Presented modern design is mostly for creative and young people that keep pace of time. People who enjoy travel, foods, photography and activities outside of the social mainstream. Using BEEANCA theme you can easily show your stories, express yourself and photos. Especially if you’re independent thinking, have an appreciation of creative and intelligent. We life and travel to experience new things, find familiarity abroad and connect all the strange dots that make this world so unique yet so familiar.

And even if you don’t live or go to these places popular for hipster, take note that the WordPress blog will always be your best friend. Blogs by other hipsters. You might also be inspired enough to write your own blog frequently. If you’re really good at something like photograph, fashion, cooking or other creative things, you might find yourself making amazing discoveries that are light years ahead of everyone else’s thinking. This theme probably will be a natural choice for a hipster’s creativity. Keeping pulse on today’s life, enjoying life as it is, and taking it as simple as possible this is the lifestyle of a real hipster.

We hope that this theme for WordPress will inspire you for stunning posts from traveling, local trips and everyday life. We know that you need a simple theme and fully customable which you can manipulate in very short time and that’s why we’ve created BEEANCA a theme with modern look and user friendly setting navigation.