Livid – Viral & Buzz WordPress Theme (Leisure)

Furious powerful WordPress theme for entertainment, it comes with powerful share buttons, option to allow page visitors or registered users to upload they own content. Visitors can vote for they favorite posts or share them on they favorite social pages. Furious creates its own statistics by post views, and sorts posts in to several groups, like hot, trending, popular, visitors favorite, most shared and just random posts.

One Click Install

Yes you heard right, Furious comes with one click install ,after activating theme you can choose what you want to install from our demo content, and in few seconds you will have a exact copy of our demo page.

Contact Form

Furious includes styled contact form whereby you can easy send e-mails.

Banner System

Furious has its own banner system, in which you can add images, text, videos or any other type of HTML code. You can add/edit all effects ( how often banners will show up, after how much seconds it will disappear, effects, fly in time e.c.). Also you can add header banners, single post banners, banners in sidebar and post listing after “x” post count.


Furious theme includes language (POT) files – now you can browse them easier and faster. This theme is easily adjustable to other languages by using PoEdit which is available free.

Sidebar Generator

You can create unlimited sidebars and add new sidebar for each post or page.

Mega Menu

Furious includes mega menu in which you can insert latest category posts or any other widget that you want.

Orher Features:

  • More than 600 fonts from Google Web Fonts
  • Drop down menu
  • Easy logo replacement
  • Dynamic sidebar generation functionality
  • Multiple types of making thumbnails
  • Automatic thumbnail from a gif animation
  • Left or right sidebar, and full width page
  • Awesome Fonts included (retina ready)
  • 404 Error page
  • Front page uploader
  • Masharer Social Plugin
  • And a lot more!