Fyrebox Hangman for wordpress (Widgets)


Build your own Hangman Game and install it on your wordpress blog to entertain your online audience! Fyrebox Hangman allows you to have an interactive HTML5 game on your wordpress blog with no coding necessary

What would you use a Fyrebox Hangman game for?

  • Entertain your users: Do you want your visitors to stay a bit longer on your website? A Hangman takes approximately 1 min to complete
  • Share your mission statement with your users in a fun and engaging way : Do you have a sentence that defines your company? A tagline ? A mission statement? Make a hangman Game with it!

How to build a Fyrebox Hangman Game?

All the content can be customised by just going to the “manage games” page of the plugin

Main Features

  • Loads ultra fast: All the code has been minified so it won’t slow down your website
  • Can be played on all mobiles: The quiz is using HTML 5 and Javascript so it can be played on any mobile. Please note that the hangman game is not responsive meaning its size is set at 700×400 px regardless on where it is displayed (desktop or mobile)