Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Tripplemat WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Tripplemat WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Tripplemat WordPress Plugin

    A plugin with 3 essential materials for your wp site

    Tripplemat WordPress Plugin is a very simple and light weight plugin what is combined with three essential plugins for your WordPress site. It’s designed with google material design what is looks very modern. It will allow you to show remaining time with a nice bar to read a post or page. You can also show a scroll to top circle in your site. With this plugin another option is to change scroll bar of your browser when anyone are visiting your site. It’s very easy to use and have lot’s of multiple features for every single functions. We will recommend you to use this plugin for your WordPress website.

    1. Remaining time to completing read for posts and pages
    2. Awesome scroll to top.
    3. Awesome scroll bar.
    4. Highly customize-able.
    5. Designed with google material design.
    6. Easy to install.
    7. User friendly and very nice option panel.
    8. Well documented.
    Sources and credit
  • Blogging Web page Format Supervisor for WordPress (Utilities)

    Blogging Web page Format Supervisor for WordPress (Utilities)

    Blog Page Layout Manager for WordPress

    Blog Page Layout Manager for WordPress Main Features

    • 100% Responsive Design Layouts.
    • 45+ Post Grid Style Available( Grid / List)
    • Inline Post read popup (Full Customize)
    • Custom Columns Layout
    • Custom background Color and hover background color
    • Fit row, Masonry and Justify Grid Layout
    • WPML supported.
    • SEO friendly code
    • Pagination
      • Show more
      • Infinite Scroll
      • Number Pagination
    • 2 Single Page Layout
      • 4 Next Previous Style
      • 2 Author Layout
      • 6 Social icon Skin
    • Social Share icon for each post
    • Custom Columns layout (4 Columns,3 Columns,2 Columns,1 Columns)
    • Custom post background and hover color
    • Fully responsive and mobile ready.
    • Unlimited grid anywhere.
    • Pagination support.
    • Custom number grid post per page.
    • Display or hide post meta’s.
    • Awesome hover effect.
    • Social share buttons.
    • Category wise grid
    • Post Read more translate option.
    • Device wise grid defines e.g. how many shows on desktop/tablet/mobile both grid and carousel.
    • Unlimited overlap colors with various opacity
    • Build Query : You can choose data source(post),number of items and order by, then you can filter them by

      category,tags and …

      • Choose data source : Select post types to populate posts from. Note: If no post type is

        selected, WordPress will use default “Post” value.

      • Post Count : How many teasers to show? Enter number or word “All”.
      • Order By : Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page
      • Categories : Filter output by posts categories, enter category names here.
      • Tags : Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names here.
    • Read More text translate
    • Hide/Show excerpt in items
  • Remark Kind Modifier – CFM (Varieties)

    Remark Kind Modifier – CFM (Varieties)

    CFM Plugin allows you to add custom fields functionality for comments by a single click.

    You can edit the settings for plugin by a plugin setting page, which can be found in the left menu with the name “CFM Plugin” in the admin.

    The “Website” field on the comment form on frontend can be easily disabled by the CFM Plugin with simple “ON / OFF” switch.

    You can add multiple custom fields into the comment form.

    After adding the fields from the backend if you want to change the position for the fields you can do it easily by simple sorting drag & drop.

    The following are the fields those can be added by the CFM Plugin.


    • Userfriendly, attractive and easy to use backend.
    • CFM allows you to add multiple fields into the comment form.
    • Multiple types of fields are allowed ( “TEXT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, UPLOAD” ).
    • CFM allows you to add custom classes and ids in any of the custom fields.
    • You can make “required” any field by a simple “ON / OFF” Switch.
    • Witch CFM you can disable the “Website” field on comment form.
    • All the data from user can be seen on backend comment edit page.
    • You can sort the fields according to your requirements by a simple drag & drop.
    • On frontend you can see the comment data filled by user on custom fields below content of comment.

    Install the Plugin:

    Installing CFM Plugin is simple. You have two options :
    Via FTP: Unzip the ‘CFM Plugin’ folder and upload it into the wp-content/plugins folder.

    Via WordPress: Login to your WordPress site Navigate to Plugins > Add New> Upload and upload the zipped up ‘CFM Plugin’ folder.
    Activate VLR Posts plugin

    Now that you’ve installed the plugin, you need to activate it. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click ‘Activate’ under the CFM Plugin.

  • Sticky Video for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Sticky Video for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Sticky Video plugin allows you to view videos continuously while scrolling
    through a page or a post.

  • Time Monitoring and Job Reporting WordPress Plugin (Membership)

    Time Monitoring and Job Reporting WordPress Plugin (Membership)

    WPTTAR is a WordPress plugin for businesses and companies who would like to keep a track record of there ongoing or past projects. Time tracking can be easily managed where developers, designers or other team members can submit there worked number of hours along with the comments.

