Tag: google

  • Google Analytics Decide-Out WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Google Analytics Decide-Out WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    The Google Analytics Opt-Out WordPress Plugin is an advanced WordPress Plugin that allows your users to Opt-Out of Google Analytics.

    According to an EU Article (2009/136/EG) of the EU-Privacy Directive (‘The Cookie Laws’), web sites that target EU users have to provide an opt-in or an opt-out button (depending on the country). This plugin provides an opt-out link via shortcode and a banner.

    Plugin Features

    Opt-Out Shortcode

    With a click of a button you’re able to add a simple opt-out link to your Privacy Policy page.

    Banner fixed to the bottom

    A banner will be fixed to the bottom of every page so that it clearly shows that the user can opt-out.


    Customize the banner with your own colors (CSS) and your own texts.

    Easy Settings

    Just set your UA-Code and that’s it! It also incorporates with Yoast’s Analytics plugin.

    Simple JavaScript Code

    A JavasScript code prevents the user for being tracked.

    Support & Testimonials

    • Our plugins are made in Germany by a German engineer.
    • All technical requests regarding the plugin will end up in the engineers email account not in asia or anywhere else.
    • You will get support from the guy who wrote the plugin.
    • Maybe this are the reasons why our customers are so satisfied.
    • “Dear WP-Buddy, WOW, thanks so much for super service and great product.”
    • “Thanks WP-Buddy for listening to your buyers. Great support thanks again.”
    • “Thank you so much for the briefing. Awesome services.”
    • “I just found your plugin on Code Canyon, I love the quality of it and it shows you have great talent.”
    • “Thanks a lot for the help and support mate. It seems good after testing… please let me know u have anymore products for sale or in pipline lol”
    • “Thanks SO MUCH for taking time and writing to me the valuable information about snippets.”

    WordPress 3.8 support!

    Yes, this plugin is 3.8 ready! (Tested with 3.8 beta 1 so far)

    Plugin Requirements

    • This plugin requires: PHP5.3 running on your webserver (if you don’t know how to update to the latest version, read this),
    • a WordPress Version higher or equal 3.7
    • a Google Account and Google Analytics, of course :)
    • No Javascript errors on your website. Otherwise the plugin will not work. Read more about this on WordPress.org

    Important Notes

    • The installation of this plugin does not replace legal advice you might need to put the EU-Privacy Directive to practice accordingly.

    Version History

    The current version is 1.1 (Nov. 21, 2013). Click here for a full version history.

    Have any questions? – FAQ

    Could not find an answer to your question? Please consider reading the Google Analytics Opt-Out WordPress Plugin FAQ first.

    Check out my WordPress Plugins and Themes!

    Google Analytics Opt Out WordPress Plugin
    Google Custom Search WodPress Plugin
    Purple Heart Rating WordPress Plugin
    Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin
    Google Plus Author Information in Search Results
    Product Countdown WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce
    Google Drive as WordPress CDN Plugin
    Schema Corporate WordPress Theme
    Login With Amazon for WooCommerce WordPress Plugin
    Flag Counter

  • WordPress Search Bot Detector (Add-ons)

    WordPress Search Bot Detector (Add-ons)

    WordPress Search Bot Detector helps you to know when search engines scrape your site.

    With WordPress Search Bot Detector you can:

    • get daily statistics about what bots scraped your pages;
    • build and download reports about visits of your site;
    • know is your changes in posts and pages crawled by search bots;
    • extend list of bots to detect;
    • keep history of visits to your site.

    Installing of WordPress Search Bot Detector is very simple – download plugin and install him as basic plugin for WordPress, more details you can find here – http://zilorent.com/products/search-bot-detector/

  • Prime Social Tales Plugin and Widget (Utilities)

    Prime Social Tales Plugin and Widget (Utilities)

    Top social stories” are your best posts, the most shared on social networks, discover and analyze your most viral posts with this plugin and watch stats: you can see how many Facebook interactions, Google+ and Twitter interactions you have every day for each post and globally for all your blog.

    Example of backend analytics:

    If you use social plugins for sharing contents on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter or if you use the Facebook comments under your WordPress blog posts, you should install this plugin, to save and track social interactions data.

    Top Social Stories Plugin grabs the total share count from Facebook (facebook like + share + comments), number of Google +1s and grabs the number of times your links are twitted on Twitter for each post of your blog every day.

    Example of chart for a single post:

    Data are saved in database and can be exported as custom fields linked to each post (which you can use in your theme to show social interactions). This data, daily, are used to create ranks of your Top Social Stories.

    These ranks can be added to your siderbars throught widgets and can be used inside posts with shortcodes.
    The plugin and the widget have a lot of parameters to customize your ranks and get useful Top Social Stories list, but if you are novice go with defaults, they are quite good for all blogs.

    Features list:

    • works also for custom post types
    • easy to read stats on a period, with trends (which post is going viral, which is going down)
    • daily stats with trends, and stats over a period
    • save historical data for each post and draw line chart for social interactions both globally (all posts) and for each single post
    • show authors rank for a period and for today, who is your best author?
    • customize the widget to show/hide total count number
    • customize the widget to show/hide featured images
    • customize the widget to force include of posts (if you have paid content to push)
    • customize the widget to optionally add automatically a tag to posts that enter a rank
    • export data to custom fields to show counters inside your theme with php!
    • include a useful setting to refresh Facebook cache

    Version history:

    • october 2013 first release; v.1.0
    • v.1.1 – Added support for Google+, small graphic improvements. Bug fixed: hide draft posts, fixed wrong count in authors count and minor fixes, support for custom post types. NOTE: users who have installed the 1.0 version must deactivate and reactivate the plugin to make the update.
    • v.1.2 – Better support for custom post types. Small bug fixed (removed articles without likes from stats and ranks, addedd messages when empty ranks, and more…). New chart period navigation.
  • Sexy Creator Field (Utilities)

    Sexy Creator Field (Utilities)

    The most attractive author box plugin with 24 skins included.
    You can choose the skin in admin panel and live preview without page reload.
    Also include shortcode, widget and template tag.
    Google authorship verification is also included.

    Main Features

    Live preview of skin select

    Place anywhere

    Customization of tabs

    Widget Ready


    Update History

    Oct 9 2013: Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • Feedo – WordPress Social Feed & Move (Social Networking)

    Feedo – WordPress Social Feed & Move (Social Networking)

    Feedo is a premium social stream and feed plugin for WordPress 3+ websites. It generates a feed of your favourite social network accounts.

    Supported social networks include: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest and Dribbble.


    • 9 supported social networks.
    • Endless networks and accounts on each feed.
    • Responsive Isotope layout.
    • Two color skins.
    • Awesome 48hr Support.


    = v0.4 [2013-12-01]
    * FIX: facebook API redeclaration when other plugins use it too.
    * FIX: twitter API redeclaration when other plugins use it too.
    = v0.3 [2013-11-13]
    * FEATURE: google plus activities support.
    * FEATURE: twitter pictures on feed.
    * FIX: fullscreen button on videos coming from facebook posts.
    = v0.2 [2013-11-05]
    * FEATURE: don't show facebook images.
    * FEATURE: social network css class to each block for custom styling.
    * FIX: includes modernizer required by isotope.
    * FIX: warnings when empty arrays.
    = v0.1 [2013-10-29]
    * Initial Release
  • Social Auto Poster – WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Social Auto Poster – WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    follow on envato
    follow on facebook

    Social Auto Poster lets you automatically post all your content to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    The whole process is completely automated. Just write a new post and it will be published to your configured social network account. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends,
    readers and followers about your new post.


    Here you’ll find the main features that are included in our Social Auto Poster Plugin!

