Job Board PSD Template Company)

JobPress – Job board PSD template is made for job seeker/head hunter/job market service & other related niches in the industry. It can be modified easily to meet your needs as well.

43 PSD files included – The design is very easy to work with and modify to suit anything you need.

PSD Files Included

Homepages & Other Pages

  1. homepage.psd
  2. about-company.psd
  3. about-team.psd
  4. faq.psd
  5. contact.psd
  6. contact-full-width.psd
  7. privacy-policy.psd

Job Pages

  1. pricing-plan.psd
  2. company-listing.psd
  3. candidate-listing.psd
  4. category-listing.psd
  5. job-listing.psd
  6. job-single.psd

Employer Pages

  1. post-job-pricing-plan.psd
  2. post-job-account.psd
  3. post-job-info.psd
  4. post-job-review.psd
  5. post-job-success.psd
  6. employer-profile.psd
  7. employer-favorite-candidate.psd
  8. employer-manage-job.psd
  9. employer-manage-application.psd
  10. employer-change-password.psd

Candidate Pages

  1. post-resume-general-info.psd
  2. post-resume-resume-info.psd
  3. post-resume-review.psd
  4. post-resume-success.psd
  5. candidate-profile.psd
  6. candidate-bookmarked-job.psd
  7. candidate-notification.psd
  8. candidate-manage-application.psd
  9. candidate-job-alert.psd

Blog Pages

  1. blog-grid.psd
  2. blog-single-fw-image.psd
  3. blog-single-fw-video.psd
  4. blog-single-fw-gallery.psd
  5. blog-single-fw-audio.psd
  6. blog-single-fw-link.psd
  7. blog-single-fw-quote.psd
  8. blog-single-sidebar.psd

Fonts Used


Icons Used


Graphics Used


Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.