WP Theme Take a look at Power Reborn (Utilities)

Theme Test Drive Reborn


  • Test another wordpress theme while the original theme is active
  • Choose which role can test the theme to be tested
  • Choose specific administrator(s) only to test the theme
  • You can fully customize the new theme from the admin panel, which means that not only you can view the theme from the front end, but you can see the theme’s option and edit from the backend as well!
  • You can also prepare the website with the new theme before officially switching to it for public users!

Plugin Settings

  • Enable Plugin: Allows you to benifit from Theme Test Drive Reborn features when enabled!
  • Select Theme: Selects the theme which you want to activate for testing only and not for public visitors (You can choose who can view it)
  • Select Roles: You have to select which roles are affected. In other words, who is going to test the new theme.
  • Specific Administrators: You can also choose a specific administrator to test the theme.