Author: alex

  • Responsive wordpress Fb Albums Grid Plugin (Social Networking)

    Responsive wordpress Fb Albums Grid Plugin (Social Networking)


    The WordPress Facebook Albums Grid Plugin is a wordpress plugin that displays the facebook page albums of the saved user profile. The plugin includes a simple shortcode for displaying the facebook albums on the front end


    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Includes a lightbox to play the videos
    • Displays number of likes
    • Includes a subscribe button.
    • Responsive design

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

  • Feedo – WordPress Social Feed & Move (Social Networking)

    Feedo – WordPress Social Feed & Move (Social Networking)

    Feedo is a premium social stream and feed plugin for WordPress 3+ websites. It generates a feed of your favourite social network accounts.

    Supported social networks include: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest and Dribbble.


    • 9 supported social networks.
    • Endless networks and accounts on each feed.
    • Responsive Isotope layout.
    • Two color skins.
    • Awesome 48hr Support.


    = v0.4 [2013-12-01]
    * FIX: facebook API redeclaration when other plugins use it too.
    * FIX: twitter API redeclaration when other plugins use it too.
    = v0.3 [2013-11-13]
    * FEATURE: google plus activities support.
    * FEATURE: twitter pictures on feed.
    * FIX: fullscreen button on videos coming from facebook posts.
    = v0.2 [2013-11-05]
    * FEATURE: don't show facebook images.
    * FEATURE: social network css class to each block for custom styling.
    * FIX: includes modernizer required by isotope.
    * FIX: warnings when empty arrays.
    = v0.1 [2013-10-29]
    * Initial Release
  • Responsive wordpress Youtube Grid Video Gallery (Social Networking)

    Responsive wordpress Youtube Grid Video Gallery (Social Networking)


    The WordPress Youtube Grid Gallery Plugin is a wordpress plugin that displays the youtube channel of the stated user profile. The plugin includes a simple backend where users can set the youtube channel to show.


    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Includes a lightbox to play the videos
    • Displays subscription and video views statistics for the channel
    • Includes a subscribe button.
    • Includes playlists and all uploads
    • Includes a simple short code that can be used in wordpress pages or posts
    • Exhaustive documentation

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.


    • 02/11/2013 – CSS Issue Resolved
  • Slick Pins – Pinterest Feed Widget & Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Slick Pins – Pinterest Feed Widget & Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Easily add your most recent Pinterest Pins feed as a widget or add multiple feeds to any page or post using a shortcode generator!

    Supports linking directly to Pinterest or opening the pins in a lightbox, AND now supporting individual boards!

    If you like the plugin, please rate! If you do not like it, please let us know why in the comments (we want it to be great for you!)

    Slick Pins – Pinterest WordPress Plugin Features

    • NEW Add multiple specific pinterest board feeds to your pages using shortcodes or widgets.
    • Add a Pinterest feed to your pages using shortcodes.
    • Add a Pinterest feed widget to your website.
    • Works on responsive websites!
    • Display the most recent pins on your website from any Pinterest account.
    • Control the number of pins that you want to display.
    • Display a “Follow Me on Pinterest” Button
    • Control the size of the pin thumbnails
    • Link the pins to your pinterest page, or pull them up in a lightbox directly on the site!
    • Easy access to the rel and class tags, so you can use it with your favorite lightbox (we like colorbox).
    • Choose from large, medium, and small versions of the pins, as offered by Pinterest.
    • Very clean, well organized code with detailed in-line commenting.
    • Lightweight and fast, this baby will not impact page load times.
    • Fanatical support. We want your feedback!
    • Tested with WordPress 3.7.1



    November 13th, 2013 : v1.2.0
    Added Pinterest Board Capability to the widget
    Added Pinterest Board Capability to the shortcode
    Fixed issue that was causing empty images to appear when the number of available pins was less than the number specified by the admin.
    October 26th, 2013 : v1.1.0
    Added "Medium" Image Size Setting
    Added Shortcode Capability
    Added TinyMCE Shortcode Generator Button & Form
    Added ability to pull an unlimited number of Pin feeds into a page using shortcodes.
    October 24, 2013 : v1.0.1
    Added "Follow Me on Pinterest" Button Option
    October 23, 2013 : v1.0.0 
    Initial Release
  • Responsive wordpress Fb Album Grid (Social Networking)


    The WordPress Facebook Album plugin is a responsive wordpress plugin that displays the public albums of a facebook page on any wordpress post or page using shortcodes. The script is based on facebook’s graph API. This will not work unless your album is public and the photos are universally available.


