Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • Age Checker for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Age Checker for WordPress (Miscellaneous)


    Age Checker is an age verification plugin for WordPress. This plugin blocks access to your website content unless the user confirms that they are above the minimum age. The style and settings can be easily configured within the plugin’s preview editor.

    Key Features

    • Custom background color, image, or video
    • Birthday or checkbox verification forms
    • Edit cookie settings
    • Change the text to whatever you want
    • Preview editor makes it easy to customise your style & settings
    • Fully responsive & optimized for all devices
    • SEO friendly

    Any issues or feedback?

    When you require support or want to report a bug please either:

  • Uplan – Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)

    Uplan – Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)

    Offer Banner

    Uplan is a modern visual composer pricing table addon. It’s have 3+ styles, 10 preset color, featured, icons option. You can use this pricing table on your project easily.

    Main Features

    • 3+ Modern Pricing Styles
    • 10 Preset Color, Featured, Icons Option
    • Every pricing plan are seperated, that’s why you can use VC row-column easily
    • Mejor Browser Supported
    • Compatible latest version wordpress
    • Clean Coding, W3c Validate


    A big thanks to following source. Uplan addon wouldn’t be possible without these source.

    Important: After purchasing our product, Sir if you face installation or customization problem so, please feel free to contact with us via Envato email. We will try to best support for you. :)

    Dear sir, If you satisfy, Please 5-Star rate our product :)

  • Services and products Show off WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    Services and products Show off WP Plugin (Interface Components)

    Services Showcase WordPress plugin will manage your services. 55+ design templates , available in grid and slider layout. So display your services using this WordPress plugin. Easy to customized and totally responsive.

     Services Showcase WordPress Plugin Detail

    Services Showcase WordPress Plugin demo


    • Based On Bootstrap Framework
    • Total of 55+ Different Designs Templates
    • Drag And Drop APi Implemented
    • Individual Color Scheme Implemented
    • Slider/Grid Both Style
    • Font Awesome Icons implemented
    • Dashiocns implemented
    • Glyphicons Icons implemented
    • Add you own custom image icon
    • 500+ Google Font Design Implemented
    • WYSIWYG Editor Implemented
    • Border Customization

  • Gallery Bundle Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Gallery Bundle Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    You can create responsive galleries with this addons bundle. 10 unique and stunning Visual Composer addons included this bundle and they will be boost your website.

    Free Item Support


    • You can find eachbundle documentation in the zip folder.

    Visual Composer Bundle List


    • IE8+
    • Firefox (latest)
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone, iPad)


    • Initial Release ( Sep-20-2017 )
  • Ahead of After Picture Professional Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Ahead of After Picture Professional Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Introducing – Before After Image Pro Addon for Visual Composer

    You can create responsive before & after image comparsion showcase with Before After Image Pro Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin in any page. Fully customizable, predefined template included in the plugin.

    Free Item Support


    Top Features

    • Compare your images within a second
    • Add responsive Before After Image Pro to your page within a second
    • Predefined Visual Composer templates included
    • One click predefined template/element usage
    • Works/Compatible with Standalone Visual Composer & Any Visual Composer bundled Theme
    • Highly customizable & fully responsive
    • Just install and go in a second
    • Extensive free support & documentation


    • IE8+
    • Firefox (latest)
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone, iPad)


    • Initial Release ( Sep-20-2017 )
  • Contact Type 7 Coloration Or Picture Swatches (Varieties)

    Contact Type 7 Coloration Or Picture Swatches (Varieties)

    Contact Form 7 Color Or Image Swatches. Convert your normal variable attribute dropdown select to nicely looking color or image select.


    • Easy use
    • Working all version Contact form 7
    • Supports color/image/text option swatches and dropdown select.
    • Works on mobile devices.
    • And more…


    15/09/2017: (version 1.0)
    - Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • Wp Password Generator & Potential meter (Utilities)

    Wp Password Generator & Potential meter (Utilities)

    Wp Password Generator give you two simple shortcode you can put in any page of your blog to offer a very useful services: a strong password generator and a password strength meter.

    These two tools are very searched online, from both normal user and specialised users (eg. system administrator who need to generate large list of safe strong password). So you can attract an interesting niche of traffic on you site.


    • Two shortcodes
    • No configuration needed
    • Two documentation included: one for simply usage, one for developer


    You have two shortcodes that you can very easily add in any of you page or post to offer your users these two services:

    • [pwd-gen]: add the password generator
    • [pwd-strength]: add the password strength meter

    Password generator

    You can configure any aspect of generated password:

    • Number of password to generate.
    • If password must contains uppercase.
    • If password must contains lowercase.
    • If password must contains numbers.
    • If password must contains symbols.
    • Password length.

