Tag: javascript

  • Clean MouseWheel WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Clean MouseWheel WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    This is the WordPress Plugin version. Are you looking for the pure Javascript version?

    MouseWheel Movements Do Not Need to Be Jumpy

    We want all our websites to be amazing, that’s why we just love adding nifty effects in our sites like:

    • large images,
    • parallax backgrounds,
    • fancy entrance animations,
    • and many more.

    However, these effects can sometimes be made less awesome because when your visitors scroll down using their mouse wheel, the screen just jumps down. This is especially harmful to parallax effects, since a jumpy scroll would make the parallax unnoticeable.

    This script will make your site cool again by making the scroll movement of the mouse wheel smooth. Even scrolling by pressing the up and down keys are made smooth.

    Just activate the plugin in WordPress, and smooth scrolling will be applied to your whole site right away.

    Why Use This Plugin?

    Let me tell you a very short story. We wanted to make our website’s scrolling smooth, so we browsed the net for solutions. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find an all-in-one solution that worked the way wanted it to work.

    Some were complicated and required us to read a ton of documentation, some only did smooth scrolling for same-page links, some only worked sort of okay (scrolling up and down fast made the page stutter), and some interfered with multi-touch enabled touchpads.

    In the end, we created our own solution. It’s simple, easy to use, and it just works – the Smooth MouseWheel WP Plugin.

    Full Feature Set

    • Minimal setup, just activate & enjoy;
    • Optimized, we use a polyfilled requestAnimationFrame to perform the scrolling;
    • Lightweight, only 4kb minified
    • Smart, smooth scrolling will disable itself automatically for touch mobile devices since those already scroll smoothly using Modernizr;
    • A pure Javascript solution, doesn’t require jQuery;
    • Also smoothens up & down key scrolling;
    • Fires the scroll event correctly; and
    • Works in all modern browsers

    Having Trouble with the Script?

    Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!

    Enjoying the Script?

    Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.

    Check out Our Other Stuff

    Video & Parallax Backgrounds For Visual Composer

    CSS Animator add-on for Visual Composer

    4k Icons add-on for Visual Composer


    Version 1.0

    * Initial release

  • Blue Hat Turbo (search engine marketing)

    Blue Hat Turbo (search engine marketing)

    Instantly turbocharge your WordPress website by installing Blue Hat Turbo!

    Optimize & offload your static JavaScript, CSS, images, SWF & web font files with the click of a button.

    Works with Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles & Blue Hat CDN!

    Improve SEO rankings, save bandwidth & impress your visitors with BEYOND supercharged website content!

    Analyzes & compiles your JavaScript & CSS into single STATIC files! Externalizes inline JavaScript, CSS & much much more!


    Combines JavaScript & CSS Files
    Safely combines your JavaScript & CSS files into single static files, drastically reducing your page size & connections per page.

    Externalizes JavaScript & CSS Snippets
    Automatically detects and externalizes large segments of inline JavaScript/CSS code to reduce page size.

    HTML5 Optimization
    Detects & replaces legacy HTML4 code with HTML5 compliant code for greater browser compatibility & performance.

    MeshHash Compiler
    Our patent pending MeshHash compiler handles long running optimization tasks asynchronously, progressively analyzing your web pages for optimizations it can apply while your visitors browse your website, without disrupting them or slowing down their page load requests.

    SEO Optimization
    Optimizes your HTML code & ensures your files are delivered with the proper SEO headers to rank well on search engines.

    Loss-Less Image Optimization
    Optimizes your images without loss of quality using a combination of our own image optimization service and Yahoo!’s Smush.it image optimization service, to squeeze down your images to the last byte.

    JavaScript, CSS, HTML Optimization
    Optimizes your JavaScript, CSS & HTML by removing excess white space & line breaks which reduces your file size.

    Supports Multiple CDNs
    Supports Blue Hat CDN, Amazon CloudFront & RackSpace CloudFiles so that you can easily switch back & forth between CDNs to compare them & see which one works better for you.

    Supports Various File Types
    Supports offloading & optimization of static JavaScript, CSS, images, SWF & web font files.

