You do keyword research. But the stats only shows you the search volume, CPC, Difficulty.
You need more. You need to know the position of your keyword, the ranking. Is it a good position? Which top?
Say hello to the new keyword ranking tracker
CP SEO Keyword Tracker is a WordPress plugin to check rank of keyword on Google with your URL. You can keep following close on your position
The plugin allows you to gather a list of keyword andregain all of keyword rankings by entering your URL and keyword
You will understand deeply and clearly where your keyword is standing
Improving Your Keyword Rankings With CP SEO Keyword Tracker Plugin
• Check ranking keyword in your url and content
• Distributing positon of keyword
• The flow of keyword
The Biggest Functionality Features Of CP Seo Keyword Tracker
CP SEO Keyword Tracker is an advanced WordPress plugin that let you to quickly and easily track the keyword in few clicks. There are are too mnay features to list here, so here are the core features:
Track keyword ranking on Google
CP SEO Keyword Tracker can track keyword rankings on Goolge with detail information like estimated visit, keyword flow, keyword position distribution, etc
Multi platforms check
The one of a kind feature that only CP SEO Keyword tracker is to check the rank of the keyword on many platform on Facebook, Youtube, and so on as long as your keyword is on there.
Ranking graph will be generated for each keyword being tracked.
Detail tracking for every post in your site
Keyword tracker is not only a WordPress ranking tracker plugin but also penetrates each post to indicate the main keyword or making a list of keywords.
Analyzing the keyword real time
It updates keyword rank positions in real time
Generating ranking reports
You can export data on daily, monthly or even anually reports. It’s up to you.
The plugin will let you know how ranking is going? Up or Down with rank change. Then leading to estimated visits. It also permits to dowload these reports as Excel.
Auto notification
Anything changes on ranking of keyword, an auto email will be sent to you. Your will handle and solve the problem on time.
In addiion, CP SEO Keyword Tracker will send you a daily email with each position transition up or down.
Speed up your database
CP SEO Keyword Tracker is light: To save your database, you can save the information wherever you want. So the plugin will run at ease.
Multi – Language supported
CP SEO Tracker is supported in many languages. You can use the plugin for local language or any language (depeding on your target market)
Variant Users
CP SEO Keyword Tracker is super easy to use. It is a sleek SEO plugin that is built for online marketer, SEO manager and so on. No matter you are a professional user or beginner, you can use CP SEO Keyword Tracker comfortably.
Measure success keyword
The estimated visits let you know how many traffic you will get
With the detail stats, it is easy to monitor and evaluate your tactic. Does it work well? Is there anything to adjust to go on the right track?
Competitors on your hands
You can put competitors’ URLs and CP SEO Keyword Tracker will analyze their keywords.
Learning the ranking of their keywords, you will have a better strategy to compete them wherever they are.
You will have understand them deeply and clearly.
Technical Features
Category: SEO
Keyword SEO Rank Tracker – WordPress SERP Rank Tracker (SEO)
Local Business Schema (SEO)
Why Local Business Schema?
Structured data adds context to your website content by way of using standardized search engine “vocabulary” at Schema.org. When implemented correctly, structured data increases the chances that search engines like Google will show additional information about your content directly in the search engine results pages (aka SERPs) via “rich snippets”.
Structured data and schema are becoming more important for search engine optimization.
Improve your Local SEO in Sort Time. Getting 1st Position in Google Map. Getting more Calls, Store Visits from Google My Business Page.
Local Business: Address | Business hours | Contact Details. When users search for businesses on Google Search or Maps, Search results may display a prominent Knowledge Graph card with details about a business that matched the query. When users query for a type of business, such as a restaurant, they may see a carousel of listings hosted by restaurant listing providers.
Corporate Contact Information: Your corporate contact information displayed in the Google Knowledge panel.
Logos: Your organization’s logo in search results and Google Knowledge Graph.
Social Profile Links: Your social profile information displayed on Google Knowledge panels.