    Password strength meter

    Just insert you password to get:

    • How many possibilities of combinations there are with used character. More combinations means password is more difficult to crack.
    • You can set the numbers of core used to crack.
    • How many time is needed to crack your password with most common encryption algorithms (md5, sha1, MD5Crypt, Bcrypt).
    • This plugin includes a 10000 (ten thousand) common passwords list so if your password is contained in this list you’ll get noticed
  • Everest Evaluation – Consumer and admin evaluation plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Everest Evaluation – Consumer and admin evaluation plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Everest Review is the simple utility plugin with multiple features for you to display reviews for your posts, pages, and various custom post types faster and simpler..

    This Plugin allows you to insert your review inside your posts or pages. You can also take review from the site visitor and display with many other multiple customization option to change to fit the layout of the site along with responsive design.

    Create unlimited review template! Create and assign template to multiple page for multiple actions through elegant and useful setting in the plugin. Select from 5 beautiful pre-designed layout and 5 different review form layout along with multiple review display design option for your own review theme.

    Everest Review is very handy to makes your website’s accessibility higher with more user engagement than ever before.

    Add review power to your website, get Everest Review now!

    Full feature lists

    5 Elegant Review Template Layouts

    – 5 different beautiful and sleek template for admin and user review design to choose from.

    5 Review Form Template Layouts

    – 5 different template for review form to choose from.

    Unlimited Numbers of Review in the Site

    – unlimited number of review in your site. There is no limit in the number of reviews, review form you can use in your site.

    Page Wise Configurable Review

    – define each individual review section such as admin review section, user review section and user review form in either order or display either one.for particular page, just select a reviews, review form for your page or leave one work for all through single setting.

    Fully Responsive and Touch Friendly

    – Mobile ready menu template designs. Responsive and touch friendly to support user review from smaller devices too.

    Custom Design

    – You can configure the review template layout along with type of review design. 7 different review designs and custom design options to choose from. Various editable components for custom template are listed below:

    • Background Color
    • Review color
    • Review Header Color
    • Review Inner Header Color
    • Typography
    • Font Size
    • And many more

    Shortcode Ready

    You can define to review to be displayed either above or below the content and you can also define shortcode to display in either position around the page/post content.

    – You also can upload your own custom image icon.

    – Or you can also set custom icon if the icon you are looking for is not available in icon set using custom input field.

    Sortable Review Form Template with other customizable options

    – You can sort the order easily for the review form in the plugin while creating/editing the to custom order along with ability to design the custom options to custom design the form layout.

    Easy Review Builder

    You don’t have to be expert or know the code to work with the template using and integrating it into the site.

    Filter and Pagination Option

    – You can filter the user reviews and paginate the user reviews as you wish with simple ajax load more just by manipulating few setting in backend.

    Different Review Types

    -You can choose among 7 different review types.

    • Plain Square
    • Plain Circular
    • Simple Bar
    • Striped bar
    • Spiral
    • Star
    • Slider

    Additional Options

    • Spam blocking through Google ReCaptcha
    • Privilege for logged in/logged out user to be allowed to submit review
    • Easy customizable user reviews
    • Ajax review form submission
    • Admin alert on form submission
    • Infinite parameter per review
    • Responsive Layout
    • User Friendly backend Interface

    Translation Ready

    – Easily translatable plugin with .pot file for multilingual support for plugin backend.

    WordPress Compatible

    – Tested with multiple themes and WordPress versions

    Lifetime Dedicated Support

    – You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

    Constant Free Upgrades

    – Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

    Some Major Change logs


    No changes yet.

    Customer Feedback

    Customer Feedback

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    Check out our other great plugins

  • UniLMS Studying Administration Machine (Miscellaneous)

    UniLMS: A Learning Management System

    Welcome to UniLMS!

    A learning management system developed for universities, schools, colleges, academies or any other type of institutes.

