Tag: dailymotion

  • Vimuse Media Participant – Layers Extension (Widgets)

    Vimuse Media Participant – Layers Extension (Widgets)

    jQuery plugin version available here

    Vimuse Media Player is now available as an Extension for Layers, a free WordPress site builder framework. This extension allows you to embed the Vimuse Media Player in a page that can play both audio and video in a modern and sleek interface. You can choose to play your own audio/video files or videos from Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion or even Shoutcast/Icecast streams. The player features a fluid responsive design and can fit in any screen size ranging from mobile phones to desktop browsers. The player is also optimized for retina and touch screens and provides the feel of a native app.

    Vimuse plays audio/video using HTML5 in supported browsers and fallbacks to Flash in older browsers. You can pass only a mp4 file for video and mp3 file for audio or pass all the necessary formats for the widest possible support of native HTML5 playback. Whatever you choose to do the player will work in both modern and old browsers (with suitable fallbacks where necessary).

    The key features are:

    • Play video and audio files.
    • HTML5 playback with Flash/Silverlight fallback.
    • Create your playlist by adding your own files/items or through Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion feeds.
    • All files are uploaded through the WordPress Media Library, which allows you to use pre-existing files from the library.
    • Special layout for audio-only mode.
    • Pull videos from Youtube user, playlist or search query.
    • Pull videos from Vimeo user, album or channel.
    • Pull videos from Dailymotion user, group, playlist or channel.
    • Show subtitles for videos (only for video files).
    • Show postroll content for videos (only for video files).
    • Play Shoutcast/Icecast streams and show track info and cover-art.
    • Extract audio info from ID3 tags – cover, track, artist, album.
    • Several layout options.
    • Mobile, retina and touch screen optimized
    • The player features a fluid responsive design to account for various screens sizes ranging from mobile phones to desktop browsers and can also be placed in a container of any width.
    • Two colour schemes – Dark and Light.

    Configurable options are:

    • Playlist can either comprise of both audio and video or can only contain audio with a corresponding special layout for the main player area.
    • Option to have autoplay of media.
    • Option to start autoplay only when the user manually starts playback after the player loads.
    • Can set the volume during initialization.
    • Option to turn on playlist shuffle when the player loads.
    • Option to set the starting language for subtitles.
    • Option to show/hide the playlist when the player loads.
    • Choose to have auto-progression of playlist as each media finishes playing.
    • Option to show links to external pages in the playlist.
    • Can choose to open the external page links in new windows/tabs.
    • Option to show links for purchase pages of items in the playlist.
    • Can choose to open the purchase page links in new windows/tabs.
    • Option to show download links to media files.
    • Option to provide lyrics for audio items whose download links are shown in the playlist.
    • Option to show file-type icons (audio, video, radio) in the playlist.
    • Can choose to show delete buttons in the playlist.
    • Option to show item durations in the playlist.
    • Can make the playlist sortable.
    • Can choose to stop playback when the tab/window in which the player is embedded loses focus. This feature only works in browsers that support the HTML5 Page Visibility API.
    • The playlist can be at the bottom, left or right of the main player.
    • If the playlist position is set to “bottom” then option to set a max-height for it or just let it have auto-height.
    • Option to show thumbnails for the media in the playlist.
    • Can choose to show audio item details, such as cover-art, track, artist, album, in the main player area when “audio-only” mode is chosen.
    • Option to show cover-art when audio-only mode is chosen.
    • Option to show track details in audio-only mode.
    • Can choose to show the auxiliary control-bar beneath the main player.
    • Option to fix the main player at the top when scrolling the playlist. This option is only effective when the “bottom” playlist position is chosen.
    • Option to extract information from mp3 id3 tags, such as cover-art, track, album, artist, duration. You can also of course provide all or part of this information yourself.
    • Option to pull cover-art for the currently playing track in a Shoutcast/Icecast stream.
    • Can set the polling interval during which the track information for a Shoutcast/Icecast stream will be refreshed.
    • A playlist caching option is provided. This is very useful when pulling videos from Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion or extracting ID3 info or scanning folders for mp3’s, because the entire generated playlist is stored in the cache thus resulting in substantially faster loading of the player. Can also mention the interval after which the cache will be refreshed.
    • Option to detect mobile devices, so that they can be served special low resolution videos. The low resolution video file has to be supplied by you.
    • Can specify the source from which Youtube videos will be pulled (user, playlist or search query). Option to also specify the number of videos that are to be pulled.
    • Can specify the source from which Vimeo videos will be pulled (user, album or channel). Option to also specify the number of videos that are to be pulled.
    • Can specify the source from which Dailymotion videos will be pulled (user, group, playlist or channel). Option to also specify the number of videos that are to be pulled.

    Special Notes

    • Autoplay option will not work in mobile devices. This is disabled by device manufactures.
    • Only mp3 streams for Shoutcast and Icecast are supported. aacp streams are not supported.
    • Player volume setting will not show up or work in Android devices. You have to control the volume through the device’s own volume buttons.
    • Also some of the modern HTML5 features such as Fullscreen and Page Visibility will only work in modern browsers.
    • The plugin uses Youtube API v3 for which you need to get an API key from Youtube.
    • The player script has been tested and is fully compatible with jQuery 1.9+. and also jquery 2.0+.
    • If you have any query regarding any feature of the player before purchasing then please post your query in the comments section and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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  • Video Blogster Professional (Media)

    Video Blogster Professional (Media)

    Video Blogster Pro is a powerful autoblogging plugin for WordPress that can put your site on auto-pilot, automatically creating new content from various video sites and giving you unlimited amounts of fresh search engine food for your niche blog all day, every day.It’s super easy to use, extremely flexible and works with any theme!

