FashionPress WordPress Theme for Style Bloggers (Wpblog / Journal)

FashionPress – Responsive WordPress Fashion Blog

FashionPress is a stylish and creative wordpress fashion blog template packed with everything that you need to create a perfect personal fashion blog for you. You can easily add subscribers via built-in form that connects with MailChimp or you can add your Bloglovin profile and as a widget in a sidebar. We have integrated Polyvore into a basic blog post and now you can display your polyvore sets as blog posts on your website. The featured image will be automatically taken from your Polyvore set. We have also added 2 instagram positions, one below the content and the other one in the sidebar. The entire theme is translatable using WPML. We have payed close attention to responsive look of the theme and we have tested it on all major devices and resolutions. Styleflame is SEO ready as it supports SEO by Yoast. We hope that you will enjoy creating your own blog as much as we have creating this theme.

Add your Polyvore sets to your blog posts

With FashionPress you can easily display all of your Polyvore sets to your website. We have a smart “featured image detection” and all you need to do is to paste your Polyvore set and our blog template will automatically add a featured image from your set directly to your post along with all items from your set and with links towards that items the same way Polyvore does.

Bloglovin subscription box

You can add a Bloglovin subscription field anywhere in your sidebar using our pre-designed widget. Simply drag and drop it to your sidebar and you are good to go.

Create a shop with StyleFlame blog template

If you have a need for a shop or you plan to add one in the future, FashionPress is the template for you. We have added WooCommerce to our fashion blog theme with all functionalities and we have designed it to fit in the overall design of the theme.

Responsive and Retina

We are aware of how important mobile browsing is these days so we have payed special attention to responsive design. Every element has a perfect responsive design and it fits perfectly on all devices and resolutions.

Easy to use and manage

With one click demo install you can set up your theme in minutes and with our intuitive and simple to use backend you can play around with settings until you are satisfied with the look of the theme.

Publish your instagram tag at the bottom of the page with big images or place the feed in the sidebar.

WPML – Translation Ready

We have included a language menu in StyleFlame. It requires a WPML plugin and it is located on the left side of the menu.

MailChimp – Subscribe Form

FashionPress comes with a fully functional subscribtion form that is connected to your MailChimp account.

Blogovin Widget

You can easily place a Bloglovin subscription widget in any of sidebars available in StyleFlame.

Create Posts Out Of POLYVORE Sets

You can easily create blog posts out of your existing polyvore sets. Simply copy and paste and StyleFlame will do the rest.

WooCommerce Shop Intergrated

We have included WooCommerce functionality in FashionPress. The shop comes with all standard pages and it is designed so that it fits perfectly into the overall design.

Awesome Layout Combinations

  • Grid
  • Masonry
  • List

Preset Fashion Style Font Combinations

  • Josefin Sand bold / Droid Serif
  • Playfair Display Bold / Lora Regular
  • Old Standard Book / Gudea Regular

Funkcional Mega Menu

A cool mega menu with categories and posts with images. You can combine and play around with these amazing options.

Functional Theme Options

Play around with header & hero, post with image cover and preset font combos

  • Cool Header Options
  • Awesome Hero Options
  • Classic Card Post
  • Post With Image Card


All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.