
Paul Gatter is a Clean & Responsive Personal HTML Template built with Bootstrap latest version.You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio. It is compatible all types of screens devices and platforms (Android, iOS & Windows) and also Well documented & very easy to customize. The design perfect for Developers/Designers, Professionals, programmers or photographers. It’s perfect to promote your work!

You will receive:

1). HTML/CSS/JS Files

2). HTML Documentation

Key Features:

01). W3C Valid HTML5 & CSS3

02). Bootstrap V3.3.7

03). Fontawesome Icons

04). Multiple Color Skin

05). Fully Responsive

06). SEO Optimized

07). Vertical Timeline

08). Filterable Portfolio

09). Well Documentation

10). Background Parallax

11). Custom Google Map

12). Clean Commented Code

13). Cross Browser compatibility

14). Easy to Customise


CSS Framework:

01). Twitter Bootstrap v3.3.7


01). jQuery by John Resig

02). Owlcarousel 2 by Bartosz Wojciechowski

03). Easing by George Smith

04). Waypoints.js by I Make Web Things.

05). Counter Up by Benjamin Intal

06). Background Parallax by Heather Corey

07). WOW.js by Matthieu Aussaguel

08). Isotope.js

09). Snazzy Google Map


01). Font Awesome

02). Google Free Fonts


01). Pixabay

02). unsplash

Note: All images used here are just for preview purpose and they are not included in main download files.