
  • Professional Author (Utilities)

    Professional Author (Utilities)

    Pro Writer streamlines the process of creating content inside of WordPress with simple intuitive tools for editing blog posts and pages.

    Edit copy, style type and add images and media without needing to access the WordPress admin.

    Our plugin adds a ‘Edit Page Content’ button o the admin bar, which will allow you to go into edit mode and edit and style your pages by typing directly on the screen.

  • Workforce Reserving – WordpPress reserving machine (Calendars)

    Workforce Reserving – WordpPress reserving machine (Calendars)

    What’s this?

    Team booking is a WordPress booking and reservation system plugin like many others, but with a very distinctive feature: availability plans are made in Google Calendar!

    1. Make availability plans through Google Calendar…
    2. It becomes a free slot, ready to be booked…
    3. Once booked, the relative Google Calendar event will be updated!

    Why “team”? Because availability plans can be made by multiple “coworkers”!


    • Complete booking system – for different booking types: events, appointments, rooms and so on…
    • Planning with Google Calendar – use your Google Calendar to plan availability and manage reservations
    • Collaborative – specify WP roles allowed to link a Google Calendar. They can work together for the same booking type!
    • Customizable – tweak general and personal reservation behaviour
    • Hassle-free – frontend booking calendar works out of the box!
    • Confirmation and notification email system – build custom email content with user data
    • Logs and stats – recent reservations tracking system
    • Language support – via .po and .mo files

    …and more to come!


    Team booking is developed and tested with WordPress 3.5+ and PHP 5.3+.


    - Initial release
    - Languages: English, Italian
  • Person Conscious Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    Person Conscious Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    User Aware Backgrounds for WordPress allows you to easily define one or multiple backgrounds which can be restricted to users, user roles or devices.

    Main Features

    • Multiple backgrounds
    • Restrict backgrounds for users, roles or devices
    • Use selectors to define the backgrounds scope
    • 6 Background Types Included
      • Color or Color Gradient
      • Image or Image Gallery
      • Youtube Video
      • Youtube Video Playlist
    • Easy to Use Editor
    • Responsive and Mobile Friendly (no videos on mobile devices)
    • Tested in every major browser
    • No programming required

    Use images from WordPress’ media gallery, cutom url or directly upload one. Select from multiple transitions for galleries.

    Youtube Video and Youtube Video Playlist

    • Customizable Youtube settings (e.g. mute, start and stop second, autoplay)
    • Mobile fallback to another background type of color, gradient or image
    • HTML5 with Flash-Fallback

    Color and Gradient

    Use the editor to easily select a single color or a gradient with two colors.

    Usable for Fullscreen or Element Backgrounds


    Responsive and Mobile Friendly

    For Developers

    • Buy an extended license to embed this plugin into your Themeforest theme
    • Contact us, if you want to use this add-on in another product outside Envato


    To update from a previous version or in case of any installation problems:

    • Deactivate the plugin,
    • Delete the plugin,
    • Upload the new version of the plugin,
    • Activate the plugin.


    Version 1.0 (15 October 2014)

    • Initial Release
  • Visible Composer Add-on – Metro Carousel and Tile (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on – Metro Carousel and Tile (Add-ons)

    Extend Visual Composer, give user the flexibility to display images in Metro style Carousel or Tile mode. Carousel mode support button and arrow navigation, with 3 type of button options, 6 button position options, 12 active color options, 4 animation options. Tile mode support 6 slide animation options. Both mode support auto play slideshow and the image support lightbox or custom link.

    Note: you can get this extension from Visual Composer Extensions All In One. You do not have to purchase again if you purchased the All In One package before. And it’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which will contain other extension in the future update:



    • You can choose to display the image in Carousel or Tile mode.
    • Navigation button in Carousel support these position: bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right, top-left, top-center, and top-right.
    • Navigation button in Carousel can be one of these 3 type: default(short line), cycle, and square.
    • Navigation button in Carousel with 12 active color options available.
    • Slide animation support: slide, fade, switch, or slowdown in the Carousel mode.
    • Slide effect support: slideLeft, slideRight, slideLeftRight, slideUp, slideDown, and slideUpDown in the Tile mode.
    • Thumbnails support lightbox or custom link in both mode.
    • Auto play slideshow in both mode, you can customize the delay time in the editor.
    • Retina ready and responsive.
    • Metro UI CSS driven, include the necessary component only, keep the files lightweight.
    • Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC in a theme or VC installed as a plugin.
    • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
    • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.

    Recommendation for you

    Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin:



  • wordpress Ghost Captcha (Kinds)

    wordpress Ghost Captcha (Kinds)


    Why is it called Ghost Captcha? Because like a ghost, its an invisible force, working quietly in the background, detecting and blocking spambots. Yes, WP Ghost Captcha does come with its own standard captcha tests, but these are only displayed as a last resort, after suspicious browsing activity is detected.

