Tag: newsletter template

  • Nuntium (Newsletters)

    Nuntium (Newsletters)

    Don’t have time to build custom email newsletters templates from scratch? Nuntium WordPress Plugin is here to help you.

    Generate clean HTML code for your email marketing service. Newsletter content fed directly from your WordPress site/blog.

    Create eye-catching newsletters quickly with just few clicks.

    Convert your WordPress posts into compatible newsletter templates.

    Generate clean HTML code for your email marketing provider.

    Promote your older articles in the newsletter and keep your subscribers updated.

    Create clean and modern newsletters and keep your subscribers up to date using these eye-catching newsletter themes fed directly from your WordPress site or blog.

    Our Newsletter Themes are fully compatible with all the major email marketing providers. MailChimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, Cleverreach, and more.

    If your email marketing provider accepts HTML code then you’re good to go.

    Email themes created with clean HTML code designed with the single purpose to help you build successful and efficient email campaigns.

  • WordPress E-newsletter Creator (Newsletters)

    WordPress E-newsletter Creator (Newsletters)

    Every business should keep in contact with its existing client base.
    These are customers who have already bought from you and therefore trust you/your product.
    They are also the most likely group to buy from you again, so it is important to maintain contact with them whenever you have something new to tell them about, and in which they may be interested.
    The best way to do this is through the use of a regular newsletter. This may sound like a lot of work. In fact it used to be, but not anymore…

    What is WP Newsletter Creator
    WP Newsletter Creator is made to create great newsletters from your existing WordPress content

    Show all your post types
    Present your existing posts, pages or any other custom post type, as well as WooCommerce products, with a featured image, title, excerpt text and link to the page on your newsletter.

    Choose from various designs
    Our plugin ships with some well designed responsive newsletter templates for your use. With the Pro-version you’ll regularly get new templates with the plugin updates.

    Create HTML newsletters in minutes
    You’ll definitely be surprised how easily and quickly you can create a fresh and modern newsletter, which will bring your email contacts back to your website, your Blog or your shop.

    WP Newsletter Creator Facts:

    Simple and fast setup
    Install the plugin and open the WP NC tab in your backend. There is already a ‘ready to go’ newsletter. Just modify the colours, excerpt length and go…

    Export clean HTML…
    … for further use with your favourite email marketing service provider, such as MailChimp, AWeber, Cleverreach, etc. Just import the generated HTML there.

    Adjust the design
    All colours for text and backgrounds can be adjusted to your needs. Similarly the length of the excerpt text and the wording of the “read more” button.

    The right image size
    Wordpress creates several sizes for your uploaded images. With WP NC you can choose which size fits best on your newsletter.

    Select articles you want to promote
    You will see all posts listed next to your newsletter layout. Just select the desired position number and click “Add”.

    Use of all post types
    Use some posts for your newsletter, a page as the main header story and maybe some of your WooCommerce products as well? Everything can be combined.

    Why you should use an email marketing service provider to send out your newsletter
    If you use email to send newsletters to a large number of contacts, you might encounter problems. Almost all hosting providers do not allow you to send out more than 500 e-mails at one time, some service providers have even lower limits.
    If you exceed the limit, your email will be flagged from the receiver’s servers as SPAM. It does not matter if, in fact, your email is not SPAM. Because of the high volume of email coming from your server, the problem will automatically present itself. Your server will be blacklisted, which means that your server will be evermore flagged as a SPAM sending server!
    For this reason, if you are sending high volumes of emails the best choice, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, is to use an email marketing service provider such as MailChimp, AWeber, CleverReach and the like.

  • WP E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WP E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WordPress Newsletter and Campaign is an easy to use wordpress newsletter system . You can Create Campaigns , send newsletter in HTML format and Import/Export Subscribers.

    Subscribtion form has Security images (captcha) and Email confirmation to block spams.

    This plugin can send emails to many subscribers. If you have limited emails per hour you can set it in Setting menu. You can see how many emails has been sent successfully or not.

    Also subscribers can share newsletters and campaigns by social plugins.


    • Scheduling
    • Send your recent posts in HTML Emails
    • Email and Campaign Templates
    • Can send Email to selected campaign
    • Import/Export Emails
    • Template Creator
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Captcha and Email confirmation
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Emails
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Campaigns
    • Maximum Email per Hour (for limited host services)
    • Shortcode to use subscribe form everywhere
    • Preview and Test before send
    • POP3 and SMTP Email Sender
    • Replace subscriber name inside email message (by using shortcode)
    • Replace subscriber email inside email message (by using shortcode)
  • wordpress E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    wordpress E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WordPress Newsletter and Campaign is an easy to use wordpress newsletter system . You can Create Campaigns , send newsletter in HTML format and Import/Export Subscribers.

    Subscribtion form has Security images (captcha) and Email confirmation to block spams.

    This plugin can send emails to many subscribers. If you have limited emails per hour you can set it in Setting menu. You can see how many emails has been sent successfully or not.

    Also subscribers can share newsletters and campaigns by social plugins.


    • Scheduling
    • Send your recent posts in HTML Emails
    • Email and Campaign Templates
    • Can send Email to selected campaign
    • Import/Export Emails
    • Template Creator
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Captcha and Email confirmation
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Emails
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Campaigns
    • Maximum Email per Hour (for limited host services)
    • Shortcode to use subscribe form everywhere
    • Preview and Test before send
    • POP3 and SMTP Email Sender
    • Replace subscriber name inside email message (by using shortcode)
    • Replace subscriber email inside email message (by using shortcode)
  • wordpress E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    wordpress E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WordPress Newsletter and Campaign is an easy to use wordpress newsletter system . You can Create Campaigns , send newsletter in HTML format and Import/Export Subscribers.

    Subscribtion form has Security images (captcha) and Email confirmation to block spams.

    This plugin can send emails to many subscribers. If you have limited emails per hour you can set it in Setting menu. You can see how many emails has been sent successfully or not.

    Also subscribers can share newsletters and campaigns by social plugins.


    • Scheduling
    • Send your recent posts in HTML Emails
    • Email and Campaign Templates
    • Can send Email to selected campaign
    • Import/Export Emails
    • Template Creator
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Captcha and Email confirmation
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Emails
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Campaigns
    • Maximum Email per Hour (for limited host services)
    • Shortcode to use subscribe form everywhere
    • Preview and Test before send
    • POP3 and SMTP Email Sender
    • Replace subscriber name inside email message (by using shortcode)
    • Replace subscriber email inside email message (by using shortcode)
  • WP E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WP E-newsletter and Marketing campaign (Newsletters)

    WordPress Newsletter and Campaign is an easy to use wordpress newsletter system . You can Create Campaigns , send newsletter in HTML format and Import/Export Subscribers.

    Subscribtion form has Security images (captcha) and Email confirmation to block spams.

    This plugin can send emails to many subscribers. If you have limited emails per hour you can set it in Setting menu. You can see how many emails has been sent successfully or not.

    Also subscribers can share newsletters and campaigns by social plugins.


    • Scheduling
    • Send your recent posts in HTML Emails
    • Email and Campaign Templates
    • Can send Email to selected campaign
    • Import/Export Emails
    • Template Creator
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Captcha and Email confirmation
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Emails
    • Social Networking Plugins inside Campaigns
    • Maximum Email per Hour (for limited host services)
    • Shortcode to use subscribe form everywhere
    • Preview and Test before send
    • POP3 and SMTP Email Sender
    • Replace subscriber name inside email message (by using shortcode)
    • Replace subscriber email inside email message (by using shortcode)