Local Business Schema plugin which enables web designers and business owners a super-easy way to add schema for:
- Business Name
- Business Logo
- Business Address
- Business hours
- Contact Details
- Business Social Profile
WordPress PRO S.E.O Tool (SEO)
WordPress PRO SEO Tool plugin is the best WordPress Plugin for SEO, Marketing, tool for Amazon Research (Seller and Affiliate) and Advertiser (GDN & Banner Ads).
Use PRO SEO Tool to check SERP Rank Checker, Keyword Research with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to improve your website ranking and increase revenue from Amazon (sales or affiliate marketing), from membership and advertiser.
SERP rank position checker tool: Analyze the organic search results
SERP rank position checker tool allows you to quickly see the strengths and weaknesses of your competition with detailed information about traffic analytics, backlink analytics, domain statics, keyword analytics, social, and you can use the information to achieve better rankings and improve your rankings.
Page on top 100 in Google results: that allows you to quickly check and tracking keyword ranking for page on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.
You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results and how much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content, keyword, traffic, backlink, social analysis to improve keyword rankings for your website on the search engines.
Global & Local SERP Rank Checker
Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS Mobile devices and desktop results.
SERP results and check keyword ranking position in Google results both for desktop and mobile devices. Desktop results in Google SERP are usually different from the ones in mobile view. You will receive the SERP position check result after 2s, fastest on the market.
Domain SEO Statistic
This SEO plugin helps you get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains that keyword ranking for page on top 100 in search engines includes information.
Domain Seo Statistics is crucial for any website to rank top in any search engines. This tool will help you get all kinds of statistics of a given website that is beneficial for seo analysts, so this information will help you to find the problem and rank better than your competitors.
- Page authority (PA) is developed by MoZ to determine the search engine ranking score of a specific page (not just the domain). The method predicts how a specific page is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
- Domain authority (DA) is a method developed by Moz to determine the search engine ranking score of any domain. Please note that Domain Authirity will only check the domain itself. The method predicts how a domain is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
- Mozrank (MR): The higher the MozRank of the linking pages, the higher the MozRank of the page receiving those links.
- Alexa rank (AR): Alexa sores and analyze data collected from Website Traffic Statistics. The data is provided by Alexa users over 3 month period.
- Semrush rank
- Keyword number
- Equity
- Links in
- SR traffic
- Estimated nesxt month traffic
Traffic Analytics
Traffic Analytics is the best competitive tool that provides estimations of a competing domain’s total desktop or mobile devices traffic.
Give you in-depth insight into how visitors interact with website with keyword ranking for page op top 100 with analytics of traffic such as last month report engage, monthy traffic, traffic refferal source and social traffic.
so you can see where your competitor’s traffic comes from and how much their audience engages with their site. With multiple reports and deep insights, this is one of the most powerful tools on WordPress for gathering competitive traffic.
Top ranking keywords
Show top ranking keyword and you can use the keyword research to check those high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.
The Social Sources Report gives you a complete breakdown of what social media networks are sending traffic for page on top. To get an idea how much traffic that social networks send you, this is where you want to be.
Help you know the page on top 100 in Google results have how many backlink for this page, top backlinks pointing to a specific website. Quality links can help you outrank your competitors and get you additional referrer traffic.
Keyword Research, Keyword Suggestion with Search volume, CPC, Competition rate
You would like more people to visit your website, read your content, more time on site and buy your products or services.
Bring quality articles that match the search of your customers on Googles results, give them content related to high search volume.
This is more suited to Google’s SEO guideline in 2018, from which your website will be rated Google as one of the sites that bring value and benefits to users and it will increase your ranking on Googles results, and more traffic you get to your website and the higher your rankings.
Use Keyword Research tool is the best WordPress keyword tool to get the keyword statistics with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition, get relevance keyword suggest and other metrics with trust data.
Know which keywords on your targeted list have the highest search volume so you can choose the best keywordsand boost your search engine rank.
Keywords research
Show top high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.
Keyword suggestion
Get suggest relevance keyword with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition.
