Category: Utilities

  • Self-Hosted Google Fonts Pro (Utilities)

    Self-Hosted Google Fonts Pro (Utilities)

    Automatically Host Google Fonts on Your Server

    No CSS to edit. No fonts to download and upload. No changes to your themes or plugins. Hassle-free conversion for all themes and plugins. *

    • For all well-coded themes and plugins.

    You can turn on/off the following:

    – Process Font Enqueues (<link> tags).
    – Process Fonts in theme/plugin’s CSS Files.
    – Process Fonts in Inline CSS.
    – Process Javascript WebFont Loader (by Google).

    Performance: Font-Display Behavior

    Browsers have invisible text until your font is downloaded which is bad usability, and Google doesn’t let you control that. We have a unique feature for modern browsers that can use a fallback font immediately. No more invisible text.

    Performance: Preload A Font

    Preload is a modern browsers feature that can load your critical font as early as possible.

    Language Subsets with More Control

    Automatically handle the subsets defined by the theme/plugins but with more control.

    BONUS: Ability to force language subsets. Great feature if your theme or plugin doesn’t allow this.

    Premium Support

    Need help? We have a dedicated support forums to assist you in any way we can.

    Several More Features:

    • Unicode-Range: A font feature that will only load the font if that language subset is ever used on the page.
    • Verify It Works: A built-in feature to verify if the plugin is doing its job.
    • Process & convert Google Fonts via Inline CSS, @import in local CSS files, JS WebFont Loader.
    • Compatible with most Cache Plugins (W3TC and WP Super Cache tested).
    • Compatible with Autoptimize plugin’s CSS minification.
    • Browser Support for IE9+ and all Modern Browser.
  • WPSPowerbox – Addon for WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme (Utilities)

    WPSPowerbox – Addon for WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme (Utilities)

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    WPSPowerbox is an Addons plugin for WPShapere plugin available at

    This plugin is built for adding more new features to WPShapere plugin.

    Note: You need to purchase and install WPShapere plugin prior to installing WPSPowerbox plugin. Without installing WPShapere plugin, WPSPowerbox plugin won’t install.


    Add Google Fonts
    Hide Users from users list
    Hide Plugins from plugins list
    Redirect users after Login
    Add unlimited widgets to WordPress dashboard

  • i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro – Live Search Plugin

    i-Search Pro changes the way of WordPress Search. It’s full WooCommerce compatible. Provide Live search results in milliseconds. Log not found search queries for a better SEO. Add extra search terms to your posts. Include almost everything in your search results.

    • Lightweight: i-Search is only 30KB of javascript snippet for your visitors.
    • Own algorithm: i-Search will index your site and build his own algorithm to provide high-speed search results. Search queries in 10.000 Products and over 18.000 tags are provided in milliseconds.
    • Logging: i-Search will log every not found search query and provide the administrator a better post/page/product optimization.
    • Search tags: Like WP own post tags you can add extra search terms to your posts.
    • Did you mean strings: The administrator can add for every not found search query a ‘Did you mean’ string.
    • Popularity index: i-Search will create a ‘popularity index’ based on users search queries and clicks. The search results are ordered by the popularity index.
    • Popular searches: Never say ‘Nothing found’ to your visitors! i-Search will show today’s popular search strings instead of ‘Nothing found’.
    • Many settings: You have many options in the admin settings. Take a look to the admin panel. (Username: demo PW: demo)
    • Filters: You are no longer restricted to the creators choice. With intelligent filters, you are now able to show in the suggestions your own choices like SKU, Author… any information you want.
    • Tabs: Don’t dump your visitors with mixed types of posts. i-Search provide you “TABs” in the suggestions for a better user experience.
    • Templates: i-Search have 2 templates. 1. is a clean template and 2. is an advanced template with more information.
    • Mobile fallback: i-Search detects mobile browsers and do a fallback to the clean template to provide a better user experience on mobile devices.
    • Spam Protection: i-Search can detect spammers and disable logging for spammers.
    • No need for coding: i-Search (if enabled in the settings) hooks automatically to WordPress search fields. Or easily by adding a shortcode you can add i-Search anywhere.
    • Replace the WP search engine: WordPress looks only in the post title and post excerpt for search results. But with i-Search, you can add search tags and bypass the WP search engine (if enabled in the settings) to provide better search results and in High-Speed.
    • Takes care of your server: i-Search creates the images by the selected size on the fly (if not exists) and deletes the old images (created by i-Search) if you change the image dimensions. Most of the plugins leave the images on your server. Images you never need but take serious size on your server.


