Category: Advertising

  • Envato Person Dashboard wordpress Plugin (Merchandising)

    Envato Person Dashboard wordpress Plugin (Merchandising)


    Please go to WordPress Envato User Dashboard for check out demo action.


    WordPress Envato User Dashboard use Envato API to display all information from user to my WordPress.

    With WordPress Envato User Dashboard, you can Grab all Envato portfolio to wordpress, settings automatic send email when balance change, control use affiliate in item link.

    Other, WordPress Envato User Dashboard provide widgets direct get new item from Envato branchs with grid and list layout and shortcode show all portfolio from user.

    With many above features, hope you will enjoy. Don’t forget rating for this item if you like.

    • Auto send email notification when balance change.
    • Auto grab Envato portfolio to wordpress and send email notification.
    • Display Envato User stats as statements, Recent Sales and Earnings & Sales by Month.
    • Control use Affiliate in item link or no.
    • Provide widgets new item from Envato branchs with grid and list layout.
    • Provide shortcode show all portfolio from user.
    • Use Envato API get direct information of items.
    • Support for newest wordpress version.


    Email notification when balance change
    Email notification when balance change

    Email notification when balance change

    Email notification when grabbed new portfolio
    Email notification when grabbed new portfolio

    User Dashboards
    User Dashboards

    Shortcode display list Portfolio
    Shortcode display list Portfolio

    Widget with Grid layout
    >Widget with Grid layout

    Widget with List layout
    Widget with List layout

    Change logs

    • 05/06/2013: Version 1.0.1 released.

      + Fix some small bug and add some new functions.

    • 01/06/2013: Version 1.0 initial release.

    Connect with us

  • kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Ads Simply (Promotion)

    kk Straightforward Commercials – Managing Ads Simply (Promotion)

    kk Easy Ads automates the process of advertisements on your website. Managing self hosted advertisement campaigns has never been easier. Keep all the ad revenues to yourself with this useful plugin.


    • Infinite Campaigns:
      Need to serve advertising at different places? No problem, create as many ad campaigns as you wish and embed them with ease.
    • Infinite Rotations:
      Yes, you can allow ad campaigns to serve multiple ads, each rotated randomly based on either time or page load.
    • Multiple Revenue Types:
      Cost per click (CPC), Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and Cost per day.
    • Easy Embed:
      Easily embed ad slots/campaigns on your website. Widget, shortcode, iframe or php. Why not embed on external websites? Easily, via the iframe embed.
    • AJAX Powered:
      Ads are fetched asynchronously from the database via AJAX. Good for search engines.
    • Ad Stats:
      Advertisers (and administrators) can view the statistics of their ad easily.
    • PayPal:
      Payments are handled via PayPal.
    • Variety of currency support:
      Supports all currencies listed by PayPal.
    • Extensive Admin Panel:
      Features a rich admin page for setting up the plugin.


    • 1.2 (8th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Ability for advertisers to view statistics for advertisements that were activated manually by the administrator.

    • 1.1 (20th June, 2013)

      Added ‐ Variety of currencies supported by paypal.

    • 1.0 (1st June, 2013)

      Initial Release


    Click here to view more details.

    Video: Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Creating an Advertising Campaign

    Video: Setting up the Processing Page

    Setting up the Processing Page

    Video: Embedding


    Video: Advertising



    Twitter Bootstrap – CSS and Tooltips javascript

  • WP Top rate Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    WP Top rate Visitors Administration Plugin (Promotion)

    New plugin allows you to to Route traffic from any country, to where ever you want it to go. This is why it should matter to you:

    You can have high quality traffic from US, UK, CA, and AU/NZ go to paid offers and have junk traffic from “tire kicking countries” go to your Facebook fan page, blog, or anywhere else they would be useful… (You’ll take freebie seekers and put them to good use!)

    You’ll see exactly what countries your traffic is coming from so you… (You’ll only deal with high quality solo ad vendors from now on!)

    You can promote multiple CPA offers at the same time through one link and have UK traffic go to one offer, AU/NZ traffic to another offer, US traffic to another offer, and CA traffic to another offer… (Imagine transforming any of your blog’s links into a CPA commission machine!)

    You can keep your list nice and clean by “routing away” ineffective traffic before it even hits your squeeze page… (You’ll save on your auto-responder bill by keeping your list smaller and higher quality!)

    You can tap the virtually untapped Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Russian markets by routing them to specific foreign offers…

    You can have your own CPA offers that route good traffic to your optin forms but keeps the ineffective traffic at bay... (If you've ever wanted to have your own private CPA offer that generates a ton of leads, now you can do it while sorting the good leads from the bad!)

