Author: alex

  • Meet the Group – WordPress Plugin (Galleries)

    Meet the Group – WordPress Plugin (Galleries)

    Meet the Team – WordPress Plugin

    Meet the Team is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create and manage teams. You can display single teams as two and three responsive columns, you can also showcase all teams as a filterable isotope gallery, easy social links management included.


    • Drag and drop (easily build teams, reorder persons through the drag and drop interface)
    • Create unlimited number of teams
    • Fully responsive
    • Isotope filterable
    • Two columns showcase
    • Three columns showcase
    • Easy drag and drop admin

    Comprehensive documentation for Meet the Team. Browse the documentation, search for help topics, step by step guide on how to install and use the plugin. See Documentation, see admin Screen-cast.

    Video Showcase

    Preview images –

    Preview icons –

  • Responsive Grid Shortcodes for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Responsive Grid Shortcodes for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Responsive Grid Shortcodes for WordPress

    Version 1.2 is available now!

    New features of version 1.2:

    • Added buttons on the editor bar in wordpress for quick addition of the grid shortcodes (no need to memorize the shortcodes anymore!
    • You also get the .ai files that I used for the button icons when you buy this plugin!
    • Functional fixes and improvements

    This plugin provides a shortcode for you to implement a grid system layout without coding the grid in WordPress. The plugin adds the necessary markup and CSS to make the responsive grid in any page or post on your site.

    This plugin was made to be the easiest plugin available to implement a grid into a page or post.

    To use it, type [one_half]’whatever you want in that grid section’[/one_half], for the last grid element of that row you must use [one_half last=”yes”].

    Grid shortcodes available:

    • full-width
    • one-half
    • one-third
    • two-thirds
    • one-fourth
    • three-fourths

    New Features Added:

    • Added support for a new grid shortcode: Full Width.

    Documentation and a Quick Start Guide is included in the download!

  • Double Viewer wordpress Plugin (Galleries)

    Double Viewer wordpress Plugin (Galleries)

    Double Viewer WordPress Plugin is an easy-driven and comfy app which allows you to compare two different images in one slider.


    [30 September 2013]

  • Added ability to view unlimited number of slides in one Double Viewer
  • Added a text field for displaying information on each slider
  • Added buttons of switching between slides
  • Added an option to change size of viewer according to size of screen
  • Refined an admin panel
  • Features:

  • Working in WordPress 3.6
  • Working in all of main browsers and mobile devices
  • Possible to set any colors for cursor and line and to change the size of cursor and line
  • Possible to add widgets to Sidebar
  • Possible to create any number of double-viewers and set it on your pages using the shortcode
  • Several types of mouse controlling
  • Easily manageable back-end
  • Test at your mobile device

    I hope this Double Viewer WordPress will be useful for you and your site.

  • Shortcodelic – WP Plugin Bundle (Interface Parts)

    Shortcodelic – WP Plugin Bundle (Interface Parts)

    A plugin bundle

    Shortcodelic actually is a plugins bundle, because puts in the same plugin lots of features that serve to create a cutting edge theme, with slideshows, tabs, accordions, comparative tables, advanced Google maps, progress bars, font icons etc.

    How it works

    Shortcodelic provides two kinds of shortcodes: one kind is a “simple” shortcode, where all the values that the plugin needs to print something on the frontend are passed as values of the shortcode itself:

    [shortcodelic-progress unit="%" percent="25" barcolor="#34b96c" trackcolor="#eeeeee" style="pie" linewidth="20" size="130" animate="2000"]Design[/shortcodelic-progress]

    The other kind is different, because all the values the plugin needs to print the result on the frontend are stored in the custom fields of the post/page where you generate the shortcode itself:

    [shortcodelic-slideshow slideshow="2"]

    In this case the only value that the shortcode passes is the ID of the slideshow (“2”). The only things that the plugin needs to print the result are the ID of the shortcode and the ID of the post (if not specified the ID of the post will be taken from the post itself).

    If you want to take a particular shortcode generated on a post or page and display it on a different page, you only need to copy and paste the shortcode from the shortcode generator box, where is also specified the ID of the post:

    [shortcodelic-slideshow postid="42" slideshow="2"]        

    In this case you can display a particular shortcode on all the pages, despite of the page or post you used to generate it. Just remember that, if you delete the post/page where you taken your shortcode from, you will delete the values of the shortcode too.

    What’s included

    Shortcodelic comes with PixGridder page composer, a premium WP plugin available on CodeCanyon (click here).

    It provides a useful admin panel to set the default settings, compile custom CSS etc.


