Amari – Behance Portfolio HTML Template (Portfolio)

Amari is a responsive HTML portfolio template designed to get you hired and make your life easier.

Kill two birds with one stone by bringing Behance to your website. No longer do you have to update your website portfolio and your Behance. Now your Behance feed can come straight to your site acting as a CMS to manage your portfolio items.

Becuase this is a HTML template you’re able to customise it to however you please while still being able to easily maintain your portfolio items.

You can set up your website within one hour, all you have to do is add your Behance username and change text then you can upload it to your hosting. The documentation features easy step by step instructions on how to do it.

Template Features

– HTML, CSS. Sass and Js files
– Easy to use grid system
– Minimal design
– Step by step setup instructions in the documentation
– Easy to Customizes
– Free Google Web used

Sources and Credits

Fonts Used:
– Work Sans

Icons Used:
– Font Awesome

Jquery Libraries:
– skrollr.js
– behance.js

Note: To change the portfolio items to your Behance feed, all you have to do is change the user name and your Behance items will automatically populate the page. Updates may take 5 minutes to show up on the website.

Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.
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