Nindarubi – multi purpose WordPress theme. Fit for web, magazine, newspaper, blog and corporate layout.
Nindarubi is Responsive WordPress theme; suite to create web, blog, magazine and news layout. Create your own layout with module layout builder.
Easy to use option panel and powerfull module system to develope your own web.
Translation ready. po/mo file include.
Flexible thumbnail. Generate from feature image, first post image or default image. You can also use image from net.
Unlimited color scheme
General features
Sources and Credits for preview
The above mentioned images are copyrighted to their respective owners, and are Creative Commons-licensed for commercial use, adaptation, modification or building upon. The images are used for demo purpose and are NOT included with the download.
I. V 1.0 08-11-2013: - Initial Release
II. V 1.0 08-13-2013: - Fixed minor installation issue - Fixed minor css issue.
III. V 1.0 08-22-2013: - Fixed minor installation issue
IV. V 1.1 09-23-2013 - Fixed compatibility issue with php 5.4 on admin panel