Tag: mobile redirect

  • Usa and Cellular Redirect for WordPress – AddOn (Add-ons)

    Usa and Cellular Redirect for WordPress – AddOn (Add-ons)

    Country and Mobile Redirect for WordPress – AddOn is a wordpress plugin for URL redirection and uses SEO standard 301, 302 redirects. Redirect using Geo location like Continent, Country, State, Region and City, redirect to mobile site, using this plugin we can make any page to be used as the 404 page, geolocation analytics and lot more…

    You can now define redirects like never before. Zero Coding and solves unlimited number of redirect usecases. This plugin requires Rules Engine Platform.

    A RulesEngine Platform Plugin: Is an unique platform which separates the Business conditions from Business use cases and RulesEngine platform will be used for future addons. Customer need to buy the RulesEngine Platform only once and in future releases they need to buy only AddOns such as Page Rule, Post Rule, Widget Rule, Theme Rule and Redirect Rules.
    Customers can save a lot and can do more using RulesEngine Platform. Click here to know more

    If you do not have RulesEngine platform plugin, please download full version of this plugin from here.

    If you are looking for more rules, please check WordPress Access and Content Controller Plugin.


    Important Features:

    • Redirect using Geo location like Continent, Country, State, Region and City.
    • Redirect for Tablet device.
    • Redirect for Mobile phone.
    • Redirect by Request URL.
    • Follows SEO standard, by redirecting using 301 and 302 status codes.
    • 404 Error handling, redirect to a custom page for 404 errors.
    • Back to full site from mobile devices after redirecting using a simple parameter.
    • Block users from a particular Country, State, Region and City.
    • Block users from a particular IP Address
    • Redirect for a specific Mobile Operating System like Andriod, IOS, Windows etc.
    • Redirect for a specific Mobile Phone type like iPhone, Andriod Phone, Window Phone etc.
    • Redirect for a specific Tablet type like iPad, Andrio Tablet, HP Touch Pad and Blackberry tablet.
    • Redirect using User Profile like User Id, User Role and Email Id.
    • Redirect using a specific or range of Date, Time, Month and Day of the week.
    • Redirect by WordPress and WooCommerce Categories.
    • Redirect by Pages and Posts.
    • Redirect by Language.
    • Redirect by Browser.
    • Activate or deactivate redirect rule.
    • Analytics : Understand your site traffic and user base. No need to share your site data to third-party providers like Google Analystics.
      Below are the live data charts captured from my demo website. We will further enhance this in future.

      • Request by Country: This chart provides the requests made to the site from each country. Useful to understand site traffice from different countries.


      • Requests by Device Chart: This chart provides the requests made to the site from each device. Helps you the know the site traffic from different devices.


      • Redirect by Device Chart: This chart provides the redirects made from the site to each device.


      • Redirect by Device Type Chart: This chart provides the redirects made from the site to each device type.



    • Complex rule support:

    • Complex rule is one of the key features of RulesEngine Platform. RulesEngine is very flexible for defining very complex logical rules using “AND” “OR” and “Brackets” operators.

      An example of defining the complex rule with City and Request URL


      Below is much more complex rule

      (e.g: Role is Administrator and Country is USA and Month is January, Page is Home etc, see below sreenshots.)
      See Logical rule section for more info.

      See Logical rule section for more info.

    How it works:

    Below is an example of providing access to site from only canada country and all other nations will be redirected to a no access page.
    In order to achieve this use case, first we need to define a Logical Rule with country as Canada and condition as “is not equals” as shown below screenshot.


    Redirect Rule: Using the above defined logical rule for defining the redirect rule.


