Speedy Composer – Visible Content material Builder (Utilities)

Rapid Composer – Efficient Visual Content Builder

Rapid Composer is a next generation visual content builder optimized for speed. It does not contain its own set of shortcodes but it contains smart shortcode mapper for quick mapping of shortcodes already mapped with Visual Composer and other shortcodes. It will pick and convert most of params already set with Visual Composer and generate JSON mapping which you can edit and save.

If you a developer, you can also use simple php mapping function.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!

– Simple but powerful visual content editor, uses React Virtual DOM for great speed
– No excessive AJAX calls – also very fast with operations unrelated to DOM
– Integrated undo/redo and clipboard (copy and paste single elements or stacks of elements across pages, export/import clipboard content)
– Clone and copy/paste columns (with indication of improper layout)
– Responsive columns with automatic width adjustment
– Quickly map shortcodes already mapped with Visual Composer with built-in smart shortcode mapper (also you can map other shortcodes)
– Use as standalone visual content builder or in parallel with Visual Composer
– Are you a developer? Map shortcodes using simple php mapping function
– Flexible mapping – you can create more than one column-like element at any nesting depth or more than one root element
– Create mappings using various input fields: text, textarea, color picker, image picker (one or more images from media library), dropdown, checkbox
– Content (WP TinyMCE editor is used to edit content) as a node – clone and drag & drop content wrapped by element
– Standard drag & drop functionality for all elements

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