wordpress Christmas eCard (Utilities)

Are you searching for a greeting Christmas card? You’re on the right way!
I’m glad to present my new item – Christmas eCard for WordPress. It’s an advanced version of Christmas eCard and it has a lot of interesting features such as

  • GoogleFonts support for your text
  • 10 sound files included
  • 16 backgrounds included
  • Handy panel of settings
  • Preview in admin control panel
  • Ability to write your own greeting text
  • Ability to edit styles of text
  • Ability to set a text position (in the settings and in preview mode)
  • Ability to insert a link at the page or to open the eCard automatically
  • Ability of the eCard to be displayed in fullscreen mode
  • Using the Christmas eCard for WordPress you’ll be able to create your own design for a greeting card which will be appreciated by your friends, relatives, colleagues or partners. I hope that even the most exacting customer will be satisfied with this card.

    Have a good Christmas holidays!

    This plugin is quite big (includes 10 music files) and for that reason you’ll have to upload this card via FTP to the /wp-content/plugins directory.