Work file device (Utilities)

Work record system plugin allows you to store informations about your work commissions and display it as table on page.


  • Manage date (using datepicker)
  • Select status (Done, Unfinished, etc)
  • Choose your own type/category
  • Add contact (phone number)
  • Add place (adress, city, etc)
  • Upload photos (disabled in demo)

Demo access:

Link to admin page defined in live preview
Login: demo
Password: demo

  1. Download a plugin file from CodeCanyon.
  2. Log into your WordPress admin area.
  3. Go to “Plugins”, click “Add new” link at the top.
  4. Click “upload”, choose a file downloaded in the file selector field and submit the form.
  5. Click “Activate”
  6. Plugin’s interface will be available in admin area but can be included with [records] tag to any page.