Check Google SERP
Allows you to quickly check and tracking page ranking for keyword on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.
You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results.
How much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content,… so you can have the ideas for your content and tactics developed by your keywords to improve your keyword rankings for your website.
Keyword research tool for global and local search: Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS.
Amazon Affiliate Product Research
You are an Amazon seller or Amazon Associate – Affiliate?
Amazon Product Research tool is best alternative to JungleScout, give you analyze real-time products that best for your bussiness.
Quickly research, find the perfect niche, identify the right products to sell on Amazon, gauge your competition, tracking new product launch, best selling product on amazon, most wished and estimate your sales with marketing place and your keyword.
Amazon Affiliate Research Features
- Support All categories: Get access to the Amazon products database with all categories.
- Best seller products: Research top best selling products on the Amazon market to choose the right product for your needs. (Find products for sale or make affiliate)
- Most wished products: Research the most wished products which to choose the best amazon product for your business strategy for sale or affiliate marketing
- New released products: research the new released product, research the current sales trends, what are the competitors doing
- Best for gift products: Research the best gift amazon product for sale with combo, maximum sales revenue
Easy to use and export to excel files
Increase revenue from Google Adsense and banner ads with extra banner ads for each result.
- Innovative Ads Optimizer: x4 ads view rate per visitor
- Auto change ADS without refresh page
Simple Membership
- Use for specific user role
- Limit request by user role
- Custom restrict message
- Compatible with Ultimate Member and other membership website
Recipe Markup – Google Rich Snippets (SEO)
Links: Google – Data Testing Tool – Website
What Is A Rich Snippet?
Rich snippets were designed to give users more information about search results. Google has always been about the customer experience, so rich snippets provide more information to the customer and either answer their query or give them more insight into a search result before they click it.
What is Recipe Markup?
Mark up your recipe content with structured data to provide rich results and host-specific lists for your recipes, such as reviewer ratings, cooking and preparation times, and nutrition information. This content can be eligible to be displayed as a rich result in Search results and guidance with the Google Assistant on Google Home.
Structured Data’s Effect On Rankings
Whether structured data affects rankings has been the subject of much discussion and many experiments. As of yet, there is no conclusive evidence that this markup improves rankings. But there are some indications that search results with more extensive rich snippets (like those created using Schema) will have a better click-through rate.
According to John Mueller, structured data helps a web page rank better in the same way regular content helps a page rank. The heart of search engine optimization is making it easy for a search engine to understand what the web page is about. Structured data is a fantastic way to communicate what products are for sale, where a business selling the product is located, what the hours of operation are, how many people reviewed a product and so on. Structured data makes it easy to communicate important information about a product, a business and a web page.
Plugin Features
- Compatible with GoogleRich Snippets
- Google Review Markup
- Google Video Markup
- Google Recipe Markup
- Multilingual
- SEO Tool
About this plugin
Languages: English.
This plugin works with all the themes and plugins. You just need to activate the plugin and that it. This plugin is quite fast and will not strain your site. All these settings can be done with one click!
Blocker. – WordPress Firewall & Security Plugin (SEO)
What does this plugin do?
– This plugin prevents fake, malicious and spam visitors entering your site.
– Blocks Spam Google Analytics Referrer bots.
– Blocks HTTrack, WPScan and similar malicious bots.
– Blocks malicious email registrations and comments.
– and with more features, you can block everything.All Features
100% Easy Translation Feature
– Blocker. plugin is coded as compatible with 100% translation into other languages.
