Author: alex

  • Mailchimp Customized Popup Subscription for WP (Newsletters)

    Mailchimp Customized Popup Subscription for WP (Newsletters)

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    MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription for WordPress

    “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin is an amazing email subscriber plugin which allows the site Admin to create Custom Popup, place YouTube/Vimeo embed videos, image or any sort of HTML or custom content in the subscription popup and the Visitors can Subscribe their email to the MailChimp subscription list. It is flexible, best and simple way to subscribe email for newsletter. Admin can set “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin through a Popup style which has various display options or Admin can add this into a widget area.

    If you want convert the visitors to your members or subscribers then the Custom Popup is the best solution to tell the users why they should subscribe or to show them a new advertisement or Banner on the popup to allure them get subscribed.

    If you want your website to reach every reader, you have to use email and “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin will be useful to promote your company to the general people.

    “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin is very useful for those people who need to send Newsletters to users. This powerful plugin allows users to collect and manage emails & newsletters with an easy way.

    “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin has some excellent features and very easy to install or setup. “MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription” plugin is more flexible and compatible with many existing plugins in the WP repository. This Plugin is fully customizable. Users can easily configure the plugin into the new or existing WP websites. This plugin is compatible up to WordPress Version: 3.7.1.

    Front View of this Plugin:

    Some Popup Samples

    Features of MailChimp Custom Popup Subscription

    • Admin can show the subscription form into the Popup and/or Widget area.
    • Fully customizable and many advance features for the Popup design like
      • Admin can design the custom popup according to his website template using html editor.
      • Admin can place YouTube/Vimeo embed videos, image or any sort of HTML/custom content in the subscription popup.
      • Popup display time can be set like after 1minute, 1day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.
      • Admin can set the “Display option” for Home, Pages only, Single post only, Archives only or for All pages.
      • Admin can customize Popup width, height, background color, border color, overlay color.
      • Admin can active/deactivate the popup.
      • Admin can set the subscription mandatory or not.
      • Button text, button color and button hover color can be customizing from admin.
      • “Subscription Success Message”, “Subscription Text Box” and “Subscription Button Designs” are customizable.
      • Admin can set the “Container Border Radius” and “Bottom Content position”.
      • Two color boxes are for to set the Gradient color and if you want to make Gradient color, it will be better to use light and deep combination. If you not use Gradient then put one field blank.
    • It has option to send email newsletter to registered user.
    • Very easy installation and setup.

    Features of the Widget section of admin

    • Admin can customize the Title and title color of the Plugin.
    • Admin can set the Title in three positions.
    • Admin can put the custom text above the email text box.
    • Admin can set Button text.
  • Sendy Widget Professional (Newsletters)

    Sendy Widget Professional (Newsletters)

    Sendy is a self hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails via Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). This makes it possible for you to send authenticated bulk emails at an insanely low price without sacrificing deliverability.

    This a wordpress plugin for integrating the sendy newsletter application


    • Support Multiple list subscription
    • Ajax Enabled
    • Javascript Validation before adding user
    • Curl enabled , user never leaves your site
    • Subscriber count in Frontend of widget
    • Encourages the collection of only information that you actually need i.e. an email address (or name if you want)
    • Show number of users already subscribed to list in frontend

    For Installation and documentation , please check the documentation folder inside the download or you can visit the link

    Note: You need Sendy installed on your server before you can use this plugin

  • Gravity Kinds Easy Drip – Autoresponder Addon  (Newsletters)

    Gravity Kinds Easy Drip – Autoresponder Addon (Newsletters)

    I love Gravity Forms for WordPress and it’s cool how it already sends simple user email notifications. Why not just also managed my simple autoresponder campaigns as well!!

    Now it can with our new powerful time delay feature!

    Gravity Forms Simple Drip Autoresponders Addon for WordPress is the easiest way to create a simple autoresponder campaign – a.k.a. email drip campaigns – using a plugin you probably already have!

