content in a matter of minutes in a drag-n-drop way. The module will also suit perfectly for website developers, who want to add dynamic blog content to web pages and style it up easily.

    JetBlog will assist you in content customization, changing content appearance according to your tastes and creating fully-fledged pages with posts, video layouts and text tickers. Become a pro at creating blog pages and blog content with JetBlog! You even won’t have to learn coding in order to use it, as everything can be done using its intuitive interface.


    Loaded with Content

    JetBlog suits perfectly for adding content to website’s pages in a smooth and easy way. Just create a new content section, select the content module you want to add and drop it there! Everything is simple and clear.

    Works with Elementor

    JetBlog modules complement the existing Elementor live page builder modules, allowing to enrich the page’s content with exquisite dynamic content blocks, such as Video Playlist, Smart Tiles, and may others.

    Text Ticker

    Enjoy delivering news in a classy and at the same time simple way! With Text Ticker content module you can create a constant animated feed of your publications!

    Smart List

    Have you ever dreamed about creating different layouts of your publications, making your blog page’s content really virile? Smart List module is really cut for this, allowing to create multiple posts layouts in a blink of an eye!

    Smart Tiles

    Attractively looking content tiles will definitely engage the visitor’s attention and become the essential part of your blog page with Smart Tiles module, which is devised to deliver your content it a stylish and eye-catching way!

    Video Playlist

    Feel free to create gorgeous video content blocks with Video Playlist module and use its abundant style and content settings to showcase the video posts in the right way!

    Versatile Layouts

    Revel in the vast amount of content layouts, using which you will definitely be able to create the perfect content fitting your needs and sense of style.

    Responsive to the Boot

    JetBlog gives you the opportunity to make your website’s content fully responsive. It will look great on all kinds of screens, regardless of if it is a desktop, a tablet or a mobile device.

    Multiple Style Settings

    Use multiple typography options, customize the shadows, borders and alignment according to your vision using abundant style settings available for each of the JetBlog content modules.

    RTL Supported

    Change the text direction from left-to-right to right-to-left! JetBlog fully supports RTL, and is easy to use regardless of what language the user speaks.

  • Ajax Customized Posts Record and Grid Professional (Interface Parts)

    Ajax Customized Posts Record and Grid Professional (Interface Parts)

    Ajax custom posts list and grid pro is a wordpress plugin that can be used to show the list or grid view of any posts or custom posts type content with the various ajax pagination functionality like load more posts, pagination with next-previous links and simple numeric pagination.

    This plugin supports fully responsive view with unlimited shortcode creation advanced functionality.


    • Fully ajax based posts loading in the list or grid view.
    • Unlimited shortcodes creation by advanced shortcode generation functionality.
    • Custom posts type supports that will allows to load any type of custom posts types data.
    • Allows to select custom category type as taxonomy and loads the posts related to selected category type.
    • Enable/Disable ajax based search posts functionality.
    • Able to hide or show various elements by custom settings to hide or show post title, posted date, animation over image, post image, pagination, post short content and read more link.
    • Allows to modify width and height of the images.
    • Auto image thumb file generation as per custom height and width settings.
    • Dynamic admin settings to change ordering/shorting of the posts by id, title or posted date.
    • There are three types of ajax based pagination available like load more posts, next previous posts and simple numeric pagination.
    • Support responsive views and able to customize the template.
    • Supports unlimited widget creation for the sidebar.
    • Enable/Disable RTL Support.
    • Supports 9 different modern and clean templates.
  • Final Layouts – Responsive Grid – Addon For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Final Layouts – Responsive Grid – Addon For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Main Features