Data Logging System
It records malicious users. You can easily check the suspicions.Statistics System
Web Bot Verification Algorithm
This feature prevents fake users (web bots). It only allows safe web bots. Separates the real and the counterfeit with a special algorithm.Search Engine Bot Verification Algorithm
This feature controls search engine bots. It checks from the IP address whether it is real or not. Example: Googlebot, yahoo slurp, bingbot, yandexbot, etc.Proxy & VPN Detection and Blocking System
You can easily block VPN and Proxy users. Works with Black Box API and results in 99% guarantee.Malicious IP Detection and Blocking System
With the StopForumSpam API you can block malicious IP addresses. Only blocks the malicious visitor.Spam Registration and Spam Comment Detection and Blocking System (without Captcha)
With the StopForumSpam API you can block malicious mail addresses. You do not need Akismet and similar plugins.Tor Browser & DNS Detection and Blocking System
Unknown User Agents Detection and Blocking System
Real users use a real user agent (browser). This feature prevents Unknown and Undetectable user agents. Reduce unnecessary traffic on your website.Manual Settings
Whitelist System
The IP addresses you added to Whitelist are excluded from your active security settings. We recommend you to use this setting if you are using a Static IP address. Whitelist IP addresses enter one by one or like – state the range. Example:, or between – Agent Blacklist System (User Agent, Browser, OS and etc.)
This feature blocks the User Agents you have selected. Example User Agents: Mozilla, alexa, googlebot, windowsIP Blacklist System
This feature blocks the IP Addresses you have selected. Example:, or between – Blacklist System
This feature blocks the Countries you have selected. Example Country Codes: US, DE, NL, ES.ISP Blacklist System (Internet Service Provider)
This feature blocks the ISPs you have selected. Example ISP Names: Sky Broadband, AT&T.Referrer Blacklist System
Block the malicious, suspicious and unwanted referral and Google Analytics spam users.Mail & Domain Blacklist System
This feature blocks the Mail Addresses you have selected. Blocked people can’t open membership and can’t comment.and Widget System.
Released - 23.07.2018
Event Schema For WordPress (SEO)
It is basically a short summary of your event page in the search results of Google in nice format with event name, location, date, ticket price etc.
General Event Structured Data Markup tool is one of the most useful tools to help your business get started with structured data. This markup tool help enhance Google’s understanding of the content on your website. This content is then used not only for your search engine results, but may also be incorporated into Knowledge Graph panels or Google Now cards, increasing your business’s online reach.
Use the Event Schema To Better Position Your Event on Google.
01. Name of the Event
02. An Image / Photo
03. Location Name
04. Location Street Address
05. Locality
06. Postal Code
07. Region
08. Country
09. Start Date
10. End Date
11. Offer Availability
12. Offer Price
13. Currency
14. Offer Valid From
15. Ticket Link
16. PerformerAutolinks Manager (SEO)
Applying autolinks in your website is a smart strategy to generate more visits on your pages, sell more products, earn money with a referral system or to improve your SEO.
The Autolinks Manager plugin, with its advanced autolinks system and a great number of options, gives you the ability to apply this strategy at its maximum level.
Please note that Autolinks Manager has been created by the same developers of Interlinks Manager, one the most effective and best rated SEO plugins currently available in CodeCanyon.
Advanced Autolinks
The total control on the application of the autolinks is what really matters in an autolink plugin.
Unaltered HTML
The autolinks are applied on the fly by PHP when the post are displayed in the front-end and no changes are performed on the actual HTML of the post stored in the database. So you can at anytime add, remove or modify your autolinks without negative implications for your website.
Custom Attributes
The HTML link elements generated with the applications of autolinks can be created with:
- Custom Title attribute to describe the linked document
- Custom Target attribute to open the linked document in a new window or tab
- Custom Nofollow attribute to instruct the search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link’s target
Affected Posts
Sometimes specific autolinks should not be applied on the entire website, but only activated with specific topics.
That’s why with this plugin for each autolink you can determine:
- In which post types the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
- In which categories the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
- In which tags the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
- The term group, which is a list of terms that should be compared with the ones available on the posts where the autolinks are applied
Advanced Match
The search for occurrences of the keyword performed by the algorithm used to apply the autolink can be tuned based on your specific needs with the following options:
- The Case Sensitive Search option to select if the defined keyword should match or not uppercase and lowercase variations
- The Left Boundary option to match keywords preceded by a generic boundary or by a specific character
- The Right Boundary option to match keywords followed by a generic boundary or by a specific character
- The Keyword Before option to match occurrences preceded by a specific string
- The Keyword After option to match occurrences followed by a specific string
- The Limit option to determine the maximum number of matches of the defined keyword automatically converted to a link
- The Priority option to determine the order used to apply the autolinks on the post
Test Mode
This feature, if enabled through the Test Mode plugin option, allows you to apply the autolinks on the front-end of your website only to the WordPress users that have the capability required to create and edit autolinks. So you can easily test the application of the autolinks in a production environment without actually changing the content of the posts for your visitors and for the search engines.
