Selasih final blogging journal (Weblog / Journal)


Selasih is designed for magazine sites, especially for Newspapers & blogs. It is highly customizable so it can match your personal taste and be quickly converted into a multi-purpose theme as well but it can also be used for simple personal blogs.
Made with modern responsive design, awesome typography and good visitor experience.

Theme Options Panel

Selasih comes with an advanced, easy to use theme options panel.

Responsive Design

Your website will look good on big monitor screens just as on tablets and mobile phones. Also, responsive mode is optional and it can be easily switched off through theme options.

Branding Fonts & Colors

Selasih provides options for unlimited fonts and colors as well as options to upload your logo and icons, depending on your taste. Add your personal touch to this theme.

Header Layouts

We also provide several header layouts to match your personal taste. You can have something more complex and place your ads and banners inside header.

Mega Menu System

Visual Composer

Selasih using Visual Composer Page Builder. this plugin included for free.

Post Filtering

Select posts from one or more specific categories, Order posts by date, number of views, number of comments or random, Display posts which are not older than specific time difference

Unlimited Sidebars + Sidebar styles + Sticky Sidebars

You can add as many sidebars as you want. Then you can assign specific sidebar to any post, page or a category. Also, you can have sticky sidebars on each template which means that widgets will be always visible while you scroll through the website content.

Keys Features

  • Powerful & super lightweight
  • Fully responsive build
  • Upload a custom logo and site logo
  • Powerful Mega Menu System
  • Unlimited Sidebars + Sidebar styles + Sticky Sidebars
  • Ultimate Content Ajax
  • Visual Composer Page Builder
  • Advanced Theme Options Panel
  • Built with valid HTML5 & CSS3
  • Smart Post Filtering
  • SEO Optimized
  • Cross Browser Support
  • XML Demo Data Included
  • Tested with the latest WordPress versions
  • Resourceful Customization Options
  • Fully translatable po/mo files included
  • Beautiful & Extensive Documentation
Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.
Decoration sticker
Decoration sticker
Decoration sticker