Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Textual content Encrypter (.NET)

    Textual content Encrypter (.NET)

    This tool simply allows for the user to open a text file and encrypt it using a custom algorithm. The algorithm itself isn’t that easy to be cracked so users won’t have to worry about any reverse engineering against their files.
    Upon encryption the user will be given an 8 character key which they would need for when they choose to decrypt their file.

  • .Internet Admin Starter Equipment (.NET)

    .Internet Admin Starter Equipment (.NET)


    .Net Admin is an advanced general purpose administration starter kit that provides basic infrastructure to get projects up and running very quickly. Designed following industry standards and recent technologies, it has all the ‘boring’ stuff already implemented for you, leaving only your client business requirements to be done. It is fully responsive and looks awesome on any device.


    • Programming knowledge (C#).
    • Visual Studio 2015 (Community or above)
    • SQL Server (LocalDB, Express or above)
    • .Net Framework 4.6.1
    • ASP.Net MVC5.
    • Razor Engine.

    Some of the features:

    • Fast.
    • Enforced input validation.
    • Flexible e-mail providers.
    • Flexible image repositories and upload.
    • Dynamic image processing.
    • Users management and permissions system.
    • User accounts with Asp.Net Identity 2.0.
    • Error logging system.
    • Fast ORM with
    • Fully Responsive.
    • Lots of HTML elements.
    • Dependency injection with SimpleInjector.
    • Interactive Charts.
    • Onion architecture.
    • All files are well commented and organized.
    • Crossbrowser Compatible.

    And it’s just the begining…


  • Aj Fb Like With Experience (Social Networking)

    Aj Fb Like With Experience (Social Networking)

    What is Facebook Like – (Benefits)?

    • It indicates the visitor has an interest in your business and wants to hear from you
    • People who click the Facebook Like button are “more engaged, active and connected than the average Facebook user.”
    • Email Marketing Capability.
    • Viral Syndication of Content.
    • More Traffic to Website.
    • Becomes Part of Facebook Graph
    • More Effective Advertising


    • You can put like button on your page like just magic.
    • It’s work with all major browser and support to HTML5 .
    • You can count like through graph API . You can display admin side total likes (Count).
    • Add graph meta with easily. Just put simple code with dll.
    • You can know event of “LIKE” and “UNLIKE” your URL . You can give point or take point to any user with events.
    • With URL Linter you can check your page meta tags with it.

    Product Feature

    • Full source code, Fully customizable.
    • Very simple, just like plug and play.
    • HTML5 Compatible.
    • Get total like count.
    • Runs smoothly in all major browsers
    • Extensive documentation
    • Support oAuth2.0
    • Easy to install into any page.
    • Facebook Page Fan Detect
    • Get Like/Unlike events


    • Facebook Account
    • .Net 3.5+

    Please help us

    Please tell us what we can do for make this product better. We would love to hear your suggestions on how we could improve the code. Leave us a comment or send us and email and your suggestion might make it in to future version!

  • SQL Helper (Database Abstractions)

    SQL Helper (Database Abstractions)

    What is SQL Helper?

    I’m sharing this with the world because we need another way to access data – don’t you think? Truthfully – I wanted to see if I could flex the C# stuff and run up data access with a single dll and signle line of functions.


    • Fetch data with signle line of functions
    • Fetch data with custome column’s name
    • Fetch data with sorting
    • Fetch data with diffrent type of joins
    • Fetch data with paging
    • SQL error handling
    • Full dll source code – (You can customize as your own way)
    • Development time saving… :)

    Demo Code

    • Select All Rows With All function

    • Fetch data with Select function

      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Where");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Sort", "SortType");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Where", "Sort", "SortType");

      Select function is very usefull and it has five overload methods.
      All parameters description is above this function.

    • Fetch data with Where function

      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where");
      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where", "Columns");
      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where", "Columns", "Sort", "SortType");
    • Fetch data with OrderBy function

      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType");
      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType", "Columns");
      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType", "Columns", "Where");
    • Fetch data with Paged function

      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns", , "Where");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns", , "Where", "Sort", "SortType");

      You can fetch data with paging and you paging result will return with MyResult class.
      PageIndex you require to pass your current page index. which you require to show in list.
      PageSize pass your current page size.


    Once again, As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this code.
    I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the code on CodeCanyon,
    you might contact me at here. Thanks so much!.

