Tag: google maps

  • Locations 4 WordPress (Utilities)

    Locations 4 WordPress (Utilities)

    Locations 4 WordPress is a customizable store and business locator tool that uses geolocation to show site visitors their nearest options.

    It’s Simple
    Install, set a few options, and you are ready to start adding locations. Place on your page with a simple shortcode.

    It’s Tweakable
    Customizable map colors and button colors allow you to match your brand colors easily. Set initial map zoom and address display.

    It’s Responsive
    Desktop or Mobile. Looks good on any device. Get your customers the best information, no matter where they are when they visit your site.

  • Elyasa – Responsive Coming Soon WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Elyasa – Responsive Coming Soon WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Elyasa is a creative and professional coming soon WordPress Plugin built with Bootstrap framework. It includes Ajax MailChimp subscription, Contact Form and Google Maps.

    With this WordPress Plugin you will be able to work on your site/theme while your visitors see the under construction page. When you’re done just disable it in the Axis admin and your new site will be live. You can then keep using it whenever you need to take your site into maintenance mode.

    The HTML version of this plugin is now available.

    Features Included:

    • Powerful Admin Panel
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • Retina ready
    • Built with Bootstrap
    • 3 Style Variations
      • Fullscreen Single Image Background
      • Fullscreen Image Slideshow Background
      • Fullscreen Youtube Video Background
    • Typography based on Google Web Fonts
    • Working Contact Form
    • Font Awesome & Linea icons
    • FlipTimer jQuery Countdown (Save $8)
    • CSS3 Animations
    • Mailchimp integrated
    • 6 predefined Color Skins
    • Allow Access by IP address or exclude url
    • W3C Valid HTML code
    • Easy to Customize
    • Help file is included

    File Types:

    • PHP Files
    • HTML Files
    • CSS Files
    • JS Files

    Google Web Fonts:



    Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download package.

  • Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)

    Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)


    Progress Map, Bundle” is a collection of “Progress Map” and all its “Add-ons”. This bundle contains the following plugins/Add-ons:

    Main plugin:

    1. Progress Map, WordPress Plugin


    2. Progress Map, List & Filter

    3. Progress Map, Submit locations

    4. Nearby places


    1. How to install “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). You need to install each plugin seperately. Each plugin will be in its own folder. In each plugin’s folder, you’ll find a ZIP containing the installable plugin and the text files that indicated the new changes/improvements made in the latest version and the links to the “demo”, “documention”, and other resources of each plugin.

    2. How to update “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). When a plugin is updated to a new version (for example, “Progress Map”), we will replace the old version of that plugin that is included in the bundle with the latest version. You’ll also receive an email informing you about the availablity of a new update.

    “Progress Map, Bundle” will always contain the latest version of each plugin!

  • Bam Events – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    Bam Events – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin (Calendars)

    Bam Events is probably the easiest way to publish, manage and share events on WordPress.

    Designed to be the ultimate events calendar and management plugin for WordPress. Bam Events allows you to start creating and sharing events in minutes, with its simple and modern interface – Bam Events is really easy to get started.

    Developers can utilize the built-in hooks and filters to create custom event integrations or even completely custom views and templates. Bam Events was created to provide a perfect platform to build add-ons and scale your event’s website.


    Create single day events
    Create multi-day events
    Create all day events
    Create recurring events
    Create and save event location
    Create and save event organizers
    Set timezone for events
    WordPress customizer support
    Multiple archive types and styles
    Display event images on archive
    Fully localized including RTL support
    Google Map API
    Ajax archives
    Simple event management
    Developer friendly with extensive hooks & filters

  • Progress Map, Submit Location – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Progress Map, Submit Location – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Progress Map, submit location is an extension of Progress Map WordPress Plugin.
    This extension allows you to submit/add locations to the map from the frontend. You can create a form for each of your maps and display the form on the map or anywhere else in your website. The form can be extended by adding new tabs, sections, custom fields and (custom) taxonomies.

    There are more features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying the demo. Enjoy & have fun!

    To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin v3”!