    1. Teachers / Faculty Members Module
      1. Teacher registration page is automatically created when UniLMS plugin is activated
      2. Teacher can edit his/her profile by logging in to the backend of website and visiting profile menu
      3. All teachers/faculty members list page is automatically created when UniLMS plugin is activated
      4. Individual teacher/faculty member profile page is also automatically created when UniLMS plugin is activated
      5. Teacher can add/edit contact and social media information by visiting profile page in backend of website
      6. Public profile page shows teacher’s contact and social media details as well as a list of courses assigned to the teacher
      7. Teacher can create/edit new courses, lectures, activities(quizzes, assignments, mid term exam, final term exam, projects and add marks for these activites), questions, attendances, course files and students
      8. Teacher can print out all activites, courses, lectures or course files by visiting the public pages of them
      9. Admin can also add teachers manually
      10. Admin has complete access to all the content created by the teacher
      11. Admin can assign a course to a particular teacher
      12. When a teacher registers to the website, then he/she cannot login to the website until admin approves it
      13. Content created by teachers is not published until admin reviews it
    2. Students Module
      1. Students can register to the website as a standard user
      2. Admin can approve student profile by reviewing it and assigning him UniLMS Student role by editing his/her profile
      3. Once a student is assigned UniLMS Student role, then he/she can login to the website and add/edit details like department, class, registration number etc. by visiting profile page in the back-end of website
      4. After adding details in profile, user can visit Student Dashboard page which is automatically created when UniLMS plugin is activated
      5. At Student Dashboard page, student can see his/her information and also he/she can view results of all activities (quizzes, assignments, mid term, final term, final result etc.)
      6. Admin or any teacher can add students manually
      7. Students added by teachers are reviewed by admin
      8. Each student is assigned to particular class
    3. Classes Module
      1. Admin can add new classes or update/delete existing ones
      2. Admin can assign courses to each class
      3. Admin can also generate class specific time table from complete time table
      4. Classes archive and single pages can also be viewed from front end of the website
      5. Classes archive page lists all classes with class details like (session, semester, fall/spring)
      6. Single class page shows complete details of that class with class specific time table
      7. Any student can view each class details from front end of website
      8. Classes can be duplicated if they share most of the content
    4. Courses Module
      1. Admin as well as teachers can create new courses
      2. Courses created by teachers are not published until reviewed by admin
      3. Admin can edit/delete all courses while teachers can only edit their own courses
      4. Teachers cannot even delete their own courses
      5. When UniLMS plugin is activated, then a new page titled UNILMS Courses is automatically created which lists all courses in a tabular form
      6. Courses can be duplicated if they share most of the content
      7. Each course is assigned to a class and a teacher
      8. Course contents, of the course created by teacher, are generated using the lectures and activities created by the teacher
      9. Course author can define sessional marks %, mid term exam %, final term exam % and grad policy etc.
      10. Course author can generate course specific time table from complete time table
      11. Course archive and single pages can be viewed publicly from front end of the website
      12. Course archive page lists all courses
      13. Course single page shows all details of course like course description, course contents and course specific time table
    5. Lectures Module
      1. Admin as well as teachers can create new lectures while teachers can only edit their own lectures
      2. These lectures can be added to the course contents of the course
      3. Each lecture is assigned to particular course
      4. Teacher can share all necessary details or resource materials with each lecture
    6. Activities Module
      1. Activities include quizzes, assignments, mid term exam, final term exam, projects, class participation etc.
      2. Teacher can assign questions to activities like quizzes, mid term exam or final term exam
      3. Teacher can select whether this activity will count in sessionals marks or not
      4. Each activity’s marks can be added for each student
      5. These activities can be viewed publically except the fact that questions will not be visible publically. On public pages of these activities, details like activity max marks, submission date, or activity result is shown
    7. Questions Module
      1. Both admin and teachers can create new questions while teachers can only edit/use their own questions while preparing quizzes
      2. Mcqs, true/false, short questions, and long questions are the options available as question type
      3. Max marks and correct option can also be defined for questions of type mcqs or true/false
    8. Attendances Module
      1. Both admin and teachers can create new attendance while teachers can only edit/use their own attendances while preparing course files
      2. Attendance date, class, course, activity and students list to mark attendance are some of the options available
      3. Attendances are used while preparing course files or to give attendance marks to the students
    9. Course Files Module
      1. Course files includes grading policy, course contents, course plan, instructor log, student log, quizzes, assignments, sessionals, mid term exam, final term exam, attendance sheet and final result of that course
      2. Each course file part is automatically generated by specifying class and course
      3. Each course file can also be seen publically on front side of the website
      4. Archive page and single page of each course file are publically visible to anyone
      5. Teacher can printout each part of course file from admin or front end side of the website
    10. Time Tables Module
      1. Admin can generate random time table automatically
      2. Time table can be generated from courses, classes and faculty members added inside UniLMS plugin
      3. Admin can also generate custom time table for custom courses, classes and faculty members
      4. Time slots, day slots and room slots are defined for each time table
      5. Time table also shows empty slots which can be used to arrange supplementary classes
      6. Time tables can also be shown publicly so that students can see their time table by visiting website