    Similarly we can define more rules using the City, Region, Mobile, Date and Time etc

    Click here for more demos using this plugin

    Important Use Cases:

    • Redirect for Mobile Device: This is a very common use case where user from a mobile or tablet device should be redirected to a mobile sites, this can be achieved by defining a logical rule for Mobile and Tablet devices and use them in Redirect Rules.
    • Redirect by Geo Location: If you want to redirect all the user who are coming from a specific geographic location country or continent then define a logical rule using “Geo Location” Criteria.This is very useful when you want to redirect users to a local server.
    • Redirect by Role: You might be having a use case of redirecting specific role users to a different page, in such case define a logical rule using “User Role” criteria and use it in redirect rule.
    • Redirect by Request URL: Define a logical rule using Request URL Criteria and use this in defining Redirect Rule. Useful for static paths, like whenever user request from a http://test.com we can redirect them to http://test2.com
    • Redirect in Site Down Time: Define a Redirect for home, which can be simply achieved by defining a logical rule on Home Page and leveraging it in Redirect rule.
      You can use Date, Time, Day of Week and Month sub criteria to further refine the rule.
    • SEO Redirect:
      SEO redirects is an important for enhancing SEO, by using 301 redirects search engine will be informed that this page is moved to another one, which prevent indexing the two pages of the same content and will mark them as a duplicate content,
    • Activate or deactivate redirect rule: Redirect can be activated or deactivated. If the rule is deactivated the action pertaining to the rule will not be performed.
  • Tool Redirect – WordPress Cellphone &Pill Redirect (Utilities)

    Tool Redirect – WordPress Cellphone &Pill Redirect (Utilities)

    What is Device Redirect?

    Device Redirect is a plugin that redirects users to your specified optimized page URL according to their devices they are using — phone or tablet. It offers a more in depth filter parameters to target users according to their device brand, browser, and device operating system. Currently works on homepage, post, page, and custom post types in WordPress.

    Redirect Rules

    • Sitewide – Redirect every page to a specific URL you provide with the parameters you choose — device, device brand, browser, and device operating system. (This feature can be located at the left side panel under “Device Redirect > Redirects”)
    • Global – Redirect your users according to screen and screen type (homepage, single, single post, singe page, or a custom single post type). This setting acts as global redirect rules if no specific post redirect rules is set.(This feature can be located at the left side panel under “Device Redirect > Redirects”)
    • Local – Redirect your users according to specific post, page, or custom post. (This feature can be located below post content of every admin edit post. This feature must enabled at “Device Redirect > General Settings”)

    Example #1: Homepage

    Visiting this link with Device Redirect plugin enabled and with redirect rules set up would redirect your users accordingly to the redirect rules or parameters you setup for this page.

    If you visit the link above in your phone or tablet, you’ll be redirected to the following pages according to what redirect rules you are matched.

    (Any phones)

    (Any tablets)

    To override Device Redirect plugin from redirecting you, add a query argument to the link “tpdr=1”.

    Example #2: Page

    Visiting this link with Device Redirect plugin enabled and with redirect rules set up would redirect your users accordingly to the redirect rules or parameters you setup for this page.

    If you visit the link above in an Android or iOS powered devices, you’ll be redirected to the following pages according to what redirect rules you are matched.

    (Any devices that is Android)

    (Any devices that is iOS)

    To override Device Redirect plugin from redirecting you, add a query argument to the link “tpdr=1”.

    Friendly UI



    Version 1.0 on June 21, 2014
     - Initial Release
  • Cell Discover-Redirect Plugin With Cookies – wordpress (Utilities)

    Cell Discover-Redirect Plugin With Cookies – wordpress (Utilities)

    Mobile Detect-Redirect WordPress Plugin With Cookies

    A simple WordPress plugin that does exactly what it’s supposed to:

    • it detects mobile devices
    • it redirects visitors to a mobile website (or, allows them to choose if they want to be redirected or not)

    Main Features

    • can be installed just like any other plugin
    • uses the default WordPress settings API to handle all options
    • all texts shown in the redirect window can be translated (changed) from the options page in the admin panel (no code editing required)
    • you can choose between redirecting the users without their confirmation and allowing them to choose if they will be redirected
    • uses cookies to remember the user’s choice (if the user wants his choice to be remembered) for a certain number of days. The number of days can be changed from the options


    • you can extend the list of devices directly from the options page
    • you can add custom CSS rules to further customize the redirect window directly in the options page
    • requires jQuery to work

    Options Page:


    The demo also works on dekstops, so you can test it. The source files you receive are st to mobile devices only (you have an option to enable desktop mode too, for tests).