Qnima – One Web page Multipurpose WP theme (Ingenious)

Qnima is One Page Multipurpose Responsive WordPress theme using Redux framework with great attention to details. Package includes 5 Unique themes in 1 WordPress theme : Corporate, Ecommerce, Mobile App, Resume and Tour.

You can modify layout, styling directly from within the powerful admin panel.

All themes comes with One page Parallax Effect and It is responsive and retina ready

extensive feature list for qnima wordpress
one page woocommerce wordpress theme parallax
corporate wordpress one page parallax theme
Mobile-ready resume wordpress theme
one page Mobile app theme support
 Tours and travel wordpress theme -Easy install sample data
 Responsive site
 Retina ready wordpress theme
 Specially design blog pages qnima
 Multipurpose wordpress theme
 Multi language support
 Technically sound theme

Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.
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