ForceFul- Fashionable Journal WordPress Theme (Weblog / Journal)

ForceFul- Stylish Magazine WordPress Theme

ForceFul is a stylish magazine WordPress theme which has really great look and is perfect for newspaper/magazine websites. Simple to use, ForceFul has been built by using some of the most popular current design trends and is completely responsive and retina ready, it bring you ultra responsive layout which fits best on every screen size and make your content visible on all devices.

ForceFul can be set up quickly and easily, whether you’re an experienced developer or occasional blogger. It’s designed to be customizable to exact requirements – putting you in control of the look and feel of your website in moments. ForceFul- responsive magazine WordPress theme is perfect choice for your magazine, blog and news websites.
This stylish magazine WordPress theme was designed and coded by KOPATHEME

Video Guides

Video guides show you how to use the theme

  1. How to set up ForceFul- Magazine WordPress Theme?
  2. How to customize layout for home page in ForceFul


  • Fully Responsive
  • Easy to customize layout with visual layout manager
  • Unlimited colors options with color picker in backend
  • Built with Boostrap and retina ready
  • HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design.
  • Custom fonts with 600+ Google fonts
  • Visual shortcode generator
  • Unlimited sidebar.
  • A lot of widget elements
  • Easily adding Google analytics, logo, favicon, social links …
  • Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome
  • Theme Update Notifier.
  • Localization Support
  • Documentation included

Change log

ForceFul - 1.0.6 (Released 2013-10-31) 
- Removed: IE scripts from wp_enqueue_scripts hook.  Added: lt IE 9 scripts in header.php before wp_head hook. (Fix IE display issue)
- Fixed: Weird spacing, page has gotten wider on 1920x1080 resolution screen
- Modified: date to date_i18n for weather widget to retrieve the date in localized format. 
ForceFul - 1.0.5 (Released date Otc 30/ 2013)
- Modified: header-top structure to fix problem with extra space at the right side.
- Added: comment from facebook for theme 
- Improved: Kopa Quick Sort widget supports ajax load more posts
- Fixed: problem when using multiple tab widget 
- Added: option for whether or not automatically add home menu item
- Added: option show/hide view count of posts

Version 1.0.4 ( Released- 26/10/2013) 

- Changed: 'Older Article' to 'Previous Article' in post navigation template .
- Added: option social links target 
- Added: option show/hide breadcrumb
- Added: option number of posts in header ticker 
- Modified: site markup structure, move r-color inside l-col to fix overlap content issue
- Added: id and classes for page content
- Added: body class for 404 template 
- Modified: styles for new site structure 
- Add New: option body text color
- Removed: fix height script
version 1.0.3 ( Released- 14/10/2013) 
-  Added Right to Left Languages Support 
-  Fixed: problem when left column height change 
-  Correct spelling: Lastest to Latest 
  Version 1.0.2 - 10/10/2013
- Added Single post rating system 
- Custom weather widget: you can customize the settings of weather widget.
- Fixed issue of displaying article view count
  Version 1.0.1-19/09/2013
- Improved: weather widget, auto detect customer location by ip,
display customer weather base on their city. 
- Added: show/hide for header headline. 
- Added: show/hide featured post thumbnail


  • Support through our support forum at
  • We are available for customize the theme if you need. Please send us your email at
    In working day (from Monday to Friday), all the question or problem related to our product will be responded within maximum 24 hours. No matter how long it takes, we will support you until the problem is completely fixed. Support request sent during weekends will be processed on next Monday morning.

Sources and Credits

The above demo images are copyrighted to their respective owners under Creative Commons-licensed for commercial use, adaptation, modification or building upon. The images are used for demo purpose and are NOT included with the download.

Whether you are a startup with limited resources and time or looking to give a magazine/blog look and feel to your next web project, ForceFul- Stylish Magazine WordPress Theme got you covered!