    For new features:

    Though we will never discourage users from developing solutions that solve their needs,
    the goals of the SQL Helper are very focused. If you are looking to get new features merged back into the SQL Helper DLL,
    we highly encourage you to contact me at or write
    comment on my CodeCanyon this product page.


    hit counters
    hit counter

  • Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC)  (Communique Instruments)

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) (Communique Instruments)

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is a complete QA knowledge base application written in pure mvc that can help you build a complete question answer community portal on the fly.

    Main Features

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes more than 500 basic and advanced features that can allow you to build almost any type of applications that involve knowledge base.

    It can act as a standalone question, answer application or can be used as third party tool for other applications e.g knowledge base for exist website services and products.

    It’s fully compatible with bootstrap 3.* It has more than 20 themes / color schemes available. Due to compatibility with bootstrap 3.*, you can easily embed any premium template or custom theme within hour of effort.

    Main features include


    Jugnoon QA (ASP.NET MVC) includes all basic and advance features required for making a complete knowledge base in pure mvc. Main functionality includes
    ask question, post answer, up or down votes, add to favorites, share question, mark as answer, resolve question, mark as closed and more.


    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) also has a feature of advance gamification script that can add complex business logics which is normally very difficult to implement by adding levels, badges, points, credits and rewards solution within your application.


    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has complete control panel section from where site administrator can easily manage sites, configurations, features management, user management and user content management.

    Multi Language User Interface:

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi user interface management that can help you enable single or multiple languages as language selection tool and can use any language as default language.

    Mail Template Engine :

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance mail processing and template creation engine that can help you easily write unlimited mail templates and integrate it with real events like use XYZ template to send mail when user complete registration.

    Category Management

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance category management system that can help you manage and create unlimited categories for any type of contents (e.g forums and more). You can create categories in unlimited parent child hierarchy.

    Tags Management

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include tag clouds management system with ability to priority tags, search tags, group tags into separate areas and uses these tags effectively to allow search engine and users to reach almost any type of media contents easily.

    Dynamic Sitemap Generation

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating dynamic Google and Bing sitemaps that can be easily submitted register with Google and Bing web master tools to allow them to crawl and index almost any questions that is part of your website. It’s the most important SEO tool for any site to boost up its existence.


    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating RSS and ATOM feed that can allow other users to subscribe and import forum topics to display on other websites or third party devices.

    Configuration System

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes centralize configuration system that can help site administrator to customize whole website behavior and on / off website features.

    Advertisement Management

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support advertisement management that can help you setup ads script to display on various areas of website.

    Multi Login System

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi login support to allow user to login via Facebook, Google plus or any third party accounts.

    Adult Content Management

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support adult content management system, if enabled with warn users if he tries to access any content that’s marked as adult.

    Auto Content Screening

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support auto content screening and blocking script that can encode or highlight any word wrote by user which is matched with words setup in dictionary management. It protects your website from content that may come in violation under terms of user provided by your website and act as a great helper tool for moderators to review user contents quickly.

    Spam or Abuse Reporting

    Spam and abuse reporting or mark as flag along with management supported by Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) that can help users to report any content that comes under violation and help moderators to review and block contents which is reported by users.

    Wiki or Glossary Management

    Optional topics management feature available that can help you make a glossary of important topics that can act as dictionary or help section for any website. E.g. a car website glossary can handle all keywords along with detail related to cars and auto. It’s also a great SEO tool to boost your website

    Email Subscriber

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to manage and send email to all email subscribers.

    IP BAN

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to ban any ip address on website that perform malicious activities or activities that comes against site terms of use.

    Easy Listing SDK

    Optional reusable sdk that can help you generate unlimited lists and pages based on your requirements within minutes of efforts. e.g. you can create a page that can list all question answer posted this week order by most viewed or this week most viewed questions in entertainment category or top 10 featured questions in fashion category and so on

    Fully Customizable

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is designed in a way that can be fully customized by any way (design or feature wise). Full source code (C#) available.

    Fully Responsive

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) fully responsive by built-in compatible with bootstrap templates.

    Premium Template Support

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) have built-in support with great premium templates including porto, magazine, material mag, video go, sound pro and more. Please note you must get license of these templates before using plugin related to these templates within your website as we are not author of these templates.


    Beside these core features there are hundreds of other features that can make the whole system a complete solution and can help you built complex, salable social media content sharing solution on the fly.

