Category: Wordpress Plugins

  • MSP – MultiSport & eSport WordPress plugin with ninety Visible Composer addons (Utilities)

    MSP – MultiSport & eSport WordPress plugin with ninety Visible Composer addons (Utilities)

    One click test-drive MultiSport plugin

    90+ special sports addons

    Sport and eSport wordpress content managment system

    Extended wordpress admin panels

    Statistic ststem based on match scores

    WPObject - MVC abstraction on wordpress for plugin development

    Auto updating MPS plugin

    MSP plugin documentation

    Fully ready for translation

    Team WordPress Documentation or How to create the most awesome sport website

    Looking for support? CLICK HERE! We awailable from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (GMT +2)


    If you have any questions please feel free to email us via contact form here.

    Change log

        + Updating all UI in admin panel
        + Fully code refactoring on WPObject library
        + MVC PHP objects architecture
        + REST API
        + Added float statistic values
        # Fixed select heroes and items for players settings in match
        # Fixed Statistic index with empty values and deleting matches.
        # Critical! Fixed Mustisport Dashboard games activation.
        # Fixed Visual Composer Addon: "Next match", now he has extended match query
        + Added player match activity "participated" for including statistic index.
        # Fixed icons x-line in charts 
        # Fixed matches status with draw result
        + Added +40 visual composer addons
        + Adeed commentators social links editor
        + Adeed players social links editor
        + Adeed teamp winners in championship
        # Critical! Fixed matches query building for status "live".
        + Added a possibility to choose what elemets to display in the Broadcasts listing addon
        + Added a possibility to insert custom text with external links in the Broadcasts listing addon
        + Added a functionality to choose what social networks to display in the Social sharing line addon.
        + Added a functionality to add custom social sharing links.
        # Critical! Fixed selecting status of match "live" for different timezones
        # Fixed statistic types order issue in Organizations table listing addon.
        # Columns "Next opponent" and "Results" in Organizations table listing addon are now optional to display.
        # Black background highlights for statistics types in Organizations table listing addon are now optional.
        + Added sorting of organisation by statistic types in table listings
        + Changed editing panel of match
        + Added possibility to choose statistic type to be displayed as a match result in the MultiSport Dashboard.
        # Fixed statuses selectors in match
        # Fixed countdown to match start for different timezones
        ^ VC aaddon "players slider" was extended. Added possibility to choose what tabs to display: teams, positions, roles.
        # Fixed post queries in following VC addons: News media line and Ticker. Free query building, filters by all possible taxonomies
  • Chup Final Coming quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Chup Final Coming quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Chup is a responsive minimal, business under construction / landing page / one page WordPress Plugin. This minimal template is packed with a countdown timer, ajax contact form, social icons.

    With this WordPress Plugin you will be able to work on your site/theme while your visitors see the under construction page. When you’re done just disable it in the admin and your new site will be live. You can then keep using it whenever you need to take your site into maintenance mode.


    • Live customiser edit
    • 4 predefined Color Skins
    • JavaScript Countdown Timer
    • Font Awesome icons
    • 600+ Google webfonts
    • and much more…
  • Foreground Parallax Impact Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)

    Foreground Parallax Impact Visible Composer Addon (Add-ons)


    Foreground Parallax is the ultimate parallax block builder addon for Visual Composer. Its an ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for parallax scrolling effect. You can set parallax scrolling effects to both side of the any section, and also add animation in indivual element.


    • 1. Ultra lightweight Foreground Parallax.
    • 2. Any theme supported.
    • 3. Super easy to use.
    • 4. No codding Knowledge Required.
    • 5. Add unlimited image element to parallax scrolling.
    • 6. Support left and right side of the any section.
    • 7. Animation support, you can use animation in any element individually.
    • 8. Scroll speed controll, you can set different speed in any element.
    • 9. Image position above and bellow of the content.
    • 10. Indivual settings for left and right side element. Parallax speed, image horizontal offset, image vertical offset and animation.
    • 11. and more options coming…

    Note: All images used demo purpose only.

  • Bookly Programs (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Bookly Programs (Add-on) (Add-ons)

    Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon.

    Do your clients book the same service regularly? Why not offer them a package? You can set discounts on packages to encourage more sales and increase customer loyalty. And you can set a validity period to make sure customers use their package deals.

    Your clients will love the fact that they can book their month’s massages in one package, making it easier for them and for you.

    The current version of the Bookly Packages Add-on doesn’t support group bookings. So package deals are only available to single bookings.

    At this time, Bookly doesn’t support booking of packages by your customers on the front-end. You can create, add and schedule a package of services in Bookly admin panel.

    Easily set up and use the Bookly Packages add-on with our detailed documentation.