Random Prioritization
The advanced Random Prioritization option is extremely useful to randomize on a per-post basis the order used to apply the autolinks with the same priority and as a consequence to ensure a better distribution of the autolinks.
General Limit
A limit for the maximum number of autolinks allowed in the same post can be determined with a fixed value assigned to the General Limit (Amount) option or automatically calculated based on the length of the post and the value assigned to the General Limit (Characters per Autolink) option.
The use of the General Limit feature is recommended to limit the application of the autolinks to a reasonable amount.
Same URL Limit
Use this option to limit the number of autolinks with the same URL to a specified value. This option is useful when you have multiple keywords that point to the same resource and you want to limit the number of times that a resource is linked.
Protected Tags
With this option you can instruct the algorithm to not apply the autolinks on specific HTML tags present in your posts.
Let’s say that you don’t want to add autolinks inside the main headings, the tables and the code snippets. Simply add the list “h1, h2, h3, table, code” in the Protected Tags option and you are done.
The plugin includes the possibility to categorize your autolinks, this is extremely useful when you have a high number of autolinks used for different purposes.
For example you can:
- Create autolinks to convert keywords that are part of a glossary and include them in the “Wiki” category
- Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with products sold by an external website and include them in the “Referral” category
- Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with your best articles and include them in the “Internal Links” category
Meta box
The Autolinks Manager meta box allows you to disable the application of the autolinks on a per-post basis. Simply visit the post where you don’t want to apply the autolinks and set to “No” the Enable Autolinks select-box available in the meta box.
Wizard Mode
This special menu gives you the ability to generate multiple autolinks in a single operation.
This is a list of tasks that can be performed in few seconds in the Wizard menu:
- Create multiple different autolinks
- Import existing autolinks available in a spreadsheet document
- Create multiple autolinks with the same keyword and different URLs
- Create multiple autolinks with different keywords and the same URL
Link Tracking
The clicks performed by the visitors on the applied autolinks can be optionally tracked.
The following information on the single clicks are available in the Tracking menu:
- The ID of the tracked click
- The IP address of the user that performed the click
- The date on which the autolink has been clicked
- The autolink associated with the tracked click
- The post, page or custom post type that includes the autolink that received the click
Please note that if you don’t want to collect personal data the plugin gives you the ability to:
- Disable the link tracking feature
- Delete on demand the tracked clicks associated with specific IP addresses
Use the Statistics menu to generate statistics about the autolinks applied in the posts, pages and custom post types of your blog.
For each post you will be able to know the exact number of autolinks applied and the number of clicks generated with the autolinks.
Extremely Customizable
With the 50 general options you can control various aspects of the plugin. You can for example set the default values for the new autolinks, control how the analysis performed on the posts should be executed, enable or disable the link tracking feature, give access to the plugin menus only to users with specific capabilities, customize the pagination system used in the back-end and control advanced aspects associated with the application of the autolinks.
Gutenberg Ready
WordPress is changing and the TinyMCE editor will soon be replaced with the new Gutenberg Editor, a page builder that uses blocks to create all types of content.
This plugin allows you to select exactly on which Gutenberg blocks the autolinks should be applied. So you can be very precise in the application of the autolinks and avoid any kind of issue associated with the application of autolinks on Gutenberg blocks.