    You can track YouTube traffic to your site based on country… (Now you’ll know whether your YouTube efforts are worth it or not!)

    You’ll stop serial refunders from typical “high refund countries” from getting anywhere near your site or squeeze page… (Imagine never having to refund scammers from countries known to rip off affiliates and product sellers! Plus you’ll avoid chargebacks from foreign countries!)

    You can start your own solo ad agency and sell country-specific solo ads where you promise to send traffic that’s only from selected countries… (And you can charge more per click for this Premium Traffic!)

    You can monitor geotargeted traffic from ad networks and make sure they’re delivering traffic only from the countries you agreed on… (Don’t get taken by ad networks that promise geotargeted traffic and deliver ineffective traffic!)

    You can sweeten the EPCs of your products by making sure ineffective traffic never hits your sales page… (You’ll attract more affiliates and keep serial refunders away from your sales page!)

    You can send traffic from different countries to different payment processors when they check out… (You’ll be able to take payments from countries you couldn’t take payments from before now!)

    You’ll discover even more uses for this plugin on your own… (I’m sure you’re much more creative than us and you’ll find the sky’s the limit with this rare plugin!)

  • WPLinkTrade – Textual content & Banner Change for WordPress (Merchandising)

    WPLinkTrade – Textual content & Banner Change for WordPress (Merchandising)

    WPLinkTrade is a Link & Banner Exchange Plugin for WordPress. It allows you to exchange text and image links with other related web sites with ease.

    It has never been so easy to increase your site’s link popularity. Your link partners can easy exchange text and banner links with you by filing a really simple submission form.

    Save a lot of advertising money by offering your own link exchange and increase your traffic!

    WPLinkTrade Features
    • Text Link Exchange
    • Banner Exchange
    • Easy Administration Panel to edit, accept or delete submissions
    • Front end link / banner submission form
    • Automated backlink check on new submissions
    • Cron support for backlink checks for every link partner
    • Admin Email notifications on new submissions
    • Admin Email notifications when link partner removes your backlink
    • User Email notifications to conform link submission
    • Works with every WordPress theme without theme modification
    • Several Shortcodes which can be used everywhere
    • Widget to display link and banner exchanges
    • Real-Time stats for incoming and outgoing clicks
    • Anti-Cheat protection for incoming and outgoing clicks
    • reCAPTCHA integration to avoid spam submissions
    • Easy to extend
    • Configurable link target location (new window, same window)
    • Configurable link relation (none, nofollow, bookmark)
    • Uses WordPress custom post type feature


    v1.2.0 – 2013-08-01

    • New: Partner site descriptions
    • New: Shortcode to display a partner list with descriptions but without stats
    • New: Actions and filters to be able to add custom form fields without code editing

    v1.1.0 – 2013-05-16

    • New: reCAPTCHA support to prevent spam submissions

    v1.0.1 – 2013-05-14

    • Fix: Not all links are displayed on the stats page

    v1.0.0 – 2013-05-10

    • Initial realease
  • WordPress Straightforward Hyperlinks (Merchandising)

    WordPress Straightforward Hyperlinks (Merchandising)

    Feature Requests

    Please post any feature requests in the comments section!

    WP Easy Links features the following functionality:

    • Automatically turn selected keywords into clickable links in ALL of your WordPress posts & pages
    • Supports unicode characters (â, é, ò etc)
    • Set individual URLs and Titles for each link
    • Limit the number of times a keyword is linked per post/page
    • Capitalize each replaced keyword, or leave as-is
    • Case Sensitive replacement for EXACT keyword matching
    • Option to open links in a new window when clicked
    • WP Easy Links WILL NOT link keywords that are already contained in links, so it WILL NOT break any links you currently have on your site
  • Good Notifications – WordPress Notification Bars (Promotion)

    Good Notifications – WordPress Notification Bars (Promotion)

    Nice Notifications is a notification bar plugin for WordPress 3+. Design and compose your own alerts, notification bars, social bars, tweet rolls, and pretty much anything you like with awesome effects and an easy to edit drag-n-drop visual composer.


    • Visual Drag & Drop composer.
    • Auto update from private repository.
    • Responsive Layout.
    • Show re-open tag for closed notifications.
    • Use your favourite shortcodes on it.
    • Automatic display & hide of notification bars.
    • Unlimited layers / elements per notification bar.
    • Layer In/Out animations with configurable delay & speed.
    • Style each layer independently with inline CSS.
    • Embed widgets on your notification bars.
    • Google Web Fonts compatible.
    • 360+ Awesome Icons 3.2.1.
    • Compatible with 3rd party plugins
      • WooCommerce
      • WPML
      • Contact Form 7
    • Internationalization ready
      • Default language: english
      • Latin spanish
    • Select what alert is displayed on what page/post.
    • Select what users the alert is displayed to.
      • Logged users: select role access.
      • Non logged users.
      • Everyone.
    • Remember bars status (if it was closed).
    • Drag & Drop ordering of Layers.


