Simply Me Ingenious Portfolio WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

Just Me is WordPress theme for creatives, photographers, designers, bloggers, resume, portfolio & vCard. It has attractive modern layout based on fullscreen and colorful design. No coding knowledge is required which makes this template very easy to modify. It can be used for business personal, or showing your portfolio.


  1. Horizental & Vertical One Page Parallax.
  2. Two Variant Header.
  3. 9 Variant Slider
  4. Visual Composer
  5. One click installation
  6. Compatible with contact form 7
  7. Fully Responsive & retina ready
  8. Seo friendly
  9. Bootstrap components compatible
  10. Fontawesome
  11. Parallax background
  12. Dedicated Support
  13. Unlimited Color Schemes
  14. HTML5 & CSS3 Powered
  15. Cross browser compatible
  16. Very Clearly Documentation

Change Log

- Initial Release