    • Responsive Grid Design
    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Includes a lightbox to view the photos
    • The gallery an be included in a post or a page
    • Exhaustive documentation

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

  • Twitter slider & Person card for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Twitter slider & Person card for WordPress (Social Networking)

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    How it works?

    Display your tweets in a fancy way with this Twitter slider, you can show the tweets of an user,search or hashtag.

    Fancy sliders for your tweets!


    • Show tweets of an user, search or hashtag
    • The slider can be horizontal or vertical, with a lot of options to personalize it
    • Setup the speed of the transitions, display or not avatars which controls do you want for the slider etc.
    • Shows the information of your twitter account, checkout the twitter card!
    • Check the demoto see it in action!

  • TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Administration for WordPress (Social Networking)

    TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Administration for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Follow Us on CodeCanyon!
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    Dedicated Support

    TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Management for WP

    The number one problem facing small business and websites today, is the fact that they can’t effectively engage with their audience over social media. Social media services, such as Twitter, are arguably the most important resources to help small businesses grow. TCWP was created to help solve this problem, by allowing you to display your content on Twitter in a professional way, making what you have to say even more eye-catching, and ultimately help it reach the widest audience possible.

    Twitter Cards help you richly represent your content within Tweets across the web and on mobile devices. This gives users greater context and insight into the URLs shared on Twitter, which in turn allows Twitter to send more engaged traffic to your site or app. Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to that Tweet, which is visible to all of their followers.


    • Create and control individual Twitter Cards for every single one of your posts, as well as creating generic defaults and a specific Twitter Card for your blog’s homepage.
    • Update TCWP right from your Admin Dashboard using WordPress’ default update system and exclusive access to our secure server.
    • Custom Post Type Support
    • Translation Ready (.POT file included)
    • Multisite Compatible
    • Create Photo Twitter Cards (used by sites such as Instagram), Summary Cards, and Summary Cards with Large Images (used by most large news channels).
    • Supports Photo Cards, Summary Cards, Summary Cards with Large Images, Product Cards and Player Cards.
    • WooCommerce Support – Boost your sales through Twitter!
    • Complimentary WPLocation WordPress Plugin at $13 Value!
    • Complimentary Newslette WordPress Plugin at $13 Value!
    • Complimentary Newslette I/O WordPress Plugin at $12 Value!
    • Complimentary InfinityFusion (Version 1.3) WordPress Plugin at $12 Value!
    • Advanced Configuration Panel with Import/Export
    • Fully WordPress 3.6 Compatible
    • Comprehensive HTML Documentation
    • Dedicated Support Desk

    Why Do I Need Such a Plugin?

    • Twitter can make your brand go viral.
    • Easy access to thousands of new potential customers.
    • Drives traffic to your website.
    • Improves your SEO.
    • Helps to strengthen customer relations.
    • Easily promote special deals/products/services/events.

    Case Study

    As a test of the effect that using Twitter Cards has on traffic from Twitter, I use TCWP on my portfolio website:

    You can view the effect of installing Twitter Cards on some of my personal tweets: @harribellthomas

    Important Note:

    Setup of TCWP does require you to apply and verfiy your site with the Twitter Developer site, al of which is explained in great detail. Support will also be provided for this if required. Please also note that as the creation of cards is at Twitter’s discretion, they reserve the right to withdraw this ability at any time (although highly unlikely).