    Supports YouTube, DailyMotion, Hulu, and Vimeo.

  • SoSlider – social sliders for WordPress (Social Networking)

    SoSlider – social sliders for WordPress (Social Networking)

    The Ultimate Sliders Pack has it all!

    Our product offers you most popular social sliders icons (over 150 icons of different sizes, round corners, squared, slider-shaped). You can customize your sliders (colors, width, length) and set them in any configuration you want. With SoSlider you can install Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Dailymotion, YouTube, Vimeo, LinkedIn and Google+ sliders. What is more, the plugin gives you one and only chance to build your own, unique slider!

    You are given a full manual and step-by-step instructions to create some social media values needed for proper working on your website. Installing new social media sliders was never easier.

    Please read plugin documentation to be sure that this is what are you looking for.

  • VideoShow Embed Video Playlist Participant (Media)

    VideoShow Embed Video Playlist Participant (Media)

    Fully Responsive Touch Enabled WordPress Embedded Video Playlist Player.
    Load videos from 6 of the most popular video hosting services including vimeo, wistia, dailymotion and youtube plus screenr and ustream(some limitations).
    Load unlimited number of videos per player. Add playlist buttons to allow the user to load different videos into the player.
    Custom scrolling video thumb sidebar with touch capabilities.
    Super easy shortcode to create the player. Just set the host and add the video ids.
    Customizable sizes and accent color.
    Over 750+ iconmoon icons for use with the playlist buttons.
    Create unlimited players per page.

    Only one host(vimeo,youtube etc) per playlist player.
    The screenr and ustream players use actual embed players for the video thumbs and they do not load correctly in mobile devices. Therefore I deem these hosts un compatible with IOS or Andriod devices.
    Vimeo,Wistia, youtube and dailymotion work correctly in mobile browsers.

  • Final Video search engine optimization plugin (search engine optimization)

    Final Video search engine optimization plugin (search engine optimization)


    Ultimate video seo plugin is a advanced video seo plugin for wordpress which covers all aspects of video seo. It automattically fetches video seo details from videos of all major video hosting providers and submit it to video sitemap .It also supports self host videos with all wordpress supported video formats. It notifies search engines whenever sitemap is updated or generated . It supports video embedded through shortcode or metabox(created by third party plugins or theme).It also support self hosted videos embedded using default wordpress media gallery.It also add schema.org videoObject markup to all your video post/pages.It shows snippet preview of video search result within your post editor. With this plugin you can easily rank for your videos into google search engines and receive good traffic from search engines.

    Plugin features

    • This plugin automattically fetches video seo details from all major video hosting provider like youtube , vimeo , dailymotion , metacafe , blip.tv , veoh , wistia , viddler , vzaar , screenr and add the details into video sitemap with no extra effort.Click here For latest info on supported services.If you have any doubt weather plugin will work on your site or not then please contact us here .
    • It supports self hosted videos with all popular video formats like mp4,flv,avi,wmv,3gp,ogv,mpeg,mkv,dat,divx etc. With this plugin you can easily rank for your self hosted videos with ease.Click here for the complete list of all supported video formats.
    • Its a standalone plugin , it will not require any other plugin to work. No setup or advanced knowledge is required to use this plugin.
    • This plugin will show snippet preview of search result for that video post within your post editor so that you can see how google will display your video post.
    • It creates well styled xml video sitemap like this where you can see all your videos listed with their seo details.
    • It supports third party plugins or themes which embed videos using custom fields (Post meta).
    • It allows user to create or update video sitemap of whole site with just one click ajax button.
    • Notify search engines whenever sitemap is updated or generated.
    • Supports self hosted video . Automatically detects video file url from content,post_meta and submit it to video sitemap with easy to use thumb upload powered by default wordpress media editor.
    • Plugin can be used directly without any setup so even newbiews can use it without any problem.
    • It works for all the custom post types including pages.
    • It automattically adds schema.org videoObject markup on video pages for rich snippet in google search.
    • Direct plugin update from your wordpress dashboard with default wordpress plugin update method.You will not need to go to codecanyon everytime plugin is updated. You will get update directly from your wordpress plugin page like other wordpress.org repository plugins.
    • Plugin can be easily translated to any language using poedit software.

    What our customers say ?

    youyou78 says

    “If you have video on your website, this plugin is a bomb for SEO !!! Go Go Go !!!”

    SevenKader says

    “Thank you so much…. Not only isn’t it cheaper but it works way better…. here’s a few of my videos that just showed up in the search engine, I did a search of my site today, and bam!!” full comment

    Djjax says

    “I got a great support for a Great Plugin. Thanks again for your time and precious help.



    version 1.1.0 -07/12/2013
    - Added short description support for woocommerce and excerpt support for other post types.Now plugin will detect videos from woocomerce short description and excerpt of posts,pages , custom post types.
    version 1.0.9 -03/12/2013
    - Fixed minor bug related to previous release .
    version 1.0.8 -14/11/2013
    - Removes custom fields created for non-video posts .
    version 1.0.7 -17/10/2013
    - Improvement in custom post type support.
    version 1.0.6 -released on 11/10/2013
    - Minor bug fix related to sitemap url. 
    - Improved Error notification.
    version 1.0.5 -released on 26/09/2013
     - Added custom fields support . Now plugin can get video information from videos inserted 
       using metabox created by third party plugin.  
     - youtube-nocookie.com support for youtube urls.
     - Ajax powered button to generate and ping sitemap. 
    version 1.0.4 -released on 22/09/2013
     - Added  Blip.tv to supported services. 
     - Added ajax/javascript powered button to clear ,update or rebuild the video seo info on 
     - Added support for self hosted videos.