  • 360 Panorama Picture Sphere – Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)

    360 Panorama Picture Sphere – Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)

    360 Panorama Photo Sphere – Visual Composer Addon is a filter that allows you to display 360×180 degree panoramas.

    Photo Sphere Viewer is pure JS and based on Three.js, allowing very good performances on WebGL enabled systems (most recent browsers) and reasonably good performances on other systems supporting HTML Canvas.

    Photo Sphere is based on the JavaScript library [Photo Sphere Viewer]

    Thanks to: Jeremy Heleine and mistic100

  • Skype Button – add a multi-operate skype button (Utilities)

    Skype Button – add a multi-operate skype button (Utilities)

    WordPress skype button plugin that lets you create any amount of skype buttons and add them anywhere on your site. Let your visitors easily contact you via Skype!

    Main features:

    • Enable the multiple dropdown options you want: Chat, Call, Videocall, Voice message, Add to Contacts, Information, Send file
    • Specify the dropdown background color
    • Show or hide your status

    All features

    Multiple Actions

    Configure which actions to include in the dropdown menu: Chat, Call, Videocall, Voice message, Add to Contacts, Information, Send file

    Change Texts

    Put your own text for any action and for any status (which appears when you hover over the skype status icon)

    Change Color

    Select any color you want for the dropdown. Match your design.

    Change Icon Size

    Select the skype icon size you want: 13px, 22px, 30px

    Show Your Status

    Enable the option and let your users know if you are online or not

    Unlimited Amount

    You can create any number of different skype buttons and place them anywhere on your website with a shortcode.

    Ongoing Support

    We are supporting our customers with great care and urgency. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.

    Constantly Evolving

    We are listening to your feedback and add features regularly! Let us know what else you would like to have in this plugin.


    This plugin requires an easy verification. See how to verify it.

    we provide high quality support for our wordpress plugins and any other items

    best forms plugins for wordpress

  • Scripts Dequeuer (Utilities)

    Scripts Dequeuer (Utilities)

    Scripts Dequeuer helps you dequeue WordPress frontend scripts and styles without touching any code. You just need to select scripts and styles from backend and they will be dequeued instantly.

    Usage scenario

    If you are running a WordPress website with good amount of traffic and expect decent revenue from it, you would be already aware about importance of site speed and performance optimization. A fast loading site can improve traffic and engage more users for you. While optimization can be done in many ways like, using caching plugins, optimized images, using CDN, etc., there are some situations which need a completely different approach.

    For example, consider a case in which two different plugins use same CSS files (say, fontawesome CSS) and load them individually. Or consider a case in which two plugins are loading same JavaScript file, say, jQuery validate or jQuery Masonry individually. While WordPress takes very good care of preventing redundant enqueue by checking for same script handle names, such situation may still arise if the script handle names are different.

    In such cases, the only direct solution is to dequeue/deactivate one of those redundant scripts for optimizing performance. While this can be done directly by adding some code in theme’s functions.php file, one would definitely like to have a user friendly way in which he/she can deactivate scripts without having to fiddle with the code. Scripts Dequeuer is developed to provide you such feature which lets you dequeue scripts and stylesheets in user friendly manner. The plugin is fast, light weighted, and is worth installing for such nifty feature.

    How it works

    If front end scripts and styles are enqueued using native WordPress hooks (wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_print_scripts, wp_print_styles, etc.), Scripts Dequeuer can detect all such scripts/stylesheets and list them inside WordPress admin area. There you can select scripts/stylesheets and add them for dequeue. Upon saving changes, selected scripts and stylesheets are dequeued and listed separately.

    list of detected scripts on front end

    list of detected styles on front end

    Furthermore, the plugin takes care of not dequeuing scripts which are required by other scripts. For example, if you select jQuery for dequeue, it won’t be dequeued if any other file still requires it. The plugin provides an option of “Force Dequeue” by ignoring dependencies. In that case you can force dequeue files by ignoring dependencies.

    plugin settings

    Which site locations are searched for scripts and stylesheets?

    By default, the plugin searches for files on three locations – Your site’s Home page, a single post page, and an archives page. These three locations will contain most of your site’s CSS and JS files.

    Additionally, you have option for providing custom URLs on which files shall be scanned. This is useful when themes or plugins are enqueuing files conditionally. For e.g. a contact-form.js file may be included only on a contact page, or a masonry.js file might only be loaded on a portfolio template page. In that case you can provide URLs of these pages for extra scanning. The plugin will scan all those pages and will list all enqueued scripts and stylesheets.

    Why use this plugin?

    If you are a developer or intermediate WordPress user, you can of course add some code in theme’s functions.php file for dequeuing scripts and stylesheets. However, upon switching themes, this code will get removed too (unless taken a backup). This plugin is intended for users who need a user friendly and reliable solution for dequeuing scripts without having to touch the code.

