WPDB dt Admin allows you to administrate the data in your WordPress database. You can consult, edit, insert and delete the data saved in your WordPress database tables in an easy way and make customized searches on it with the capacity of export it in CSV and Excel (XLSX) formats for use it later or in another application. You can also import information from CSV and Excel (XLS, XSLX) files directly in the table that you choose. Furthermore you can create backup of the structure and data of your WordPress database and also you can schedule backups to be executed and saved automatically. This application it’s useful also as a learning tool if you aren’t used to how WordPress administer the information of your website in a database.


  1. Easy Installation and don’t require any extra configuration to start to use it.
  2. It gives you the ability to consult, and edit the data saved by WordPress directly with an intuitive interface.
  3. Export and Import data in CSV and Excel (XLSX) formats.
  4. Create backups of the information in your WordPress database.
  5. Schedule backups to be executed and saved automatically.
  6. Save and download the backups in a compressed file (zip) to save space.


  1. WordPress 3.4 +
  2. ZIP extension for PHP enabled
  3. Permissions (0775 or 0777) on folders uploads, downloads and backups in the plugin folder