    • 60+ Layouts & Uniques Design
    • Woocommerce Ready (grid, list, carousel support)
    • Retina Ready
    • Lazyload Support
    • 100% Responsive Design
    • HTML5 & CSS3 Support
    • Mobile Friendly
    • SEO Optimized
    • Quick & Easy Setup
    • Beautiful Lightbox Gallery
    • 40+ Animation Styles
    • Grid System Allows Up To 12 Columns.
    • Filter: Smart Tabs, Dropdown List & Inline Buttons
    • Pagination: Page Numbers, Loadmore Button & Infinite Scroll
    • Video Lightbox Support: Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Twitch & Facebook
    • Term/Category Background Color
    • 04 Image Hover Effects
    • 17 Overlay Hover Effects
    • Multi Taxonomies Filtering
    • Social Share Icon For Each Post
    • Custom Taxonomies & Custom Post Types Support
    • One Page Multiple Layout Support
    • Unlimited Grid Anywhere
    • Query Any Post Type
    • Query From Multiple Post Type
    • Query From Multiple Custom Taxonomies
    • Different Theme
    • Post Read More Translate Option
    • Unlimited Overlap Colors with Various Opacity
    • Custom Columns Layout
    • Support 700+ Google Fonts
    • Custom Number Grid Post Per Page
    • Display or Hide Post Meta’s
    • Fully Ajax & Json Support (high perfomance)
    • FREE Updates & FREE Support
    • One Shortcode with 60+ layouts
    • And so much more…


    • You need to have installed Visual Composer for used this plugin.
    • Detailed Documentation

    Change Log:

    Ver 1.0.1 (08/17/2016)
        - Support WooCommerce
    Ver 1.0.0 (08/16/2016)
        - Initial Release
  • Roots Extensions: Posts Checklist for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Roots Extensions: Posts Checklist for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Roots Extensions: Posts List for Visual Composer is a fully customization posts lists creator for Visual Composer.
    The options available in with this plugin are grouped in several sections for ease of access and in order to make it easier to use.

    The 6 sections and their settings are:


    1. Show Title
    2. Crop title if it’s to long
    3. x characters
    4. Append this text to the cropped title
    5. Link post title to full article
    6. Open post in new page
    7. Show Author meta

    1. Show Content
    2. Crop content if it’s to long
    3. x words
    4. Append this text to the cropped content
    5. Link post content to full article
    6. Open post in new page

    1. Show Thumbnail
    2. Thumbnail size
    3. Link post thumbnail to full article
    4. Open post in new tab
    5. Skip posts without thumbnail

    1. Select template
    2. Additional Class for title
    3. Additional class for author meta
    4. Additional class for content
    5. Additional class for thumbnails
    6. Thumbnails max height

    1. Include the following categories
    2. Exclude the following categories
    3. Include the following pages
    4. Exclude the following pages
    5. Select only posts/pages by these authors
    6. Filter by
    7. and order
    8. List posts/pages published in the last
    9. How many posts/pages you want in your results?

    1. Enable Slider
    2. Number of rows per slide
    3. Number of columns per slide
    4. Show navigation
    5. Navigation Speed
    6. Slide duration
    7. Auto-play
    8. Stop Hover
    9. Transition Animation Out
    10. Transition Animation In

    Plugin comes with 5 predefined templates to display the posts

    Template 1

    Clean template with the title on the first row, the author meta on the second row. The third row has a 1/3 column with the thumbnail and a 2/3 column with the content.

    template_2 Template 2

    Clasic template with each element on a row of it’s own: thumbnail on the first row, title on the second, author meta next and the content on the last row.

    Template 3

    Flip-box template with the thumbnail on the front. On mouse hover the template flips over and the back box appears: title on the first row, the author meta on the second row and content on the third row.

    template_4 Template 4

    One row with 1/3 filled with the thumbnail and 2/3 filed with the title and author meta. Next to the title there is a that when clicked will reveal the content below.

    Template 5

    All the information about the post is hidden except for the thumbnail. When you take the mouse over the thumbnail, it fades away and the title, author meta and content floats up from the bottom.


    See the full admin area:


  • Intensive Contemporary Posts Widget Professional (Widgets)

    Intensive Contemporary Posts Widget Professional (Widgets)

    Recent posts widget with fully customizable layout and optional slider.