    = 1.0.1 [2013-11-14]
    * FIX: widget layer.
    = 1.0 [2013-10-28]
    * FEATURE: added compatibility with other AlchemyThemes plugins.
    * UPDATE: removed google web fonts from main css.
    * FIX: shows all posts (more than 10) on post/page edit page.
    * FIX: slow down problem with WordPress 3.7.
    * FIX: added compatibility with WordPress 3.7 post-new.php file.
    = 0.9 [2013-09-08]
    * FEATURE: notification bar drop-shadow options.
    * FEATURE: notification bar border options.
    * UPDATE: added sliders for general numeric options easy edition.
    * UPDATE: backend general bar options styling.
    * FIX: bug when showing alerts on pages that included blog posts widget.
    * FIX: bug with hash character on colorpicker on certain wordpress versions.
    = 0.8 [2013-08-25]
    * FEATURE: added links target property.
    * FEATURE: added clone option to duplicate alert bars.
    * FEATURE: added 'homepage only' to display options.
    * FEATURE: added font selection on button layers.
    * FIX: bug with two images replacing each other.
    * FIX: bug with layer ids.
    * FIX: color picker positioning on older wordpress versions.
    * FIX: Icons showing incorrectly on the visual composer.
    * FIX: responsiveness now working better than before. Percentual positioning.
    * FIX: some problems with buttons.
    = 0.7 [2013-07-17]
    * FEATURE: added private repository for automatic updates (experimental).
    * FEATURE: included standalone Iris color-picker for older WP versions.
    * UPDATE: visual composer styles.
    * FIX: added compatibility for Kipoo and any other modded Font Awesome themes
    * FIX: removed $.fn.fantbastic check on older versions of WordPress.
    = 0.6 [2013-07-10]
    * UPDATE: documentation.
    * UPDATE: remembered alerts start as minimized when they can be reopened.
    * FIX: reopen tags bug when there was floating-bottom alerts.
    * FIX: changed a jquery .on() event for .click(). Some themes were having problems.
    * FIX: link on icons and images.
    * FIX: problem with social widget e-mail icon.
    * FIX: social widget texts.
    = 0.5 [2013-07-04]
    * FEATURE: re-open notification tag (multiple tags get ordered).
    * FEATURE: spanish translation added [es_LA].
    * FEATURE: help tooltips on back-end options.
    * UPDATE: notification bar ordering now done with 'order' variable.
    * FIX: notification bars drag and drop ordering removed. Was causing many problems.
    * FIX: awesome icons line-height
    = 0.4 [2013-07-02]
    * FIX: close button css fix
    * FIX: google web fonts sometimes not working on mac front-end.
    = 0.3  [2013-07-02]
    * FEATURE: edit close button style.
    * FIX: very bad bug where posts were being shown in the wrong order.
    * FIX: changed close button position to extreme right.
    * FIX: preview close button on visual composer.
    * FIX: added help tooltips on global options.
    = v0.2 [2013-07-01]
    * FEATURE: display notification to members (role filtering), non-members or everyone.
    * FEATURE: Visual Composer: hide/show layers.
    * FEATURE: use shortcodes on your caption layers.
    * UPDATE: documentation
    * FIX: floating notifications don't get hidden by admin bar.
    * FIX: bootstrap themes + font awesome duplicated icons bug.
    * FIX: line-height for responsive CSS.
    * FIX: minimun font-size for responsive CSS changed to 14px.
    * FIX: google web fonts select-box not closing.
    * FIX: general options layout.
    * FIX: colorpicker handle on themes with different ui standards.
    = v0.1 [2013-06-30]
    * Initial Release


    This plugin wouldn’t be the same without these awesome plugins. Make sure you check them out.

  • CTR Enhancer wordpress – Software for promoting publishers (Promotion)

    CTR Enhancer wordpress – Software for promoting publishers (Promotion)

    CTR Enhancer is also available as a Javascript plugin, check out the CTR Enhancer JS official page here in CodeCanyon.

    Improve the click through rate on your banner ads by up to 200% with this simple but effective plugin.