    • multi layer slideshows, with many effects, drag & drop preview, CSS3 acceleration, touch events, full-width and full-screen option
    • tabs and accordions, with responsive layout
    • responsive data and pricing tables
    • advanced Google maps, with custom styles, custom multiple markers, streetview option available, routes available
    • carousels to display image and content (from posts too)
    • font icons from
    • animated tooltips
    • progress bars and pies
    • infinite custom button generator
    • infinite text box generator
  • Lister : A Highly effective Content material Organizer (Interface Components)

    Lister : A Highly effective Content material Organizer (Interface Components)

    Lister is a Fully Responsive tool aimed to quickly make your lists look great and attractive. With Lister you are not limited to only the traditional ‘vertical’ lists, and also can order your items horizontally, making your content look much more organized and semantically logical.

    New in Version 1.5 : To-Do Lists!

    Lister support hundreds of icons (Font Awesome (version 4 included!), IcoMoon, Fontello), numbered lists (Inc. Roman) or alphabetic order. You can further style the Icons, Positioned and assigned on-hover animations.

    You can achieve almost any grid-style structure with Lister, as it lets you choose the amount of columns, and assign fixed heights to Items.

    I’ve added an Examples Page for Lister with plenty of examples to get you started, this page will be constantly updated : Lister Examples

    Lister was designed to look great out-of-the-box, and to be implemented without entering a single line of shortcode.

    Lister’s Features :

    • 7 List Themes, 10 Color Schemes, 6 Icon Shapes & 9 on-hover Animations.
    • 2 Shortcode Generators, one for List and one for Items.
    • Hundreds of Icons (Supports Font Awesome, IcoMoon, Fontello and more)
    • Complete CSS control. Supports the HTML5 ‘style’ attribute. Provides pseud-unique IDs, and allows the assign unique classes.
    • Light & Quick. Lister loads no Javascript and is based on CSS3 alone.
    • Responsive! Lister is flexible and responsive from the get-go, and allows you to enable/disable responsiveness per list (and limit to big/small screens)!
    • Compatible with All Major Browsers (Mobile / Desktop).
    • Supports Nested Lists.


    I’ll do my best to provide quick and free support to any question you might have. moreover, I’ll be happy to add any feature you find missing, and/or quickly fix any bug you might encounter.

  • Caretta Icons Shortcode (Interface Components)

    Caretta Icons Shortcode (Interface Components)

    Caretta Icons for WordPress is a new way to include icons to your site. No more need to customize images, now all is done in your WordPress editor. Icons can be any color, any position, any rotation and any size.


    • Easy to use
    • Full customization
    • 251 basic icons
    • Vector icons
    • Multiple uses on page


    Give us your support

    If you’ve purchased the plugin and like it, please, rate the plugin . It would be the greatest help.

    This shortcode works with:


    • 1.0
      First Release
  • Adventure calender WP (Calendars)

    Adventure calender WP (Calendars)

    Event calender wordpress is an Event Management plugin for wordpress. This plugin will enable event management in your wordpress.

    Adding event is very easy. Just add event on Event custom post & embed using this shortcode


    You can embed event anywhere like page, post or in widgets by shortcode.

    You are able to create event category & can embed event from specific category by using this code

    [events category="Category Name"]

    You can change event color theme too. Check this plugin documentation for more info.


    • Easy to add event via custom post.
    • Unlimited colors.
    • Supports shortcode or iframe on event.
    • Responsive for all devices.
    • All Major browser supported.
    • Translation Ready: Include MO and PO language files for you to easily translate it to language
    • Video documentation.
    • Minimalist (only 20KB).


    v1.1 (November 28, 2013)  * Added Multilingual support.

    The jQuery version of this plugin created by TahmidurRafid

  • Layered Popups (Interface Parts)

    Layered Popups (Interface Parts)

    Internet is full of boring popups. So, it’s a time to break this trend. That’s why I created “Layered Popups”. With this plugin you can realize your imagination and make unique multi-layers popup windows. You can create multiple layers with whatever-you-want content and add custom transitions/animations for each layer. You can embed AJAX-ed subscription form which works with autoresponders (MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, iContact, Campaign Monitor) and collect users’ names and e-mails. You can raise popup window on page load or show it on click event. You can make your website more attractive and pay users attention to certain stuff.

    This is WordPress plugin. For non-WordPress websites try Layered Popups – Standalone Script.


    Please visit official Layered Popups demo page and check out demo popups. With “Layered Popups” plugin you can create your own popups. You are limited only by imagination. :-)

    Premium Packs
    Business Pack for Layered Popups
    Christmas Pack for Layered Popups