    Jugnoon QA Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has been written in pure ASP.NET MVC with Razor Views.

    Hope we will release MVC 6 version soon.

    If someone need web form version please contact us on our support mail.


  • Jugnoon Picture Suite (ASP.NET MVC)  (Photography and Media)

    Jugnoon Picture Suite (ASP.NET MVC) (Photography and Media)

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is a complete photo sharing script written in pure mvc that can help you build highly scalable, cloud ready and professional photos, wallpapers and picture sharing application both for web and mobile.

    Main Features

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes more than 500 basic and advanced features that can allow you to build almost any type of applications that involve photos, pictures and wallpapers.

    It can act as a standalone photo sharing application or can be used as third party tool for other applications e.g utilizing it as photo management utility for real estate application.

    It’s fully compatible with bootstrap 3.* It has more than 20 themes / color schemes available. Due to compatibility with bootstrap 3.*, you can easily embed any premium template or custom theme within hour of effort.

    Main features include


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes all basic and advance features required for making a complete photo application


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include album features with all functionality that can allow users to group multiple photos in single albums and share that album with friends or public or attach it with articles or blog posts.


    It also include optional feature to make any photo as wallpaper and group all wallpapers in a separate location or pages.


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) have built-in support for saving photos in amazon storage and stream via amazon aws cloud front if cloud storage enabled. It can help you make your application performance high even in case of high traffic while streaming photos directly from cloud.


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) also has a feature of advance gamification script that can add complex business logics which is normally very difficult to implement by adding levels, badges, points, credits and rewards solution within your application.


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has complete control panel section from where site administrator can easily manage sites, configurations, features management, user management and user content management.

    Multi Language User Interface:

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi user interface management that can help you enable single or multiple languages as language selection tool and can use any language as default language.

    Mail Template Engine :

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance mail processing and template creation engine that can help you easily write unlimited mail templates and integrate it with real events like use XYZ template to send mail when user complete registration.

    Category Management

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance category management system that can help you manage and create unlimited categories for any type of contents (e.g forums and more). You can create categories in unlimited parent child hierarchy.

    Tags Management

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include tag clouds management system with ability to priority tags, search tags, group tags into separate areas and uses these tags effectively to allow search engine and users to reach almost any type of media contents easily.

    Dynamic Sitemap Generation

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating dynamic Google and Bing sitemaps that can be easily submitted register with Google and Bing web master tools to allow them to crawl and index almost any photo that is part of your website. It’s the most important SEO tool for any site to boost up its existence.


    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating RSS and ATOM feed that can allow other users to subscribe and import forum topics to display on other websites or third party devices.

    Configuration System

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes centralize configuration system that can help site administrator to customize whole website behavior and on / off website features.

    Advertisement Management

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support advertisement management that can help you setup ads script to display on various areas of website.

    Multi Login System

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi login support to allow user to login via Facebook, Google plus or any third party accounts.

    Adult Content Management

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support adult content management system, if enabled with warn users if he tries to access any content that’s marked as adult.

    Auto Content Screening

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support auto content screening and blocking script that can encode or highlight any word wrote by user which is matched with words setup in dictionary management. It protects your website from content that may come in violation under terms of user provided by your website and act as a great helper tool for moderators to review user contents quickly.

    Spam or Abuse Reporting

    Spam and abuse reporting or mark as flag along with management supported by Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) that can help users to report any content that comes under violation and help moderators to review and block contents which is reported by users.

    Wiki or Glossary Management

    Optional topics management feature available that can help you make a glossary of important topics that can act as dictionary or help section for any website. E.g. a car website glossary can handle all keywords along with detail related to cars and auto. It’s also a great SEO tool to boost your website

    Email Subscriber

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to manage and send email to all email subscribers.

    IP BAN

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to ban any ip address on website that perform malicious activities or activities that comes against site terms of use.

    Easy Listing SDK

    Optional reusable sdk that can help you generate unlimited lists and pages based on your requirements within minutes of efforts. e.g. you can create a page that can list all photos posted this week order by most viewed or this week most viewed videos in entertainment category or top 10 featured forum topics in fashion category and so on

    Photo Resize Options

    There is optional photo resize option in photo preview page which can allow user to preview and download photos in any size to target any device.

    Fully Customizable

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is designed in a way that can be fully customized by any way (design or feature wise). Full source code (C#) available.