    How does it work

    Whenever a user place the mouse cursor over your ads this plugin does 2 things via javascript:

    • Applies a mask on your document to bring attention on your ad. ( technically 4 divs that overlap the document )
    • A text message related with a specific ad is shown on the top. ( Optional – technically a div that overlaps your document and the 4 transparent masks )

    How to use CTR Enhancer

    This plugin is very easy to use, simply wrap your ad code in a div with the “ctr-enhancer” class.

    Example 1: Adsense Medium Rectangle 300×250

    <div class="ctr-enhancer" style="width: 300px; height: 250px;">
    [your adsense code]

    Example 2: CodeCanyon Referral 125×125 with a text message related with this ad.

    <div class="ctr-enhancer" style="width: 125px; height: 125px;">
    <div class="ctr-message">Buy Premium WordPress Plugins</div>
    <a style="display: block; width: 125px; height: 125px;" href="">
    <img src="cc_125x125_v1.gif" width="125" height="125" />

    Check out the Support tab above to see more examples on how to use CTR Enhancer.


    CTR Enhancer includes 7 self explained options:

    • Top Bar Color
    • Top Bar Font Color
    • Top Bar Font Family
    • Mask Color
    • Mask Opacity
    • Vertical Offset
    • Horizontal Offset

    Supported advertising programs

    CTR Enhancer has been technically tested with simple referral programs ( like the envato referral program ) and with Adsense, i can’t guarantee that works with all the advertising programs.

    Important Notice

    The plugin author is not responsible for any violation of the Terms and Policies of your advertising program, read them carefully before using this plugin in your website.

  • Top class Prestitial Commercials (Merchandising)

    Top class Prestitial Commercials (Merchandising)

    CPA Marketers have been using this little know piece of technology to make a small fortune…

    The Secret Weapon They’ve
    Been Hiding From Us Is Called
    Prestitial or Interstitial Ads

    These type of ads are totally new to the internet marketing world. However top CPA marketers have been using them for years. There’s a good reason why they’ve been hiding this tech from us.
    What Do Interstitial Ads Do?

    They are ads that you show on your own websites in between pages. So if someone opts into your list, you can show this type of ad. If they clickthrough on a certain page of your site, you can show this type of ad. (You control it).

    You can even run the ads throughout your entire site, and for listbuilders (especially) this type of ad presents a new way to create a funnel.

    The reason why I say this is because…

    It Allows You to Create a Funnel Out of Affiliate Offers
    The affiliate offers will show from your URL.

    This presents a whole new opportunity to affiliates who don’t feel like building their own funnels.

    (If you’re smart, you’ll also use a countdown timer with it to create a sense of urgency. It forces people to see any ad you want before they get to the download or the page they’re heading to.

    It’s extremely powerful.

  • wordpress Graceful Express (Promotion)

    wordpress Graceful Express (Promotion)

    Sleek Show is a simple WordPress plugin for displaying content in a space conservative manner. Using Sleek Show, you can create create mini ADs that will display larger images on hover, click or when scrolled to.

    • Saves Space on Site
    • Translation-ready
    • Ongoing Support
    • Easy to set up

    Created by B4uCode

  • Envato Person Dashboard wordpress Plugin (Promotion)

    Envato Person Dashboard wordpress Plugin (Promotion)


    Please go to WordPress Envato User Dashboard for check out demo action.


    WordPress Envato User Dashboard use Envato API to display all information from user to my WordPress.

    With WordPress Envato User Dashboard, you can Grab all Envato portfolio to wordpress, settings automatic send email when balance change, control use affiliate in item link.

    Other, WordPress Envato User Dashboard provide widgets direct get new item from Envato branchs with grid and list layout and shortcode show all portfolio from user.

    With many above features, hope you will enjoy. Don’t forget rating for this item if you like.

    • Auto send email notification when balance change.
    • Auto grab Envato portfolio to wordpress and send email notification.
    • Display Envato User stats as statements, Recent Sales and Earnings & Sales by Month.
    • Control use Affiliate in item link or no.
    • Provide widgets new item from Envato branchs with grid and list layout.
    • Provide shortcode show all portfolio from user.
    • Use Envato API get direct information of items.
    • Support for newest wordpress version.


    Email notification when balance change
    Email notification when balance change

    Email notification when balance change

    Email notification when grabbed new portfolio
    Email notification when grabbed new portfolio

    User Dashboards
    User Dashboards

    Shortcode display list Portfolio
    Shortcode display list Portfolio

    Widget with Grid layout
    >Widget with Grid layout

    Widget with List layout
    Widget with List layout

    Change logs

    • 05/06/2013: Version 1.0.1 released.

      + Fix some small bug and add some new functions.

    • 01/06/2013: Version 1.0 initial release.

    Connect with us