    • Unlimited number of popups: create as many popup as you wish.
    • Multiple layers: each popup can contain any number of layers.
    • Custom layer duration/animation: customize layer duration/animation with ease.
    • 600+ Google Fonts: use any of 600+ webfonts.
    • Subscription form: AJAX-ed name/e-mail subscription form.
    • Autoresponders supported: MailChimp, GetResponse, iContact, Campaign Monitor and AWeber (beta) supported.
    • Export/import feature: you can easily export popup settings from one website and import to another website.
    • On-page-load event handler: raise any popup on-page-load event.
    • Different popup per page, post, custom post type: assign different popup per page, post or custom post type.
    • Auto open delay: popup window might be opened with delay.
    • Display modes: you can display popups every time, once per session or only once.
    • Remember subscribed visitors: plugin set cookie on user machine to avoid repeated popups for subscribers.
    • On-click-event handler: show any popup on-click event.
    • CSV Export: list of subscribers can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any newsletter systems.
    • Set of predefined popups: use any of 11 predefined popups as a template for your work.
    • Design your own popups: it’s easy – check out video tutorial. :-)
    • Responsive design: popup window looks nice on small screen devices.
    • Realtime preview: edit popup/layers and view changes immediately.
    • Opt-in locker (optional): users must subscribe to close popup.
    • Shortcodes supported (experimental): add WP shortcodes into layer content.
    • Attach popups to menu items: it’s easy – check out video tutorial. :-)
    • Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
    • Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
    • WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.


    1. Install and activate the plugin. Once activated, it creates menu “Layered Popups” in left side column in the admin area.
    2. Click left side menu “Layered Popups >>> Settings” and configure “on-page-load” event handler if you need it.
    3. Click left side menu “Layered Popups >>> Create Popup”. Create and customize your popup and it’s layers. You also can use pre-defined popup as template for your modifications.
    4. Read FAQ section (“Layered Popups >>> FAQ”) to find answers for most common questions.
    5. Enjoy your popups.

    How to create new popup

    Please watch this video tutorial. It shows how to create new popups.



    An incredible plugin. Phantastic. It works perfect and the settings are so comprehensive AND easy. Love it.


    Excellent plugin, great creative idea and 1st class support.


    Excellent idea. Really opens the door wide for creativity. Nice work!


    What can I say, oh yes luv it, luv it, luv it!!! It’s an awesome plugin.


    Wooooow, is this great! Finally something really special here at the WP plugins!!! Very useful, very stylish, very flexible!


    This is the first layered animation POPUP I’ve seen in the market. Congratulations for this excelent WordPress useful file.


    Very neat! Exactly what I was looking for ;).


    If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contact me and I’ll help you.

    Popups Repository

    Let’s start layered popups repository. If you created nice popup and want to share it with others, please send exported file to and I’ll include it into repository which will be available for all “Layered Popups” users.


    2013-11-18 – version 1.70 released

    Added feature to add different popup per page, post, custom post type through post/page editor.

    2013-11-10 – version 1.65 released

    Opt-in locker
    Multisite installation support
    Autoclose delay for on page load popups
    Option to send subscription form details to admin
    ESC-button handler

    2013-11-07 – version 1.62 released

    Added option to attach popups to menu items

    2013-11-02 – version 1.60 released

    Added AWeber support
    Added shortcode support
    Added 2 more demo popups
    Improved video popups
    Fixed FireFox issue

    2013-10-30 – version 1.40 released

    Initial Release


    1. Fugue Icons [icons]
    2. Farm-Fresh Web Icons [icons]
    3. Mountains of Christmas [font]
    4. Open Sans [font]
    5. Walter Turncoat [font]
    6. Christmas Icon Set [icons]
    7. The City from the Shard [image]
    8. Fast Icon [icons]
    9. Wallpapers Business Graph [image]
    10. [image]
  • PPM Accordion Final (Interface Components)

    PPM Accordion Final (Interface Components)

    Add the best accordion in your site only with a few clicks!

    As many as you want!!

    PPM Accordion allows you to add multiple accordions in your WordPress website. It can be in posts, in pages, in sidebars, or anywhere you want. There is no limit to what you can do. Unlimited colors and Four attractive designs make the plugin unique and a MUST-BUY for everyone who wants to create a website with beautiful accordions. (See Demo)


    We provide you a detailed installation guide/documentation with the plugin, which enables anyone to set up marvellous accordion(s) for their websites without any proior knowledge of web design or development.

    Key Features:

    • Responsive Layout – Appears perfectly in any device.
    • Uses the most advanced ShortCode system of WordPress.
    • Doesn’t create any PHP error. It won’t conflict with anything you currently have on the site.
    • Easy Installation and Set up method – Easy for anyone to use the plugin without any prior web design knowledge.
    • Unlike other plugins, you can create as many accordions as you want, in the same post or same set of codes. It won’t create any issues!
    • Four amazing styles – Enough to glaze your eyes
    • Supports UNLIMITED colors – Match the accordion with your website’s color scheme without any problem.
    • Allows you to use any of your existing posts as the content of the accordion. Or you can create custom post items to create accordions.
    • Customize the plugin as per your needs, using CSS

    And a lot of other features!!!

    Simply purchase the plugin and give your website/blog a professional facelift with the PPM accordion plugin. Get amazed with the features of the plugin and amaze your visitors for only a few bucks!