CSV Ready
The support for the CSV format includes two separate aspects:
Importable Data
From the Wizard menu you can import your existing autolinks available in a CSV archive. The process is very simple:
- Open the CSV file that includes your autolinks with your favorite spreadsheet editor
- Copy your data in the clipboard
- Paste the data in the spreadsheet editor embedded in the Wizard menu
- Click the Generate Autolinks button
Exportable Data
The data about your autolinks and the tracked clicks can be exported through the Export CSV section available in the plugin menus. The generated CSV files can then be imported in your favorite spreadsheet software to perform custom analyses, modify, share or print the data.
Import and Export
The import and export feature available in Autolinks Manager allows you to archive your collections of autolinks, categories and term groups as XML files.
This is extremely useful because:
- Works as backup system for your autolinks, categories and term groups
- You can move your autolinks, categories and term groups between different websites
Multisite Ready
This plugin can be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation (the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step) and a Single Site Activation (the plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network)
Multilanguage Ready
Autolinks Manager comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.
High Quality Support
Support for this plugin is provided in English and Italian directly via email by the plugin developers. If you experience any problems or if you need detailed technical info about specific plugin parts you are in good hands
Video Tutorials
- Generate statistics about the autolinks
- Export the statistics in a spreadsheet software
- Create an autolink (basic tutorial)
- Create an autolink (advanced tutorial)
- Create multiple autolinks with the Wizard menu
- Create a category
- Create a term group
- Overview of the tracking menu
- Export the tracked clicks
- Import autolinks, categories and term groups
- Export autolinks, categories and term groups
- Overview of the plugin options
This plugin makes use of the following resources:
- Chosen licensed under the MIT License
- Handsontable licensed under the MIT License
For each library you can find the actual copy of the license inside the folder used to store the library files.
Do you care about your website’s SEO?
Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.
Implement now the hreflang attribute
Increase the search visibility, the indexation rate, the number of impressions and avoid duplicate content by implementing hreflang with the Hreflang Manager plugin.
A.I. Spinner – Rewrites article with Artificial Intelligence (SEO)
Rewrites articles with Artificial Intelligence
A.I. Spinner is the tool that rewrites text with alternative sentences through machine learning.
An Example From Plugin :
Original Content :
We’ll be adding some new stuff to make it even more awesome, if you have any idea please let us know.Generated Content by A.I. :
If you have any ideas, please let us know and we’ll add something new to make it even more enjoyable.As you can see, it’s not only replace the words, it also move and remove some from sentence and generates totally unique content.
Try our service :
Demo : http://aispinner.org
Create unique content from scratch
Google and other search engines could understand an article’s content thanks to Machine learning. Usual spinner doesn’t work anymore in this case, because they basically replace words. This is not enough.
We focused to solve this problem and trained a neural network to generate totally new and unique content. We use Google’s NMT technique to generate alternative sentences.
Language processing is the key
We basically scan our database to find grammerly similar sentences and check that if they both have same grammer structure. If they have, we apply original content to generate new unique content.
We use Google’s Natural Language Processing API to match sentences. Please visit API docs for more information.
Powerful WordPress Plugin
Our plugin has automatic spin, exclude and include categories, spinning some spesific sections like only title or content features on it. It’s very powerful and it fits for almost all purposes on WordPress.
Also we always update our plugin with user’s feedback and keep it secure and stable. If you have feedback, don’t hesitate to contact with us.
Supported Languages : English
Visit our support page for more detail :
Support Page : http://aispinner.org/support
Key phrase Linking for WordPress (web optimization)
A powerful plugin can help you easily manage keywords and link them on your site, it works on the post and page.
By default wordpress you can links in its content but setting links for same words in many contents is very time-consuming, that’s why you need a stronger and more dynamic autolink plugin.Plugin allows you to create and manage keywords, the keyword data will including Keyword, Link URL, Tooltip, Target, Excluded Tags, keyword frequency will be linked and type of links (order or random).
You can also easily update the data or delete keywords.Very easy and convenient, a great tool to support keyword seo for you.
If have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.Version: 1.0 – Last updated: 2018, Mar 23
Compatible with WordPress 3.x, WordPress 4.x
Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome