GetResponse Leads WordPress Plugin is a very useful plugin for website owners who want their registered users’ email ids to be synced with their GetResponse Autoresponder account.
ver 1.0.0 - Initial Release
<body bgcolor=”#d2d1d0”>
Like Dislike Comments – LDC
LDC plugin allows you to add like / dislike functionality for comments.
You can restrict the plugin only the registered users by a simple “ON / OFF” switch.
You can select different views for the like / dislike to show on frontend.
If you dont want to show a user dislike button it can be done by a simple ON / OFF switch.
If you want to show a user option to undo a dislike or a like it can be enabled by a simple ON / OFF Switch.
Installing LDC plugin is simple. You have two options :
Via FTP: Unzip the ‘LDC Plugin’ folder and upload it into the wp-content/plugins folder.
Via WordPress: Login to your WordPress site Navigate to Plugins > Add New> Upload and upload the zipped up ‘LDC Plugin’ folder.
Activate LDC plugin
Now that you’ve installed the plugin, you need to activate it. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click ‘Activate’ under the LDC Plugin.
The most powerful WordPress theme for video-based websites. Built upon our True Mag theme, biggest video theme on market, VideoPro has more unique features which help you to build any kind of video websites. Whether it is about game, movie, news, entertainment, science… VideoPro can do it!
If you like this responsive video theme, please rate if you like the theme and leave comments so we can make better products.
Check out VideoPro’s full features list beflow
VideoPro 2.0 is under development with Community and more Membership features.
Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon.
Let your clients determine the length of their appointments by booking several identical services in consecutive appointments. Could be used for time-flexible services or for bookings by managers for several people in a row.
The system then will find time slots that can accommodate the stated number of identical appointments with the same provider in a row.
Please read how to set up and use Bookly Multiply Appointments add-on at our detailed documentation.
Ver 1.0.1 (08/17/2016) - Support WooCommerce Ver 1.0.0 (08/16/2016) - Initial Release
WAVA is the perfect mobile app wordPress showcase for iPhone and Android.
Built with twitter bootstrap 3.2.0 and CSS3. It has visual Composer page builder so it’s
very easy to customize, Wava is better way to present your startup mobile app website.
Demo images (NOT included in the package)