    Easy to Use

    To create a dead simple autoresponder/drip campaign, follow these easy steps:

    1. Upload and activate the GF Autoresponders plugin
    2. Create a form (or use an existing one)
    3. Create a new form notification
    4. Configure the recipient, in most cases select “email field”
    5. Enter your email copy in the WYSIWYG editor as you normally would
    6. Select “Set Time Delay”
    7. Enter how long you would like the email to delay until send!
    8. Presto! You’re done.

    Only steps 6 and 7 are ones that you would not normally do! Super Simple!

    Once the user has submitted a form entry and time delay has been triggered, the user will receive your pre-determined email message in plain text format. No need to use external email marketing programs such as MailChimp, Aweber or Constant Contact to create dead simple autoresponder campaigns. No added fees, APIs Keys, no limits, less hassle!

    Perfect for any content and email marketing strategy using WordPress!

    Schedule simple follow up emails to convert more sales!


    GF Simple Autoresponder is an addon for the very popular Gravity Forms WordPress premium plugin. A Gravity Forms license is required in order to use this plugin.

    WordPress – Tested with WordPress version 3.7.1


    Upload the GF Autoresponder Plugin into WordPress
    Activate the Plugin
    A new option for “time delay” will be added into Gravity Forms’ native Notifications settings.


    1.0 – Initial Release – 11/11/13
    1.1 – Minor bug fix – 11/27/13

  • Practice My Weblog Put up – WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    Practice My Weblog Put up – WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    follow on envato
    follow on facebook

    Follow My Blog Post plugin allows your users to follow changes on a particular post/page for your WordPress site.


    • Visitors can opt to follow the post, page, category, tags etc with or without creating a user account.
    • Visitors can unfollow any post, page, category, tags etc at any time using a link from email or from website via unfollow button.
    • Followed posts displayed with number of unique visitors following the post.
    • Administrative panel to view page/post wise followers and Terms wise followers with option to disable the follow for any follower.
    • Ability to send confirmation email for the actions like subscription and unsubscription.
    • Ability to send email notifications for any new post added in defined category or tags , edit any post/page or comment added on any post.
    • Each post, page, or custom post type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to disable follow button or disable Email notification for particular post and have options to set different email template for new post, edit post and comment notification.
    • Includes shortcodes to add “follow post button” or “follow terms button” on any page or post at any position.
    • Logged In users would have a page where they can see all the posts/pages they follow and all the terms they follow with the option to unfollow button.
    • Works for any post, page or custom post type and for any category, tags or any custom taxonomies created on your blog.
    • Works for any E-commerce plugins like WooCommerce, WP-e-Commerce, Easy Digital Downloads or Jigoshop.



    Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.


    Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you’re still stuck you can contact through our support platform or email us on for any pre-sale inquiry only.

    Change Log:

    = Version 1.2 (2013-12-04) =
    * [*] Bug fix for "Enable Follow Button On" setting.
    * [+] Added Html email template, preview email and send test email features.
    = Version 1.1 (2013-11-29) =
    * [+] Added option to send emails notification for comments.
    * [+] Added option to follow any category or tags or any custom taxonomies so 
          followers will get an email when any new post published for that term.
    * [+] Added shortcode to follow any term.
    * [*] Updated shortcode to follow any post with more options like disable followers 
          count, set custom messages for each shortcode etc.
    * [+] Added email templates for new post and comments.
    * [*] Modified the logic of unsubscribe URL so now all users would get common 
          unsubscribe URL but they need to confirm their request for unsubscription by 
    * [*] Modified email sent logic so now all emails will get sent as "bcc:" to all 
          followers to make the process faster of sending emails.
    * [*] Modified Edit post notifications logic so now users will get a checkbox labeled 
          "Notify followers for this update".when this checkbox ticked, then only followers
          will get email for update the post.
    * [*] Make Design of popup and Subscription Management page responsive and 
          mobile friendly.
  • AB Easy Subscribe WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    AB Easy Subscribe WordPress Plugin (Newsletters)

    AB Simple Subscribe is a simple Ajax driven WordPress plugin that generates subscribe to mailling list form. User mailing list subscriptions can be exported in CSV file format (comma separated values) so it can be easily imported into email client or newsletter software.