    With i-Search you can analyse your customers search queries (Not found search results). Do you know what your customers searched for and maybe not found it?

    You will be able to know it with i-Search. Optimize your products keywords based on i-Search analyse table.

  • Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)

    Progress Map, Bundle (Utilities)


    Progress Map, Bundle” is a collection of “Progress Map” and all its “Add-ons”. This bundle contains the following plugins/Add-ons:

    Main plugin:

    1. Progress Map, WordPress Plugin


    2. Progress Map, List & Filter

    3. Progress Map, Submit locations

    4. Nearby places


    1. How to install “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). You need to install each plugin seperately. Each plugin will be in its own folder. In each plugin’s folder, you’ll find a ZIP containing the installable plugin and the text files that indicated the new changes/improvements made in the latest version and the links to the “demo”, “documention”, and other resources of each plugin.

    2. How to update “PROGRESS MAP, BUNDLE”?

    “Progress Map, Bundle” contains multiple plugins (4 plugins for the meanwhile). When a plugin is updated to a new version (for example, “Progress Map”), we will replace the old version of that plugin that is included in the bundle with the latest version. You’ll also receive an email informing you about the availablity of a new update.

    “Progress Map, Bundle” will always contain the latest version of each plugin!

  • WP FSAM – File Sharing Access Manager (Utilities)

    WP FSAM – File Sharing Access Manager (Utilities)

    WP FSAM – WordPress File Sharing Access Manager is a plugin that allows admins to upload private & protected files to share with assigned users

    wp file sharing access manager description

    How it works

    • Admin uses WP FSAM to create file categories which can be assigned to the private uploads.
    • Then it can upload files which are private and protected ( by login and .htaccess ) and assign the file into one or more categories
    • Last step is to create users & allow them to download the files within specified categories
    • Simple, secure and useful tool to share files with wordpress privately!

    Get WP FSAM – WordPress File Sharing Access Manager and start enabling selected people to download only files you allow them to!


    All you need is an installed WordPress v3.8+

  • Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)

    Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)


    Customize your WordPress site’s appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect to tweak your site.

    Often when a theme or plugin updates it overwrites an old version of styles. That means anything you’d customized right in the code would be lost, potentially breaking your site depending on just what you’d changed. WordPress Easy Custom JS & CSS plugin lets you add custom javascript code, css custom styles and html markup to your site separately.

    If you don’t use a child theme and need to insert some customizations, you can take advantage of the inbuilt editor and easily create and insert custom css and js code into the header or footer. Once code is saved, it immediately influences the workings of your site.

    Since the code contained within the plugin is separate from your theme, it will be unaffected by the theme updating. If you do break something playing around, all you have to do is go back into the plugin interface and change a wrong item.


    Also the plugin has a powerful filter editor for creating complex rules. They are convenient to use when you want to include your custom code for a specific url, post, page, device, os, browser, also it will be useful to execute js or css at a concrete date, time, day of week and etc.


    Well, it’s a good theme and plugin customizer and a perfect solution to add additional styles and js codes to your site.

    Feature List

    • The code editor with syntax highlighting
    • The rich filter builder to construct inclusion rules
    • Include custom css and js code on the basis of a filter
    • Use inline embed method or include code as an external file
    • Custom css and js code can be in the header or footer area
    • Use custom javascript code and css styles inside the user or admin side or both
    • Minify JasaScript code and CSS styles to reduce file size
    • Support SCSS and LESS preprocessors
    • All editors use AJAX saving to avoid reloading
    • Create as many codes as you want
    • The code is served from the filesystem instead of the database for better performance
    • Help via Email
    • and so more..

    [thank you]

    Version 1.1.0 12/06/2018

    - First release

  • CircleTimer – jQuery Countdown Timer WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    CircleTimer – jQuery Countdown Timer WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    CircleTimer is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to create easy and fast countdown/countup timers for your website. Easy to setup and integrate in any project.

    The JavaScript version and Addon for WPBakery Page Builder version of this plugin are now available.

    Features Included:

    • Easy plugin installation for WordPress
    • Responsive design
    • Generate shortcode via plugin options
    • Save current timer settings
    • You can change timer type to countdown or countup
    • Supports client-side or server-side (unix timestamp) time
    • Simple and clean interface
    • Resizable width, height, font size and circles thickness
    • Easy font and color change from the plugin options
    • Multicolor circles change over time
    • Show / hide days, hours, minutes or seconds
    • Texts can be changed
    • Supports multiple instances
    • Uses HTML5 Canvas
    • Callback function support after the counting finishes
    • Works in IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
    • Compatible with mobile devices
    • Help file is included