Taxonomy and Meta Search WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

Taxonomy and Meta Search WordPress Plugin was created to allow you to create custom search forms for every custom post types you are using.

While developing this plugin we have tested it with WooCommerce and wp-property (2 of the most popular custom post type plugins available).

if you want to see this plugin in action feel free to take a look at our demo.

if you have any question drop us a comment right here on codecanyon or create a ticket at this URL

The plugin will allow you to manage an infinite number of search forms. The form editor is divided in three major sections: Setting, Select Post Type, Visual Builder.

In the settings section you can set general settings such as the form’s name, the CSS style, the result template.

In the second section you can select the post type you want to include in the search results. For WooCommerce the post type is: Product

The visual builder will allow you to create the form one step at a time, on a grid based structure. with rows and columns. In each column you can add the form fields (taxonomy, custom fields, or form buttons – submit/reset).

The search fields can be displayed as dropdown, checkboxes, radio boxes, sliders.

The documentation of this plugin comes with 1 tutorial video, and we will make more if you need, and make custom ones for buyers, on demand.