    The plugin not only helps you dequeue files, it gives you a clear picture about total files used on front end, their sources and dependencies. If you are keen about site performance, optimization, and you do every possible thing to improve your website’s speed, you can definitely have this useful plugin in your collection. You will not regret it. Please also check plugin screen shots to get an idea about backend settings and features.

    Key features

    • Compatible with WordPress 4.5.x and 4.6.x
    • Unbranded settings panel with JavaScript tab navigation
    • Shows complete list of scripts and styles detected on front end
    • Detects scripts and stylesheets which are enqueued using WordPress native hook
    • Ability to dequeue all scripts and stylesheets at once, or as per selection
    • Shows separate portlets for “Dequeue list”, “Successfully dequeued list”, and “not dequeued list”
    • Each portlet shows file count for better idea about number of files
    • Custom “Add URL” option with jQuery sortable list
    • Force dequeue option for ignoring script dependencies
    • Clean and optimized code as per WordPress coding standards
    • 100% Translation ready with sample .pot file included
    • Documentation help manual with usage instructions
    • Works with most themes and plugins (free + premium)
    • Compatible on all major browsers with IE 9+
    • Dedicated support in reasonable time span

    Plugin Support

    All support is provided via comments section and email. For any questions related to the plugin or general query, feel free to email me from my profile page message box at, or comment on the item comments section. I would be glad to respond. Thank you for browsing the plugin.


    Font icons from icomoon app


    = 1.0.0 =
    * Initial release
  • Herd Impact – faux notifications that stimulate consumer motion (Promotion)

    Herd Impact – faux notifications that stimulate consumer motion (Promotion)

    Create and show fictitious notifications to motivate users to take action on your site!

    Capitalize on the herd effect! Show how much action there is on your website to motivate visitors to join that action!

    How it works:

    • Create a notification set. Construct a notification template with text & variables (it’s super easy).
    • Style and configure additional settings for your notification set, if you want.
    • Place the notification set anywhere you want on your website and the plugin will generate non-stop notifications, based on your template!

    Main features:

    • Create and show fictitious notifications to motivate users to take action on your site!
    • Create and show real notifications with information that you want to convey
    • Create notification templates with your custom text and variables. The plugin then generates non-stop flow of notifications, based on your template.
    • Create unlimited amount of different notification sets
    • Unlimited, non-stop notifications will run for each set
    • Randomize the time intervals with which the notifications appear to add more realistic effect
    • Customize and style notifications to fit your needs
    • Powerful page-level placement

    What can you use this notifications plugin for?

    • Create an effect of a busy store, with people buying your products every second
    • Show that people are registering non-stop on your website
    • Show that people are signing up for your event / webinar like crazy!
    • Show that people are mentioning you on social networks
    • Imitate any other activity
    • You can also just use it to convey some real information to users

    All features

    Create Templates With Variables

    Create notification templates with your custom text and variables. You can use the built-in variables to construct any kind of notifications!

    Powerful Styling

    Change colors of anything: background, text, icon, border. Tweak transparency. Change border-radius. Change border width. Tweak things to match your website design and your taste.

    Change Texts

    Change button text, change placeholder texts, change confirmation texts, change error texts, setup texts for confirmation email

    Powerful Positioning

    Make the notifications appear anywhere you want on the screen.

    Powerful Placing

    In addition to inserting shortcodes, you can easily place the notifications on the whole website, only posts, only pages, only certain pages or only certain posts, all posts except specified ones or all pages except specified ones.

    Powerful Timing

    Control how often the notifications appear and how long each notification stays visible.

    Randomize The Intervals

    You can set the notifications to appear with stable interval, or you can use the randomizer feature to make the notifications appear with varying intervals. This creates even more realistic effect.

    Animated Display

    Enable animated display of the notifications: from the right, from the left, from top, from bottom. Specify the animation duration.

    Show Or Hide The Close Button

    If the close button is enabled, user can close the notification and disable the whole notification streak. But you can hide the close button to prevent this.

    Easily Duplicate Notification Sets

    Easily duplicate the notification sets to save time, when you are creating different types of notifications.

    Unlimited Notification Sets

    Create as many sets as you want for different types of notifications you want to run.

    Unlimited Notifications In Each Set

    Notifications within each set will be generated continuously, appearing non-stop.

    Font Awesome Icons

    Choose among hundreds on Font Awesome icons to be displayed in your notifications.

    Custom Icons

    Insert your custom icon, if you wish

    Ongoing Support

    We are supporting our customers with great care and urgency. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.

    Constantly Evolving

    We listen to your feedback and add features regularly! Let us know what else you would like to have in this plugin.


    This plugin requires an easy verification. See how to verify it.

    we provide high quality support for our wordpress plugins and any other items

    best forms plugins for wordpress