    Advanced, Accurate GZip Compression
    Your web files are compressed using an advanced, more accurate form of GZip compression which determines which files should be GZipped before they are even requested! No more On-The-Fly GZip compression which can be inaccurate & end up slowing down your website or increasing your file sizes.

    Parallel Download Optimization
    Your web files are spread across multiple domain names to bypass modern web browser simultaneous download limitations.

    Prefetch DNS Optimization
    Optimizes DNS lookups by putting all the domains involved in rendering a web page, in the head section, so that your visitors web browser can perform DNS lookups more efficiently & in batch before the page even loads.

    Database Optimization
    Keeps your database optimized by running an OPTIMIZE TABLE query on your database tables on a regular basis.

    Simple One Click Setup
    Simply click one Scan/Sync button & you’re all done! The plugin will take care of the rest for you! No technical knowledge needed.

    Exclude Files or Folders
    Exclude certain files or folders from being scanned, synced & optimized.

    Automatic Scan & Sync Files
    Automatically scan & sync your website’s static media files to your preferred CDN whenever changes are detected.

    Single Site, or Multi-Site Compatible
    Works with WordPress in single or multi-site/networked setup, where each individual site can have its own Blue Hat Turbo settings.

    Easy, Safe Install/Uninstall
    An easy & safe installation & uninstallation procedure, so that you can quickly revert back to your original files & setup if needed.

    Open source, GPL!
    This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license & is completely open source so you can extend and modify it to your needs.

  • Contemporary Customized Code (Utilities)

    Contemporary Customized Code (Utilities)


    Add custom CSS, LESS and JS code to any WordPress page without rewriting your themes and therefore losing the ability to update the theme.

    More detailed item description page is coming soon, in the meantime please see the Screenshots above and read the Main Features below.

    Main Features

    • White Label Admin – no advertising or Fresh branding anywhere
    • Small Footprint – The interface is located directly in “WP-admin -> Settings -> Custom Code”
    • Create as many Custom Codes as you want, each with different rules, options and conditions
    • Professional Ace text editor with Emmet toolkit which lets you write your CSS code faster by expanding abbreviated CSS properties into their full form. More info can be found in their own cheatsheet (scroll down to CSS section). To quickly try Emmet type bgc into the editor and hit TAB key. It should expand to background-color
    • Supports CSS, LESS, JS and Tracking Codes (Google Analytics)
    • Conditional Logic – You can limit where will your Custom Code be used. For example you can only use your code on a single post that has a Post Format Video. Or you can limit your code to a specific theme, that’s useful if you switch themes a lot.
    • Placement – place your code in the Header or Footer to get maximum flexibility/performance.
    • Prioty – set Priority where the default value is 5, highest is 1 and lowest is 10. A code with a higher priority will be printed after the code with a lower priority.
    • Status – Publish your Custom Code now or at a set time. By using the Draft feature you can write your code but it will not yet be visible to public.
    • LESS – Automatically compiles and cache your LESS syntax, you just focus on writing. Already includes several pre-defined mixins (border-radius, gradients, etc.)
    • Is included in the native WordPress content migration (Import/Export) located at “WP-admin -> Tools -> Import/Export”
    • Native one-click updates to new versions from “WP-admin -> Dashboard -> Updates” – you do not need any purchase code, it just works
    • Great for ThemeForest authors to include in their WordPress themes for sale – requires Extended license
          Fresh Performance Cache
    You can minify, combine and compress your .LESS/.SCSS files on the fly using our Fresh Performance Cache plugin for WordPress.
    Purchase Here

    Attributions & Credits

    Our Latest WordPress Theme – NEW!

  • Mapplic – Customized Interactive Map WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Mapplic – Customized Interactive Map WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    If you would like to turn your photo/vector graphic map into a fancy interactive map application that is supported by every major browser and it’s working even on mobile or other touch devices, you can stop searching, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, you came to the only place, since it is the only utility available with this unique feature set.

    The supported map file formats are: JPG, PNG and SVG.

