WordPress GeoIP Plugin

This plugin detects the country where your visitors are coming from and lets you manage different post and page contents based on that detection through a complete set of shortcodes. Your visitors can also select their own country, or any other country, if they want to see those contents.

WordPress GeoIP also provides a complete API that developers and advanced users can take advantage of, such as a number of functions, hooks and tools for synchronization with other plugins. This way, the API can be used as a helper for your e-commerce plugin of choice (WP e-Commerce and WooCommerce synchronization are built-in), to collect statistics based on country detection, to automatically localize your website, and any other country-related functionality you can think of.


  • Automatic country detection based on the visitor’s IP address.
  • Easily switching from one country to another.
  • Capability to keep a list of countries that you want to support.
  • A complete set of shortcodes to show specific contents based on country detection.
  • Info about country detection in your admin bar.
  • Built-in synchronization with WP e-Commerce country settings.
  • Built-in synchronization with WooCommerce country settings.
  • For advanced users, a number of functions, hooks and tools for synchronization with other plugins.
  • Localization file (POT) to translate the plugin to any language.
  • Contextual help tab with complete information about how to get started, how to use shortcodes and functions, and how to extend by using our hooks and synchronization tools.