    Fully Responsive

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) fully responsive by built-in compatible with bootstrap templates.

    Premium Template Support

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) have built-in support with great premium templates including porto, magazine, material mag, video go, sound pro and more. Please note you must get license of these templates before using plugin related to these templates within your website as we are not author of these templates.


    Beside these core features there are hundreds of other features that can make the whole system a complete solution and can help you built complex, salable social media content sharing solution on the fly.

    Jugnoon Photo Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has been written in pure ASP.NET MVC with Razor Views.

    Hope we will release MVC 6 version soon.

    If someone need web form version please contact us on our support mail.


  • Easy Barcode Generator (Membership or Authentication Instruments)

    Easy Barcode Generator (Membership or Authentication Instruments)

    it’s a Desktop based simple tool for generating Barcodes. it can generate 30 “Barcode Labels” by a single click.
    23 types of Barcode can be generated by this tool, including Code39, Code128, UPC, ISBN and many more.
    The width and height of the “Barcode Label” can be customized.
    Very easy to use. No Source Code Included.

  • Jugnoon Discussion board Suite (ASP.NET MVC)  (Conversation Instruments)

    Jugnoon Discussion board Suite (ASP.NET MVC) (Conversation Instruments)

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is a complete discussion forum script written in pure mvc with razor views that can help you integrate full functional discussion forum functionality within your existing website or launch it as standalone application.

    Main Features

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes more than 500 basic and advanced features that can allow you to build almost any type of discussion forum.

    It’s fully compatible with bootstrap 3.* It has more than 20 themes / color schemes available. Due to compatibility with bootstrap 3.*, you can easily embed any premium template or custom theme within hour of effort.

    Main features include


    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes complete forum management. Site administrator can add unlimited forums within each category while utilizing control panel.


    User or site administrator can post unlimited forum topics within each forum. Topics can be normal, closed, info only, resolved and may be more. Each topic can handle unlimited posts.


    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) also has a feature of advance gamification script that can add complex business logics which is normally very difficult to implement by adding levels, badges, points, credits and rewards solution within your application.


    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has complete control panel section from where site administrator can easily manage sites, configurations, features management, user management and user content management.

    Multi Language User Interface:< /h5>
    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi user interface management that can help you enable single or multiple languages as language selection tool and can use any language as default language.

    Mail Template Engine :

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance mail processing and template creation engine that can help you easily write unlimited mail templates and integrate it with real events like use XYZ template to send mail when user complete registration.

    Category Management

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include advance category management system that can help you manage and create unlimited categories for any type of contents (e.g forums and more). You can create categories in unlimited parent child hierarchy.

    Tags Management

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) include tag clouds management system with ability to priority tags, search tags, group tags into separate areas and uses these tags effectively to allow search engine and users to reach almost any type of media contents easily.

    Dynamic Sitemap Generation

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating dynamic Google and Bing sitemaps that can be easily submitted register with Google and Bing web master tools to allow them to crawl and index almost any video that is part of your website. It’s the most important SEO tool for any site to boost up its existence.


    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support generating RSS and ATOM feed that can allow other users to subscribe and import forum topics to display on other websites or third party devices.

    Configuration System

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) includes centralize configuration system that can help site administrator to customize whole website behavior and on / off website features.

    Advertisement Management

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support advertisement management that can help you setup ads script to display on various areas of website.

    Multi Login System

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support multi login support to allow user to login via Facebook, Google plus or any third party accounts.

    Adult Content Management

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support adult content management system, if enabled with warn users if he tries to access any content that’s marked as adult.

    Auto Content Screening

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) support auto content screening and blocking script that can encode or highlight any word wrote by user which is matched with words setup in dictionary management. It protects your website from content that may come in violation under terms of user provided by your website and act as a great helper tool for moderators to review user contents quickly.

    Spam or Abuse Reporting

    Spam and abuse reporting or mark as flag along with management supported by Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) that can help users to report any content that comes under violation and help moderators to review and block contents which is reported by users.

    Wiki or Glossary Management

    Optional topics management feature available that can help you make a glossary of important topics that can act as dictionary or help section for any website. E.g. a car website glossary can handle all keywords along with detail related to cars and auto. It’s also a great SEO tool to boost your website

    Email Subscriber

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to manage and send email to all email subscribers.