    • Ajax Driven Form
    • Export to CSV
    • Shortcode Powered
    • Responsive Ready
    • Translation Ready
    • Major Browser Supported
    • Valid HTML5
    • Documentation
    • Customer support

    Please Rate

    If you like our work please rate it.

  • Subscribe by means of Electronic mail Plugin for WordPress (Newsletters)

    Subscribe by means of Electronic mail Plugin for WordPress (Newsletters)

    WordPress: Subscribe by Email Plugin

    WordPress Subscribe by Email Plugin , enables your site readers to subscribe to your post updates. This plugin does not need any special requirements to run. It is a simple FeedBurner subscription plugin for WordPress Powered sites. It adds a beautiful popup subscription form for FeedBurner subscription. Your readers can simply subscribe for Email Delivery via FeedBurner; Just by registering their email Address.

    Subscribe by Email Plugin Features

    • Popup Subscription Menu
    • Subscribe for Free Email Alerts
    • Delivery through FeedBurner
    • Easy Blog Subscription Form
    • Track you Subscribers Statistics (via FeedBurner Stats)

    Read Quick Starter Guide, to Learn How to Use WordPress Subscribe by Email Plugin to boost your site’s subscription performance and increase you subscribers.

  • Subscribe Take a look at Field (Newsletters)

    Subscribe Take a look at Field (Newsletters)

    Subscribe Check Box is a powerful, inline add-on for ‘Ad Plus List Building PopUp’.

    Requirement: Ad Plus List Building PopUp 2.6 or later

    What is this and how it works?
    This is a powerful add on which allow you to display subscribe check box ‘before the comment box’ and ‘right above the register button in your registration form page’.
    Simply display subscribe check box and grow your subscribers list MORE than your imagination.

    A. Key Feature

    • 1 click installation
    • Subscribe Check Box Before Comment Box
    • Subscribe Check Box Right Above The Register Button In Your Registration Form Page
    • User Subscribe Analytics
    • Excellent Customer Support (24h)
    • Lifetime free updates

    Update History

    UPDATE 1.0

     - First Release 

    Take a look at our other awesome WordPress plugins

    Stay connected for updates, support and promotions

  • eShop2Mailchimp (Newsletters)

    eShop2Mailchimp (Newsletters)

    Integrates eShop with Mailchimp service.

    When a customer makes a purchase, and he want subscribe to newsletter, he is added to Mailchimp List->Group->Subgroups.

    Opt-in confirmation

    You can choose one or two opt-in confirmation.
    1 .- When a new order is processed and the user accept “Subscribe me to Newsletter” in checkout page.
    2 .- With “Need confirm” option indicates whether Mailchimp is going to send the user a confirmation email.


    = 1.0.0 =

    • Start version.


    Use comments system is you have any question.

  • easyLetters (Newsletters)

    easyLetters (Newsletters)

    easyLetters is a wordpress plugin that allows users to live create static or dynamic newsletters based on predined themes or their own themes. The newsletter editor allow users to upload images, link images, edit the content of the template or create static content or use wordpress shortcodes to bring content to the editor and habilility to save the newsletter and send.

    • 6 Default Newsletter Themes
    • Create Your Own Theme
    • Unsubscribe Feature
    • Subscription Feature (Manual and WordPress Widget)
    • Forward Feature
    • View Newsletter In Browser Feature
    • Dynamic Content (Shortcodes from WordPress to your newsletters)
    • Add, Edit, Delete Campaigns
    • Add, Delete Groups
    • Live Newsletter Editing
    • Coder and Designer Workspace
    • Unlimited Subscribers
    • Easy to use and implement
    • UTF-8 Ready
    • More ++