    • Allow auto-posting new posts to configured social network.
    • Ability to choose which post type you want to post.
    • Ability to post content on all your linked Facebook Accounts.
    • Ability to shorten long URL into a tiny URL.
    • Schedule your posts to configured social network.
    • Each Post, Page, or Custom Post Type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to set different title, account, text, template, link etc.
    • Unique URL genertated each time for wall post to avoid duplicate content error.
    • A clean & user friendly admin UI to manage everything.
    • Works for any post, page or custom post type created on your blog.



    Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.


    Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you’re still stuck you can contact through our support platform or email us on wpweb101@gmail.com for any pre-sale inquiry only.

    Change Log:

    = Version 1.1.0 (2013-11-21) =
    * [+] Added option to shorten long URL into a tiny URL by tinyurl.com or bit.ly.
    * [+] Added more options for Facebook wall post like allow to set custom image,
          custom caption etc.
    * [+] Added Auto posting feature for Twitter social network.
    * [+] Added Auto posting feature for linkedIn social network.
  • ShareIt – Shareable Content material Snippets for WordPress (Social Networking)

    ShareIt – Shareable Content material Snippets for WordPress (Social Networking)

    ShareIt is a WordPress plugin to create and share content snippets made of texts and/or images through social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+

    ShareIt will adapt to the capabilities of each social network:

    • In Twitter, share a status with a link.
    • Facebook has the most complete sharing, including title, description, image and link
    • For Pinterest, share the description, image and link
    • Google+ accepts only the link to the page
    • For Tumblr grabs the text and source
    • LinkedIn accepts text, title and URL


    • Share to different social networks on each one:
      • Twitter
      • Facebook
      • Pinterest
      • Google+
      • Tumblr
      • LinkedIn
    • Share text, image, title and URL according to the capabilities of each social network
    • Fluid & Responsive
    • Works on mobile devices
    • Set alignment options on each one:
      • Left
      • Center
      • Right
    • Integrated into WordPress Content Editor
    • Craft a shareable content specifically in the WordPress Editor dialog or quickly wrap content in your post for sharing capturing text and images
    • Customize colors, default sites to share and default alignment in content
    • Panel for custom CSS rules and properties so they’re preserved during upgrades or even if you change the site’s theme.
    • Advanced users can take advantage of the filters included to modify the ShareIt markup output
    • Icons from FontAwesome icons, perfectly scalable for regular and retina displays
    • Well documented and supported


    After activation, ShareIt will have some default options already set so it works right out of the box in the plugins settings page. You can modify them to meet your requirements and set up the styling to match your site’s overall design.

    You’ll find the menu in WordPress Editor for you to use as described in the companion documentation.

    Access the support forum

    Support forum

    If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

    See Also

    Allground – Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Allground - Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

    Alldion - Responsive accordion for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

    Tabs Widget for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • Nofollow Supervisor (search engine optimization)

    Nofollow Supervisor (search engine optimization)

    Feature Requests

    Please post any feature requests in the comments section!

    Nofollow Manager WordPress Plugin

    nofollow is a value that can be assigned to an HTML element to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target’s ranking in the search engine’s index.

    It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of internet advertising because their search algorithm depends heavily on the amount of links to a website when determining which websites should be listed in what order in their search results for any given term.

    Nofollow Manager features the following functionality:

    • Easy to install and use
    • Manage which areas of your website are nofollow
    • Easily add the nofollow meta tag to Categories, Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types
  • Litemap (web optimization)

    Litemap (web optimization)

    Litemap is an incredibly light-weight on-site sitemap generator.

    Capable of paging hundreds of thousands of posts/pages, it gives you controls to list your blogs posts and/or pages alphabetically or by date published. Order ascending or descending.

    Choose how man items you want to show per-page, and the style of paging you require (either Prev/Next links or Page 1 2 3 etc).

    Finally, insert the shorttag [litemap] onto a page to show your sitemap.

    Perfect for deep linking and more effective indexation for your WordPress blog.