    Main features:

    • Unlimited landmarks: Any number of locations with unique pins and various actions
    • Unlimited floors: Multiple floors are supported without any limitation
    • Admin interface: user friendly backend
    • Deeplinking: Every location can be referenced by it’s own URL
    • Browser support: Works great in every major browser, even Internet Explorer 8
    • Responsive design: Provides optimal experience across a wide range of devices
    • Touch optimized: Touchscreen devices, like tablets and smartphones are also supported
    • Well documented: A detailed user guide is included

    Why to use

    There are dozens of web mapping applications available, like Google Maps, however in some cases other approaches may be needed in order to provide proper results. The following are just a few of the possible applications that can be achieved exclusively with this utility:

    • Buildings: Shopping malls, hospitals, airports, public buildings, blueprints or any building that is too small to be detailed on the world map, however it has importance. Displaying multi-storey structures is highly effective.
    • Illustrated maps: Ski maps, isometric maps or any kind of illustrations.
    • Fictional maps: Fantasy maps, RPG and other video game maps, anything that cannot be found on the world map.
    • Temporary maps: Camps, festivals or anything that is not permanent. Moving objects, like cruise ships can also have maps.

    Please don’t forget to rate after purchase!

  • My Presentation (Utilities)

    My Presentation (Utilities)

    My Presentation is a plugin for WordPress that allows to create presentations of different elements/features directly into the frontend of any theme.

    Very often the sites contain special items, original design or unique features that the developer wants to put in the record and to present them in a simple form to its users. For these reasons it would be welcomed a quick and cheap solution that will save your time and resources, meanwhile bringing a considerable value for users.

    For that was created My Presentation plugin, which allows the site administrator to put out those features which sets it apart from other products on the market.

    A presentation is composed of one or more tooltips that are attached to different html elements from pages. Tooltips has different global and individual settings which allows you to personalize it in different ways at different elements of a page. Also there are an API for javascript that permit different hacking methods over tooltips.

    My Presentation plugin is accessible to anyone and saves precious time. Also the plugin comes with a premium support for users. This product is a solution that allows you to put in evidence any element no matter how crowded is the web page. It also allows you to realize a conscious and pleasant navigation for your visitors. More than that, the plugin allows you to you interact more intensively and in a much more comfortable way with visitors. Thus they will be impressed by your page.

    Possible cases for use:

    • it is necessary for the user to perform some initialization steps to understand how work certain parts of the site.
    • visitors must navigate step by step from one element to another.

    My Presentation plugin can be used by a simple WordPress user for personal purposes like: blog presentation, services, customization, etc; as well as by professional developer of WordPress that can use it for commercial products presentation.

  • MYDesign – Onepage Multipurpose Flat WordPress Theme (Company)

    MYDesign – Onepage Multipurpose Flat WordPress Theme (Company)

    “MYDesign” is a One Page Multipurpose Flat WP Theme, based on 960 grid, 2 Layered PSD files included.
    Perfect Flat theme for the creative agency, freelancer or general business with a bunch of super-awesome features . MYDesign is Quick to setup and easy to customize, thanks to the powerful admin panel, Custom posts , the detailed manual, and the carefully structured code, Firefly is the perfect theme for showcasing your most important work directly in front of your visitors.


    • Homepage Builder.
    • 5 Post Types
    • OnePage + Awesome blog Page.
    • Unlimited colors.
    • Unlimited backgrounds.
    • Unlimited patterns.
    • layer Slider worth 15$.
    • Working Contact Form.
    • Working Subscribe form.
    • Retina Ready.
    • .PO + .MO Ready.
    • XML dummy content included.
    • WordPress +3.7 Ready.
    • Working Social Boxes counters.
    • Post likes included in the theme.
    • Wenak Advanced admin panel.
    • Flat & Modern design.
    • 2 different layouts.
    • HTML5 & CSS3.
    • Responsive design.
    • 2 Modes for services page.
    • 2 PSD files very well organized.
    • 960 Grid based.
    • Eazy to edit.