    If you want to use the TCWP in your theme on ThemeForest too please purchase 1 Extended License for each theme (as long as there is no Developer License available) you put on the marketplace!
    If you have questions about this agreement please contact us:

    Version 1.1.0 (16/10/13)
    - ADDED Player and Product Card Types
    - NEW Admin Meta Box Layout
    - Bug Fixes
    Version 1.0.1 (13/10/13)
    - Preliminary Big Fixes
    Version 1.0.0 (12/10/13)
    - Initial Release

    Page Views

  • Simple Fb Fanpage and Advertising Builder (Social Networking)

    Simple Fb Fanpage and Advertising Builder (Social Networking)

    Easy Facebook Fanpage Builder gives you the ability easy and fast to create custom Facebook Fan Page Tabs linked directly to your current WordPress site. If you can create something in WordPress, you can now do it in Facebook with Easy Facebook Fanpage Builder for WordPress.

    Latest version 1.2.5 from December 5, 2013 with new features: WooCommerce products display in your fan page with add to cart, Facebook Social Plugins shortcodes (full change log can be seen at the end of page).

    A new feature of Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder is available: Easy Facebook Contests provided from separate plugin.

    Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder demonstration




    Easy Facebook Contest

    This is demonstration of Easy Facebook Contest plugin for Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder.

    Why I need such plugin?

    • Facebook can make your brand go viral.
    • Easy access to thousands of new potential customers.
    • Drives Traffic to Your Website.
    • Improves your SEO.
    • Create strengthens customer relations.
    • Create amazing promo campaigns and attract new fans.
    • Easy promote your special deals, products, services, events.
    • Fan Gate is a quick and easy way to utilise the power of Facebook to grow your brand, get ahead of your competition and spread your company’s message for very little effort.
    • Share Gate – a quick way to make your page popular (new from version 1.1)
    • Facebook Sweepstakes – one of easiest ways to increase number of fans or your mailing list with potential new customers.
    • Facebook Application Manager – allows you to manage unlimited applications and fan tabs from one WordPress installation (new from version 1.2.2)
    • Facebook Contests – allows you easy to run unlimited number of Facebook Contests. This function is provided from Easy Facebook Contest plugin which you need to purchase separately.
    • WooCommerce product display – easy way to promote your products with option to add to cart in your fan page and purchase from your current store.
    • Facebook Social Plugins to promote your site


    • Easy integrate into your current WordPress site and start delivering content
    • Create Unlimited Facebook Fan Pages
    • Create Fan Pages quickly with easy to use Page Builder
    • Works with your 3rd Party Plugin your have installed
    • Create amazing pages with advanced design options
    • Fan Gate – display different content for fans and non-fans
    • Share Gate – display specific content only when users share your page
    • Integrate Facebook comments, send and like with easy to use shortcodes
    • Facebook Sweepstakes and Giveaways
    • Facebook Application Manager
    • Facebook Social Plugins  – Like Button, Send Button, Share Button, Follow Button, Embedded Post
    • WooCommerce products display

    WooCommerce integration

    With version 1.2.5 you can use shortcodes to present your products into your Facebook Fan Page. You can display:

    • Recent Products
    • Sale Products
    • Best Selling Products
    • Featured Products
    • Single Product Information
    • Products from specific category

    You will have add to cart button which is connected with your current store and when user wants to purchase product he can added it to cart in Facebook Fan Page and it will automatically appear in his cart in your store where he will be able to make actual purchase.

    Please note that this is not full implementation of social commerce solution which will integrate your current store into Facebook. Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder allows you to display products into your Facebook Fan Page with option to Add To Cart or display single product page with option Add To Cart. When you display list of products and user wants to see detailed information he will be redirected to your actual store (opens in new window). To make actual purchase you need to place link which will redirect users to cart page on your site where he will be able to checkout.

    Advantages of Fan Gate function or why a Facebook Page needs to have a fan-gate

    A ‘fan-gate’ (otherwise known as the ‘reveal tab’, ‘like-gate’ or ‘fan-only’ content) is Facebook functionality that enables marketers to display one type of content to fans and another type of content to non-fans.

    This ‘hidden’ content may be a:

    • Discount Voucher
    • Free Download
    • Exclusive Video or Images
    • Insider Information
    • Or anything else your company has to offer.