    IP BAN

    Optional feature that can help site administrator to ban any ip address on website that perform malicious activities or activities that comes against site terms of use.

    Easy Listing SDK

    Optional reusable sdk that can help you generate unlimited lists and pages based on your requirements within minutes of efforts. e.g. you can create a page that can list all forum topics posted this week order by most viewed or this week most viewed videos in entertainment category or top 10 featured forum topics in fashion category and so on

    Fully Customizable

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) is designed in a way that can be fully customized by any way (design or feature wise). Full source code (C#) available.

    Fully Responsive

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) fully responsive by built-in compatible with bootstrap templates.

    Premium Template Support

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) have built-in support with great premium templates including porto, magazine, material mag, video go, sound pro and more. Please note you must get license of these templates before using plugin related to these templates within your website as we are not author of these templates.


    Beside these core features there are hundreds of other features that can make the whole system a complete solution and can help you built complex, salable social media content sharing solution on the fly.

    Jugnoon Forum Suite (ASP.NET MVC) has been written in pure ASP.NET MVC with Razor Views.

    Hope we will release MVC 6 version soon.

    If someone need web form version please contact us on our support mail.


  • DC Number2Text  (Convert any quantity to textual content) (eCommerce)

    DC Number2Text (Convert any quantity to textual content) (eCommerce)

    What is DC Number2Text?

    DC Number2Tex allows you to convert any number2text in 13 languages for example $7431285.46 in English will be:
    seven million, four hundred and thirty-one thousand, two hundred and eighty-five dollars and forty-six cents

    Great For Banks Billing

    DC Number2Text is useful when making financial reports, generating bills, and printing checks. There’s no need to translate and type in each number – just run Number2Text and a text translation will appear next to your figures. Since encoding is automatic, there is no room for fraud or human error.

    Multiple Languages Support

    DC Number2Text can translate numbers in English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Persian, Korean and Chinese(Simplified and Traditional). It can also translate converted text between these languages – a valuable feature for online or international business. We plan to add more languages according to user demand.




    Currency Options

    DC Number2Text sets the currency depending on the language you choose. The default currency is dollar for the English translator, euro for French and German, and pound for Arabic. Standard fields allow you to set singular and plural units (dollar/dollars) and assign currency symbols.


    Simple Syntax

    DC Number2Text uses very simple codes to set and apply your preferences. It allows you to converts any number2text with only one line of code, so it won’t clutter your program source like other add-ons. It also comes with a free tutorial to familiarize you with the basic syntax.


    Works With Any Application

    DC Number2Text is a .Net class library works with any development application such as Borland C+. Delphi , Visual C+, and Visual Basic.




    Easy Setup and Installation

    DC Number2Text installs in less than a minute on Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Window 7 and Window 8, Windows 10. During installation, the file “DC_Num2Text.dll” is registered on C:Windowssystem32, although you can specify another path. You can also set it to run automatically when you open your application – just add the DLL file as a reference from the Project menu.


    Watch this one minute podcast

    <iframe width=”420” height=”315” src=”” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Consumer Administration (.NET)

    Consumer Administration (.NET)

    User Management is an ASP.NET based web application basically designed to manage users and their respective roles and permissions over a website. It can also be integrated with other projects. For the .NET developers it’s easy to create any web application using this system

    This application is developed on .NET Framework 4.0 using, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and SQL Server 2008 R2

    Basically there are two types of roles in this application, one is “Admin” and other one is “user”


    • Secure user login
    • Remember Me feature on login
    • Interactive Dashboard
    • User-friendly graphical reports
    • Encrypted URL to avoid unwanted users from accessing others users information


    • Can perform any operation (has all permissions)
    • Access dashboard
    • Donut chart do display user statistics
    • Line chart to display registered users
    • View activities of users
    • Create new users
    • Delete users
    • Edit user details
    • Upload user photo
    • View all users
    • Search users
    • Setting up permissions for the users over selected web pages
    • Suspend /Resume users


    • Users have access over the web pages within the web application based on the permission / privileges assigned to them
    • View their own profile
    • Modify personal information
    • Modify / Remove photo
    • Modify password

    Customers Review

    “Very good quality. I like so much because it’s very simple for use and implementation. Thank you so much. I support your code in future because it’s very useful and pretty.”

    by Marcello Savorani for Code Quality

    Give it a test run


    Admin login credentials:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    User login credentials:
    Username: user