    But why display captcha tests only as a last resort? Because captcha tests are annoying. They treat all genuine users as suspects, who must first prove their innocence before logging in or posting anything. Many are hard to fill and inaccessible, especially for those with eye problems and other disabilities.

    How then do you keep your site secure from spambots and other malicious programs out there without always displaying captcha tests? Use WP Ghost Captcha, which works by monitoring a users behavior, separating the humans from the bots using a mix of the honeypot technique and time tracking. All this is done quietly in the background and if any suspicious activity is detected, WP Ghost Captcha then loads up a normal captcha test. Using this technique, most of your genuine users will rarely ever need to see or solve a captcha test. With WP Ghost Captcha, you no longer have to choose between blocking spammers and annoying your users.


    • Works with all standard wordpress forms: comments, login, register and lost password.
    •  Can also be easily extended to work with any custom-made WordPress forms, thanks to two new WordPress hooks which come with the plugin ( ghostcaptcha_set and ghostcaptcha_validate ).
    •  The settings for each form can be tweaked and configured individually. For example, the captcha test for the “lost admin password” form is set to always appear by default, but you can easily set it back to work only in stealth-mode. Same applies to the standard WordPress comments, login, register. You can also tweak and adjust how each form detects spambots by adjusting the plugin’s time tracker.
    •  WP Ghost Captcha not only blocks, but also logs the details of any suspected spambot. This includes the IP address, date, targetted form and reason why it’s submission was blocked. The latest logs are displayed within WP Ghost Captcha’s page in the admin area.
  • Sticky Track Participant «Line-R» — WordPress Version (Media)

    Sticky Track Participant «Line-R» — WordPress Version (Media)


    Linear Music Player it’s a beautiful simple tiny player for bottom or top of your site. Find the best sizes and colors for yourself and embed it on the page right now. It works on tablets and personal computers, you can even embed it to my mobile html5 app.
    We have made it easy to use and install for anyone. Add only one line and it will work. No complicated configurations and script, no torment with css and writing a lot of HTML code. Just copy/paste in any place on your website and you will have an amazing html5 music player for and for your listeners.

    Audio Player Features

    • Many colors (use the color picker)
    • Two dimensional types: thick and thin (use the settings on the left)
    • Do not closes the lower part of the page content
    • You can set absolutely any color suitable to your design
    • Can shows Nowplaying info in title of the page (optional)
    • Beautiful rotation track title and album (optional)
    • Unique waveform for positive user experience
    • Multiple colors for your site design
    • Has playlist
    • Only mp3 file required
    • VERY Easy to Install
    • Only 1 one line of code and if you need I will do it for you by myself
    • Detailed documentation and sample files
    • Even old browsers – FLASH fallback included for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 audio
    • Hiding playlist does not cover the content
    • Playlist opener button for mobile devices
    • Responsive, Mobile ready, Tested on Smartphones, Tablets, Touch Screens Win8, etc
    • Shuffle mode and button (optional)
    • Loop mode and button (optional)

    Advanced features in the settings:

    Player have some options for you (all is optional):

    shuffle – Predefine the shuffle mode
    autoplay – Predefine the autoplay mode
    accentColor – Set the accent color for all player
    firstPlaying – Predefine first playing song at playlist
    loop – Predefine repeat player’s politic
    volume – Predefine volume rate at the start
    veryThin – Set the tiny styles player skin
    roundedCorners – Set the styles of player corners (rounded or not)
    slideAlbumsName – Rotate album name and title or not
    nowplaying2title – Show NowPlaying info in title or not
    pluginPath – Path to your plugin’s folder

  • Ticket Toughen WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Ticket Toughen WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    • Customer Support Ticketing Solution
    • Drag & Drop File Upload
    • Custom Email Templates
    • Documented All our product come bundled with step by step documentation covering instalation and setup.
    • Translation Ready All our products are translation ready using Poedit tool with instructions in bundled documentation.
    • Clean Code Commented, clean and bload free code to help you make modifications under the hood.
    • Options Panel The theme comes with a simple to use theme options panel. You can access it by navigating to Theme Options.
    • Regular Product Updates Ticket Plugin is kept up to date with the latest WordPress versions View Changelog
    • Customer Support Provided through support email with queries answered within 24 hours Mon – Fri. Support covers setup, product features, and bug fixes.

  • Simple View Shortcode in Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Simple View Shortcode in Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    You have trouble when you want to see shortcode of each element in Visual Composer or when you want copy shortcode of each element in Visual Composer ? No problem, this is a simple plugin which purpose is to add just that. With this plugin, you can copy shortcode in Visual Composer used for different purposes: in WP Widget Text, with do_shortcode function.