wordpress Reviewr Professional (Utilities)

WP Reviewr Pro is a premium reviewing and rating wordpress plugin. With this plugin you can add reviews to any posts, pages and custom post types. This plugin also provides user based ratings that will allow the guest users and/or logged-in users to give ratings on the provided criterias. Want the reviews to show on your post? WP Reviewr gives you option to show the approved reviews under the post content.

This amazing plugin comes with responsive layout that will adapt to any devices resolution such as smartphones and tablets. Easily customize the color scheme using the provided color pickers to match the design to your current theme.

The plugin automatically enable the meta information for search engines. When used properly this information will display in the search engine result pages!

WP Reviewr Pro gives you an option to allow guest users and/or logged in users to provide reviews on every criteria you’ve added. This is a perfect solution if you are running a review websites that requires user rating.

Not just providing an option to get a ratings but to display them below each posts. Each criteria ratings will beautifully displayed with the users review.


  • Unlimited Colors
  • Unlimited Review Criterias
  • Schema SEO Rich Snippet Review Microdata
  • Allow Users Provide Rating on every criteria
  • Display approved reviews below the content
  • Reviews Widget (popular & most reviewed)
  • Shortcode for reviews
  • Retina Ready!
  • Responsive Layout

Still undecided? Try the free version first!

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