    It is aimed at encouraging people to ‘like’ your page and become a fan. Example of fan-gate function you can preview in live demo

    Advantages of using Share Gate

    When you are using Share Gate function, your fans will need to share your message or page to unlock content. The message can link to your fan-page or to page you select and all of their friends will see it. Easy way to get more fans for your page.

    Advantages of running Sweepstake promotions

    Facebook users love sweepstakes, because they get a chance to win something with almost no efforts. Sweepstakes are one of the best ways to increase Facebook page engagement, spread the word about your brand, and grow your fan base or mailing list substantially. Combining sweepstakes with other marketing tools like fan gate and share gate can increase your fan base very quick.

    Pro’s of using a Sweepstakes:

    • Low barrier to entry (simple form completion)
    • Can work for a wide variety of industries
    • Easy receive key user information, important for future marketing such as e-mail or location

    With Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder you can easy ran Sweepstakes with only a few clicks. For full review of features please refer to documentation link at the bottom of this info.

    Live demo

    • Font end demo can be found at Easy Fanpage Builder For Wordpess Facebook page
    • Back-end demo can be seen here (username: demo, password: demo). Please note that back-end demo is not connected to actual front end preview. In back-end demo Facebook settings page is disabled – you may preview this part in screenshot section.

    Customers Feedback

    This plugin is perfect. In every way. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do. The amazing thing about this plugin has less to do with the code itself, as it does with the plugin’s author—wow, what customer service!! I have never met ANYONE so single-mindedly focused on making sure that my use of his plugin was everything I wanted it to be. Just plain flat-out STELLAR support.

    If you have any reason to use a plugin to integrate WordPress into Facebook pages, DEFINITELY use this plugin!!


    Please see the Easy Facebook Fanpage Builder Documentation to preview all of the features and read for special requirements that plugin require to work. If your current hosting does not meet requirements but you still wish to use plugin please see this tutorial how you can open another free hosting account just for your Facebook fan pages (without affecting your current site work).

    Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder Extensions

    Easy Facebook Contest

    More Premium Items

    Easy Social Locker


    ver. 1.2.5 (December 6, 2013)
       - Using default encoding from WordPress configuration to provide support for non-latin chars in installation process.
       - Added WooCommerce shortcodes to display products from your store
       - Added Facebook Social Plugins shortcodes
    ver. 1.2.3 (November 18, 2013)
      - Fix installation problem in latest WordPress versions 3.7+
    ver. 1.2.2 (November 5, 2013) 
      - Added Facebook Application Manager to store and run unlimited applications and custom tabs 
      - Fixes in Page Builder render 
      - Share Gate fix while rendering in Internet Explorer 10
    ver. 1.2 (October 30, 2013)
      - Added Facebook Sweepstakes
    ver. 1.1 (October 18, 2013) 
      - Added new marketing tool “Share Gate” 
      - Added clone page function to Page Builder 
      - Fix for work with Shared SSL 
      - Minor fixes over Page Builder work
  • Social Auto Poster – WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Social Auto Poster – WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    follow on envato
    follow on facebook

    Social Auto Poster lets you automatically post all your content to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
    The whole process is completely automated. Just write a new post and it will be published to your configured social network account. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends,
    readers and followers about your new post.


    Here you’ll find the main features that are included in our Social Auto Poster Plugin!

    • Allow auto-posting new posts to configured social network.
    • Ability to choose which post type you want to post.
    • Ability to post content on all your linked Facebook Accounts.
    • Ability to shorten long URL into a tiny URL.
    • Schedule your posts to configured social network.
    • Each Post, Page, or Custom Post Type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to set different title, account, text, template, link etc.
    • Unique URL genertated each time for wall post to avoid duplicate content error.
    • A clean & user friendly admin UI to manage everything.
    • Works for any post, page or custom post type created on your blog.



    Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.


    Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you’re still stuck you can contact through our support platform or email us on for any pre-sale inquiry only.

    Change Log:

    = Version 1.1.0 (2013-11-21) =
    * [+] Added option to shorten long URL into a tiny URL by or
    * [+] Added more options for Facebook wall post like allow to set custom image,
          custom caption etc.
    * [+] Added Auto posting feature for Twitter social network.
    * [+] Added Auto posting feature for linkedIn social network.