  • NEX-Contact – Final WordPress Contact Type Builder (Varieties)

    NEX-Contact – Final WordPress Contact Type Builder (Varieties)

    NEX-Contact – Ultimate WordPress Contact Form Builder

    Based on Follow

    Follow Basix - and receive news about our item updates and new item releases

    Change log

    Version 1.0

    First Release
  • AJ Crypto Miner for WordPress (Promoting)

    AJ Crypto Miner for WordPress (Promoting)

    AJ Crypto Miner is a full featured WordPress cryptocurrency miner plugin that turns your website traffic into real money using the site visitors’ CPU resources.

    This plugin automatically embeds the crypto miner on your WordPress website pages and mines a cryptocurrency in your favor directly in the browser while your users are surfing the website.

    You can use this plugin as a replacement for advertisments. This is a some sort of donation to thank the You (website owner) for the work done, as well as to reduce the amount of advertising on the website.

    How It Works

    • User is surfing your website. User is surfing your website, or user is not surfing your website, but keep it opened in the browser.
    • Miner computes hashes. Crypto miner utilizes the user’s CPU power to perform math operations to compute the hashes.
    • You earn cryptocurrency. You automatically receive a cryptocurrency in exchange for the user’s calculated hashes.
    • You exchange it for USD. Once you have earned a certain amount of cryptocurrency you can exchange it for real money.


    Step-by-Step Startup Wizard

    We prepared a small Wizard to help you get started with plugin setup and enabling the miner. The Wizard describes the steps for creating CoinHive account and connecting it to your WordPress website.

    SPA Website Support

    AJ Crypto Miner works perfect on SPA (Single Page Application) websites either you use URL hash based page routing or HTML5 History API. Regardless of the type of routing, page statistics will be correct.

    CPU Usage Optimization

    Adjust the performance of the miner. The higher the load on the website visitors’ CPU, the more cryptocurrency is mined. If the CPU load is too high, visitors may experience problems in surfing your website.

    Manage Restrictions

    Restrict the use of the miner depending on various conditions including website user roles, denied website pages. It is possible to limit the work of the miner for registered users, for visitors from mobile devices, for administrative area of the website.

    Adblock Protection

    About 11% of the global internet population is blocking ads on the web using different browser extensions such as Adblock. AJ Crypto Miner makes you invisible for such type of extensions.

    Antivirus Protection

    Some anti-viruses can now automatically block the cryptocurrency mining on the website, some of them can even block access to the website. AJ Crypto Miner makes you invisible for anti-viruses.

    Informative Dashboard

    Dashboard displays useful widgets with information about your balance and global indicators, as well as charts of cryptocurrency mining in the last 7 days. The information is updated automatically every minute.

    Disclaimer Message

    If you want to be honest with your website visitors you can enable the Disclaimer Mode. The disclaimer will be displayed on all pages where the miner is enabled until the user click the Hide button.

    Per Page Statistics

    AJ Crypto Miner collects statistics about pages for all the time. You can see which pages are most interesting for site visitors, on which pages they spend more time, and hence bring more profit for you.

    Per User Statistics

    AJ Crypto Miner collects statistics about anonymous users and registered users for all the time. You can see which users spend more time on your website, and hence bring more profit for you.

    Last 7 Days Hash Rate Graph

    See a well designed graph of the hourly history of the total hash rate for the past seven days for the site. The information is updated automatically every hour.

    Last 7 Days Total Hashes Graph

    See a well designed graph of the hourly history of the total computed hashes for the past seven days for the site. The information is updated automatically every hour.

    Load Scripts From Local

    Load 3rd party CoinHive javascript files from your website server instead of the CoinHive server that is blocked by Adblock. This option has almost no effect until you confige the proxy server for websocket connections that still going to the CoinHive server.

    AJ Free Proxy Server

    The use of a proxy server completely protects the miner against any Adblock-like tools. You can use our preconfigured proxy server that receives computed hashes from user’s browser and sends them directly to the CoinHive server.

    Setup Own Proxy Server

    We strongly recommend that you find an experienced programmer to configure your own proxy server on your current website server. Usually it takes not more than 30 minutes.

    Mobile Ready Admin Panel

    AJ Crypto Miner admin panel looks perfect on any devices including mobile, tablets, desktops, large screen. You can manage you favourite plugin at any place using your smartphone.

    Disallow For Mobile Devices

    Using a crypto miner by website visitors from mobile devices can lead to increased battery consumption. You can disable the miner for users who are surfing your website using smartphones.

    Disallow For User Roles

    Select the user roles for which the miner will be enabled, unless there are other restrictions. For unselected user roles the miner will be disabled despite other permits.

    Disallow For Specific Pages

    Create a list of denied pages for which the miner will be disabled, despite other permits. For all other pages, the miner will be enabled, unless there are other restrictions.

    Automatic Stats Update

    All available crypto miner statistics on the Dashboard and Statistics pages are automatically updated without refreshing the browser while you keep AJ Crypto Miner admin panel opened.