    Have a question , feel free to contact us any time you want :)


     Version 1.2 – 2013 12 2  
     - added the option to remove the subscribe section from footer.
     - added custom HTML sections to the homepage.
     - added full width pages.
     - added the function to add second homepage in the theme.
     - theme functions improvements.
     Version 1.1 – 2013 11 18  
     - added new shortcodes :
         - circular charts.
         - progress bars.
         - note box.
         - pricing tables.
     - added linkedin and google+ to the team members links.
     - bug fixed.
     - minor styling adjustments.
     Version 1.0 – 2013 11 8  
     - Initial release

    All support is handled via e-mail, send your email from our profile contact form to verify your purchase ( Go to profile )

  • MYDesign – Onepage Multipurpose Flat wordpress Theme (Company)

    “MYDesign” is a One Page Multipurpose Flat WP Theme, based on 960 grid, 2 Layered PSD files included.
    Perfect Flat theme for the creative agency, freelancer or general business with a bunch of super-awesome features . MYDesign is Quick to setup and easy to customize, thanks to the powerful admin panel, Custom posts , the detailed manual, and the carefully structured code, Firefly is the perfect theme for showcasing your most important work directly in front of your visitors.


    • Homepage Builder.
    • 5 Post Types
    • OnePage + Awesome blog Page.
    • Unlimited colors.
    • Unlimited backgrounds.
    • Unlimited patterns.
    • layer Slider worth 15$.
    • Working Contact Form.
    • Working Subscribe form.
    • Retina Ready.
    • .PO + .MO Ready.
    • XML dummy content included.
    • WordPress +3.7 Ready.
    • Working Social Boxes counters.
    • Post likes included in the theme.
    • Wenak Advanced admin panel.
    • Flat & Modern design.
    • 2 different layouts.
    • HTML5 & CSS3.
    • Responsive design.
    • 2 Modes for services page.
    • 2 PSD files very well organized.
    • 960 Grid based.
    • Eazy to edit.

    Have a question , feel free to contact us any time you want :)


     Version 1.2 – 2013 12 2  
     - added the option to remove the subscribe section from footer.
     - added custom HTML sections to the homepage.
     - added full width pages.
     - added the function to add second homepage in the theme.
     - theme functions improvements.
     Version 1.1 – 2013 11 18  
     - added new shortcodes :
         - circular charts.
         - progress bars.
         - note box.
         - pricing tables.
     - added linkedin and google+ to the team members links.
     - bug fixed.
     - minor styling adjustments.
     Version 1.0 – 2013 11 8  
     - Initial release

    All support is handled via e-mail, send your email from our profile contact form to verify your purchase ( Go to profile )

  • MYDesign – Onepage Multipurpose Flat wordpress Theme (Company)

    MYDesign – Onepage Multipurpose Flat wordpress Theme (Company)

    “MYDesign” is a One Page Multipurpose Flat WP Theme, based on 960 grid, 2 Layered PSD files included.
    Perfect Flat theme for the creative agency, freelancer or general business with a bunch of super-awesome features . MYDesign is Quick to setup and easy to customize, thanks to the powerful admin panel, Custom posts , the detailed manual, and the carefully structured code, Firefly is the perfect theme for showcasing your most important work directly in front of your visitors.


    • Homepage Builder.
    • 5 Post Types
    • OnePage + Awesome blog Page.
    • Unlimited colors.
    • Unlimited backgrounds.
    • Unlimited patterns.
    • layer Slider worth 15$.
    • Working Contact Form.
    • Working Subscribe form.
    • Retina Ready.
    • .PO + .MO Ready.
    • XML dummy content included.
    • WordPress +3.7 Ready.
    • Working Social Boxes counters.
    • Post likes included in the theme.
    • Wenak Advanced admin panel.
    • Flat & Modern design.
    • 2 different layouts.
    • HTML5 & CSS3.
    • Responsive design.
    • 2 Modes for services page.
    • 2 PSD files very well organized.
    • 960 Grid based.
    • Eazy to edit.

    Have a question , feel free to contact us any time you want :)


     Version 1.2 – 2013 12 2  
     - added the option to remove the subscribe section from footer.
     - added custom HTML sections to the homepage.
     - added full width pages.
     - added the function to add second homepage in the theme.
     - theme functions improvements.
     Version 1.1 – 2013 11 18  
     - added new shortcodes :
         - circular charts.
         - progress bars.
         - note box.
         - pricing tables.
     - added linkedin and google+ to the team members links.
     - bug fixed.
     - minor styling adjustments.
     Version 1.0 – 2013 11 8  
     - Initial release

    All support is handled via e-mail, send your email from our profile contact form to verify your purchase ( Go to profile )