  • Google Maps With Multiple Markers Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Add-ons)

    Google Maps With Multiple Markers Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) (Add-ons)

    Introducing – Google Maps With Multiple Markers Addon for WPBakery Page Builder

    You can create responsive Google Maps With Multiple Markers Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin on any page.

    Free Item Support


    Top Features

    • Create Responsive Google Maps With Multiple Markers in a few seconds
    • Predefined template included
    • Fully responsive & Flexible
    • Just install and go in a second
    • Extensive free support & documentation


    • v1.0.0 – Initial Release ( May-02-2018 )
  • Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon.

    Bookly Google Maps Address Add-on allows to automatically fill out the address field in the booking form using Google Maps autocomplete service.

    This functionality will let your clients quickly select an address from the list of street addresses and business names suggestions while they’re typing, reduce address entry errors and complete the whole booking faster and easier. The address details entered in a booking form are automatically saved in the Customers section.

    Easily set up and use the Bookly Google Maps Address add-on with our detailed documentation.

  • UTD Google map – Customizable Google Maps for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    UTD Google map – Customizable Google Maps for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    “UTD Google Map”.
    We chose Google Maps functions and turned them into an excellent plugin. Now you can use them with maximum availability, simplicity and convenience. Thanks to our plugin in just 5 minutes you can create a unique design and functionality map for your website.

    • 1 000 000 + variants of customization;
    • Responsive;
    • Mobile friendly;
    • All browsers support;
    • Full screen mode;
    • Ready themes;
    • Custom themes;
    • GPS location mode;
    • Custom Popup;
    • Easy customization for every elements;
    • Support of the Russian and English languages and Manual;
    • Plugin provide support of adding of a card in a widget and implementation through the built-in text editor;
    • Show centered map in the place of a location;
    • Search of the place by the address or coordinates;
    • Map Scale (minimum., maximum for initial scale);
    • Complete Customization of all elements of the map (roads, waters, relief and other elements);
    • Show of a traffic;
    • Opportunity to show or hide map controls;
    • Stylization Setup;
    • Opportunity to show or hide any elements of a map;
    • Opportunity to select a ready template of a map;
    • Opportunity to generate an own unique template for a map and to add it in the Json format;
    • Installation of markers to the address or coordinates;
    • Use of the built-in markers for your map;
    • Opportunity to load an own unique markers;
    • Opportunity to animate a marker;
    • Opportunity to Remove pop-up to a marker;
    • Possibility of creation of your own unique styles for your pop-up;
    • Opportunity to adding the image in the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to get the position for the image in the pop-up;
    • Possibility of an output of the image in an original size, also you can contain the image in the pop-up or specify to the image the maximum sizes;
    • Opportunity to change a standard button of closing the pop-up having replaced it with beforehand loaded or you can upload the own unique button of closing the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to show or hide the closed button;
    • Opportunity to change background color the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to change size for a pop-up;
    • Specify a shadow for a container the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to add the border, customize the color and border radius for the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to edit the text by means of the built-in text editor;
    • Opportunity to create and set up under the unique styles:
      – Polylines
      – Poligones
      – Rectangles
      – Circles
      All these elements can be created in read seconds having specified to the cursor on the map. You can change color, the size, transparency and many other styles for these elements;
    • Geolocation can display position of the users on the map;
    • Possibility of Import and Export of settings of a plugin;
  • Color Map Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Color Map Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Color map

    version: 1.0.1


    This is a addons for visual composer to generate fully customized colored google maps in your local .


    • 1.Fully Responsive colored Maps
    • 2.Mobile device supports
    • 3.support custom marker image
    • 4.Any HTML support in marker popup content.
    • 5.Option to View Full Screen Map
    • 6.Easy integration
    • 7.Works with addresses
    • 8.Show / Hide any map control
    • 9.Address field autocomplete
    • 10.Inbuilt map marker
    • 11.custom zoom lavel


    Before purchasing this plugin, please make sure that this plugins depends on Visual composer.


    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    Email: 0effortthemes@itobuz.com

    Write Us: http://www.0effortthemes.com/support/


    View Demo on this link Demo