Shockmag: Journal/Blogging theme for fluctuate wants (Weblog / Journal)

slider slider

multi-column menu

ajax mega menu ajax mega menu

blogroll templates


category customizable

light dark

sticky sidebars sticky sidebars


footer layout

popular posts


sticky menu sticky menu

image slider

post views

monetization monetization

unique pre-made

Another features

  • User-Friendly Theme Panel & Customization
    The theme panel lets you to configure all theme settings, change theme colors, fonts, layout options at ease. Our Theme Panel is packed with powerful options to make your site more unique.
  • Responsive Google AdSense ready
    Shockmag is compatible with responsive AdSense units.
  • Shortcodes
    Useful shortcodes lets you to add buttons, boxes, columns, tabs, toggles, etc and have a lot of customization options.
  • Font Icons
    140+ unique & handcrafted icons come within the StrictThemes font. It’s awesome looks on Retina Screen. Using the icon font allows for easy styling of an icon in any color and size.
  • Sharp Retina Ready Graphics
    Your users can enjoy your website on any retina screen without loosing any details.
  • Advanced Typography with 650+ Built-in Google Fonts
    The theme comes with support for Google fonts. In the theme panel you can easily customise the font family and size.
  • Review system with 3 beautiful rating styles
    The option allows you to create elegant review post using a review system based on stars, points or percentages. Just add ratings to any standard post to turn it into a review.
  • Translation Ready
    The theme is completely ready to be translated into your language. Just translate the included language file. Furthermore the theme already comes with translation files for 6 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Greek, Russian, Ukrainian), thus if you’re using WordPress version one of those language the theme will be switched to your language automatically.
  • bbPress & BuddyPress
    The theme is fully compatible with bbPress and BuddyPress plugins.
  • Friendly support
    We are working to help every customer and to keep the theme’s documentation up to date. We are here for you to offer friendly help!
  • Advanced Lightbox
    Advanced Lightbox provides the best usability for website.
  • Post views that work with caching plugins
    By activating option un the theme panel, post views will be updated even when the pages is cached.
  • Popular posts in the last one week, one month, one year, all time
    Shows your most popular posts in the last one week, one month, one year, all time. It’s up to you which time period you will set from within the theme panel.
  • Build your own shop
    Shockmag is packed with the most e-commerce plugin – WooCommerce perfectly integrated with full features to create online store and sell your goods worldwide. WooCommerce widgets are also supported.
  • Photoshop PSD
    The theme comes PSD with files. This is useful in case you want to tweak the design.
  • PSD-logos
    You can use our PSD-logos as base to design a modern and stylish logo for your website.
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast supported
    The theme work with the most advanced SEO plugin which makes the pages easier for Google to scan.
  • GUI Shortcodes
    User-friendly buttons/dialogue system. No need to type or remember the shortcodes.
  • Boxed or Full-width
    This theme has the option to be used in a fullwidth or boxed layout.
  • Authors Page
    Dedicated Author page with social media icons directly integrated into the User Panel in the WP Dashboard.
  • 8 Post Formats
    Choose from standard, audio (embedded or self-hosted), video (embedded or self-hosted), gallery, image, link, quote or status formats.
  • Custom Widgets
    The theme comes with custom widgets built specifically for the theme which you can use on the homepage, sidebars and the footer.
  • Unlimited Colors
    The theme comes with a color picker so you can quickly and easily change primary & secondary colours.
  • Demo Content
    Theme includes the demo content which you can import to get started quickly.
  • Unlimited Sidebars
    You can create unlimited sidebars, and use different sidebar for each post/page even on category.
  • Sidebar Position
    Customize your posts and pages with custom sidebars. Set Sidebar position for any post or page: left, right or without.
  • Online Documentation
    Extensive documentation with images and step to step instruction. Can also be seen online.
  • Clean & Valid Code
    The theme has been created with respect to W3C & WordPress standards. The code is clean and readable.