BritaNews – Beautiful Animated Information/Journal Theme (Weblog / Journal)


BritaNews is a news/magazine theme that using CSS3 in finest ways. Build your layout with Drag and Drop content Builder. BritaNews comes with built in unlimited rating criteria in metabox. A combination between modern design and exquisite code. See the demo to view the impressive animations and transitions on every detail. It’s responsive design ready to look great on any device.

All Features:

  1. Drag and Drop Layout Builder
  2. Retina Ready
  3. Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  4. 12 columns grid system
  5. 10 Color schemes
  6. Responsive layout
  7. Responsive video
  8. 8 different Homepages
  9. 4 different Blog loop layouts

    1. Masonry
    2. Grid
    3. Big Thumbnail
    4. Classic
  10. Super smooth CSS3 animation effect
  11. Sliding side menu in Mobile device
  12. Animated Rating Bar
  13. Boxed and full width layout
  14. Included 18 seamless pattern background
  15. Icon font (using font awesome)
  16. News ticker
  17. Flickr Feeds
  18. Image Gallery with lightbox zoom effect
  19. Bonus: 23 HTML files


Image resources:

  2. The Lost Man Project
  3. Fotuwe
  4. deathtothestockphoto
  5. vonderauvisuals
  6. IdEA Meet up 2013 Photo Gallery

Javascript Libraries:

  1. jQuery 2.0.3
  2. jQuery Easing v1.3
  3. jQuery EasyTabs plugin 3.2.0
  4. jQuery FitVids 1.0
  5. jQuery Flickr Plugin
  6. jQuery FlexSlider
  7. jQuery Images Loaded
  8. jQuery wookmark plugin
  9. jQuery Sidr Menu
  10. jQuery superfish menu
  11. jQuery Prettyphoto
  12. jQuery Cookie

Framework Used:

  1. Aqua Page Builder by Syamil MJ
  2. Vafpress Framework by Vafpress

NOTE: All Images in Preview/Demo Site is for Demo Purpose Only, AND NOT included in the download file.