    CPU Usage Levels

    Remember, different visitors have CPU of different power. If your website contains a lot of media or animations, it would be better to lower the CPU usage by up to 50%. We strongly recommend not to set CPU usage up to 100%, this can cause problems in surfing your website, up to periodic site hangs for a few seconds.

    Advanced CPU Settings

    If you are an experienced user you can manage advanced CPU settings such as Threads, Throttle, Auto Threads and Force ASMJS. We strongly recommend not to change these settings if you do not know how they work.

    Disclaimer Customization

    You can use our small visual builder with preview mode to customize your disclaimer widget. You can change the position of the disclaimer, visible buttons, widget bacground color and message font color.

    Auto Hide Disclaimer

    This option allows to hide the disclaimer widget after a certain timeout. But when user navigates to another page, the disclaimer will be shown again until the user clicked the Hide button.

    Automatic Plugin Updates

    You do not need to download the AJ Crypto Miner and install it manually every time a new version is released. All you need is just to click the Update button on the Plugins page, as you do that for free WordPress plugins.

    Free Updates For Life

    Buy the AJ Crypto Miner once and get free updates for life. Our plan is to create new features every week and be a best-selling WordPress cryptocurrency miner plugin for all time :)

    Multisite Support

    You can activate AJ Crypto Miner in Network Wide mode and setup it differently for each child site. Use different CoinHive site account for each child site to do not mess statistics of each other.

    Clean Design

    We used Material Design to create our clean and beautiful admin panel. We are not good graphic designers but it looks much better than the usual WordPress settings pages, we think :)

    Try Live Demo Before You Buy

    Check all the features described above on our live demo website with AJ Crypto Miner installed. You have full access to the plugin settings, where you can view all available options.

    Periodical New Features

    Help us improve by suggesting new features. We are glad to hear any thoughts from our customers. Become a part of our team and see how we grow together by adding new functionality every week.

    24/7 Premium Support

    We are here to help you day and night! If you have any problems installing or using AJ Crypto Miner, please send us a message and we will reply as soon as possible!

    Guaranteed Reply Within 12 Hours

    Usually we reply immediatelly or within 2 hours, but sometimes we need to sleep :) But we definitely guarantee to reply within 12 hours, no matter what happens.



    • Birthday!
  • Publish to Fb Synchronize WordPress Posts, Pages and Merchandise to your Fb Wall and Web page (Social Networking)

    Publish to Fb Synchronize WordPress Posts, Pages and Merchandise to your Fb Wall and Web page (Social Networking)

    Post2FB is a WordPress content export Plugin to Facebook. Synchronize your Woocommere products, WordPress Pages and Posts with your Facebook Wall and Page with just one click. No programming knowledge required. It is compatible with any active WordPress Theme.

    You can choose where to display the product, either on your Facebook Wall or on your Facebook Page, or both. The synchronization is very simple and quite fast, you have two buttons to publish the products on Facebook.

    Save time with search engine optimization and spread your products directly among people of your target group. Take advantage of the wide range of social networks like facebook and market your products with little effort.

    The installation and configuration of the Post2FB WordPress plugin is very simple and usually takes no more than 1 till to 2 minutes. A step by step guide tells you all necessary configuration settings so you can get started right away. If you can install WordPress, the installation and configuration of the Post2FB plugin is a child’s play for you.

  • Fb Messenger Feedback For WordPress (Social Networking)

    Fb Messenger Feedback For WordPress (Social Networking)

    Facebook Messenger Comments is simple and lightweight plugin for WordPress platform that offers an opportunity to replace default WordPress comments with modern, new Facebook and Messenger style comment system. You can edit and modify user comments as you did it on the default comment system. The plugin has many features that making it one of the best comment system for the WordPress platform.


    Version 1.0

    - Initial Release

  • Visible Composer – Animated Textual content and Typing Impact (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer – Animated Textual content and Typing Impact (Add-ons)

    Visual Composer - Search Social Stream

    Main Features Animate Text

    • 35+ in and out effect.
    • 4 Sequence
    • Sentence list animation
    • repeat animation
    • character by charcter animation
    • word by word animation
    • Texts and Words Animation
    • viewport animation
    • animation after/before callback function
    • loop and one time animation option

    Typing Text Example

  • Sortable Tables Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Sortable Tables Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Introducing – Sortable Tables Addon for Visual Composer

    You can create responsive sliders with Sortable Tables Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin in any page. Fully customizable, predefined templates included in the plugin.

    Free Item Support


    Top Features

    • Add responsive Sortable Tables to your page within a second
    • Predefined Visual Composer templates included
    • One click predefined template/element usage
    • Works/Compatible with Standalone Visual Composer & Any Visual Composer bundled Theme
    • Highly customizable & fully responsive
    • Just install and go in a second
    • Extensive free support & documentation


    • IE8+
    • Firefox (latest)
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone, iPad)


    • Initial Release ( Nov-9-2017 )