- Early WP 3.9 support
- HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery
- Fully responsive + retina display
- Mobile first approach (to optimize bandwidth for smaller screens)
- No images in the CSS – used font icons for HiDPI support
- AJAX based search, blog, comments and custom “Like” system
- Highly optimized code makes the theme .zip file just under 350 KB
- Step by step documentation + video guides
Responsive theme options panel (unbranded)
- Can manage header logo, site favicon, base color, background color, 600+ Google Fonts, toggle retina support, thumbnail crop alignment, menu options (uppercase and extra width for sub-menus)
- Ability to add Custom CSS style for further customization
- Set social icons in header or footer area
- Toggle share widget in post meta
- Toggle AJAX based components: search, blog, comments, like system
- Ability to backup and restore the theme options
- Updates automatically from latest ThemeForest (with username and API key)
- Custom post for projects with corresponding shortcode to display a filterable gallery
- Shortcode Generator in the TinyMCE editor: alert, box, button, call-to-action, feature, highlight, social link, accordion, latest projects, latest news, pricing table, slideshow, tabs, audio player, lightbox, map+video responsive containers, divider, grid
- Custom Widgets for Flickr and Dribbble
- Custom 503 Maintenance Page to use until you get things started
- Integration with Contact Forms 7, Simple Page Sidebars, WooCommerce, WPML
- Localization support (en_US.po) and RTL ready (also tested with WPML)
- Sample .xml file included to get the same page+post data as in the demo preview
- Features and Team Members are custom HTML+CSS parts (not available via shortcodes)
- Well documented with a quick video guide to get you started
- Fast support supplied for theme issues (usually the same day excepting weekends and holidays – I’ll respond to your message, that’s a guarantee)
Mar 2014 - Version 1.0
+ First Release
Sample Images